Welcome from the Editor, Professor Carole Ferrier
Hecate is an interdisciplinary journal of women's liberation, edited by Carole Ferrier since 1975.
It is published by Hecate Press, in association with the Research Group for Women, Gender, Culture and Social Change Research, in the School of Communication and Arts at the University of Queensland.
Hecate acknowledges the support of Arts Queensland and the Literature Board of the Australia Council.
The Hecate website also plays host to the Australian Womens' Book Review (AWBR). The review has been published on-line from Brisbane since Vol. 13 in 1999; it prints reviews, by women, mainly in Australia and the Pacific region. All current and past issues (since on-line publication) are available to download from this site.
Hecate prints material relating to women, is an internationally-circulated refereed journal, and is published twice-yearly.
- We are interested in contributions which employ a Feminist, Marxist or other radical methodology.
- We also print creative work and graphics.
- Payment is made to contributors at the rates of $49.00 poem, $69.00 review / story, and $99.00 article.
- Research articles should conform to the style used in the journal.
- Contributions can be submitted via email to Carole Ferrier (c.ferrier@uq.edu.au), or typed and mailed in a self-adressed envelope to PO Box 6099, St Lucia, Brisbane, QLD 4067, Australia.
Information for Contributors
Email all submissions to the Editor, c.ferrier@uq.edu.au and to any Guest Editors notified for any particular issue. Creative contributions will be forwarded by the Editor to the Poetry Editor. All should include also, for the Contributors’ section, a brief biographical note with institutional affiliation when the research was done and other details you would like to include. maximum length 100 words.
We do not consider anything previously published in another journal or book, or under review elsewhere. Articles from any international location are welcome; for creative writing, however, it would be unusual for us to publish work by an author not living in, or with some connection to Australia. We pay contributors to the journal.
Style Guide and Referencing for Articles
Articles should be prefaced by an Abstract, maximum length 1000 words. These are published at the beginning of the article.
House style is Modern Language Association version 7/8. References to Works Cited are given in the text in brackets with Author name and page. Some examples of format for Works Cited are:
Ferrier, Carole. Jean Devanny: Romantic Revolutionary. Melbourne: Melbourne UP, 1999.
Rooney, Brigid. “’Those Boys Told Me Everything.’ The Politics of the Secretary in Christina Stead’s 1930s Fiction.” Antipodes 17.1 (2003): 29-35.
Lispector, Clarice. Agua Viva. Trans. Benjamin Moser. New York: New Directions, 2012.
Probyn, Elspeth. “Writing Shame.” The Affect Theory Reader. Ed. Melissa Gregg and Gregory J. Seigworth. Durham, N.C.: Duke UP, 2010, 71-92.
Uglow, Jenny, ed. Shaking a Leg: Angela Carter: Journalism and Writings. London: Chatto and Windus, 1997.
Please use double inverted commas and indent longer quotations without inverted commas. Use British/Australian spelling (-ise not -ize, for example), apart from in quotations.
Most institutional Libraries provide a summary guide to Referencing styles. If you wish, the Editor can mail you a copy of a recent issue of Hecate.
The journal uses national and international peer reviewers for articles, and their anonymous reports will be communicated to you when received.
Price list
- Individuals A$35 per annum
- Individual sustaining sub for 3 years A$100
- Institutions A$154 per annum
- Impecunious organisations and NGOs A$70 per annum
To subscribe contact Carole Ferrier, Editor.
Margaret Allen: Professor of Gender Studiesand Social Analysis, the University of Adelaide.
Ien Ang FAHA: Professor of Cultural Studies, Founding Director and ARC Professorial Fellow, University of Western Sydney.
Alison Bartlett: Associate Professor of Gender Studies, University of Western Australia, Perth.
Frances Bonner: Associate Professor, School of Communication and Arts, the University of Queensland.
Barbara Brook: Honorary Fellow, Victoria University of Technology. Former editor of Australian Women's Book Review.
Ann Curthoys: Professor and Honorary Associate, former Manning Clark Professor of History, Australian National University, and former ARC Professorial Fellow, the University of Sydney.
Devaleena Das: University of Minnesota, Duluth.
Maryanne Dever: Professor in Literary Studies, University of Technology, Sydney and joint Editor-in-Chief of Australian Feminist Studies Journal.
Raymond Evans: Adjunct Professor, Centre for Public Culture and Ideas, Griffith University and the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, the University of Queensland.
Lynette Finch: Writer. Former Senior Lecturer, University of the Sunshine Coast.
Suzanne Franzway: Adjunct Professor, School of Communication, International Studies and Languages, the University of South Australia.
Susan Gardner: Associate Professor of English, the University of North Carolina, Charlotte.
Sneja Gunew: Professor, Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice, the University of British Columbia.
Margaret Henderson: Senior Lecturer in Literature and Gender Studies, School of Communication and Arts, the University of Queensland.
Janette Turner Hospital: Adjunct Professor, School of Communication and Arts, the University of Queensland.
Jackie Huggins AM FAHA: Deputy Director, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Unit, the University of Queensland.
Prue Hyman: spokeswoman for the Coalition for Equal Value Equal Pay.
Helen Johnson. Honorary Research Fellow, School of Social Science, the University of Queensland.
Julie Kelso: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Society and Design at Bond University and Honorary Fellow, School of Communication and Arts, the University of Queensland.
Bronwen Levy: Honorary Fellow, School of Communication and Arts, the University of Queensland.
Aorewa McLeod: Writer. Former Senior Lecturer in English, University of Auckland, New Zealand.
Vera Mackie: Senior Professor of Asian Studies, School of Humanities and Social Inquiry, the University of Wollongong.
Susan Magarey AM, FASSA: Professor in History, the University of Adelaide.
Nicole Moore: Professor and Australian Research Council Future Fellow in English literary studies at UNSW Canberra.
Kathie Muir: Adjunct Senior Lecturer, Gender Studies and Social Analysis, the University of Adelaide.
Rebecca Pelan: Lecturer in English, University College Dublin.
Suvendrini Perera: John Curtin Distinguished Professor and Research Professor of Cultural Studies in the School of Media, Culture & Creative Arts, Curtain University.
Alison Ravenscroft: Associate Professor and Head of Department, Humanities and Social Sciences, LaTrobe University, Melbourne.
Lyndall Ryan: Foundation Professor of Australian Studies, University of Newcastle (Australia).
Kay Saunders AM: Emerita Professor and Honorary Research Affiliate, Insitute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, the University of Queensland.
Kay Schaffer: Emerita Professor in Gender Studies and Social Inquiry, the University of Adelaide.
Bonnie Kime Scott: Emerita Professor, Department of Women's Studies, San Diego State University and University of Delaware.
Susan Sheridan: Emeritus Professor, Women's Studies, Flinders University, South Australia.
Angela Smith: Emeritus Professor English Studies, founding member and Director, Centre of Commonwealth Studies, at the University of Stirling, Scotland.
Linda Tuhiwai Smith: Professor of indigenous education at the University of Waikato in Hamilton, New Zealand.
Ian Syson: Senior Lecturer in Communication with the College of Arts, Victoria University of Technology.
Chris Weedon: Emeritus Professor, Critical and Cultural Theory, School of English, Communication and Cultural Studies, University of Cardiff.
Gillian Whitlock FAHA: Professor of English, School of Communication and Arts, the University of Queensland.
Janet Wilson: Director of Research and Professor of English and Postcolonial Studies, School of Arts, the University of Northampton.
Index to Hecate Volumes 1-42.1 (1975-2016)
Initially prepared by Ian Syson and Allan Gardiner, revised by Carole Ferrier, Drew Whitehead, Claire Tanner, Kate Stevens, Lois Shedd, Stephanie Vidot and Tiarney Miekus. Updated to 42.1 by Hecate intern Clare Scrine, 2017
Listed alphabetically under author are all articles, poems, plays and stories, as well as original artwork and portrait photographs.
πo. “The Drover’s Wife.” Poem. 31.1 (2005): 24-27.
Abbasi, Hasti. “Dislocation, Feminine Writing, and Nomadic Experience in Shahrnush Parsipur’s Women Without Men.” 43.1&2 (2017): 62-77.
Ackland, Joan. "Vis." Poem. 19.2 (1993): 89-90.
---. "The Matriarch." Poem. 21.1 (1995): 69.
---. “The Outing.” Poem. 32.1 (2006): 57.
Adams, Susan. “Cold Hand of Smile.” Poem. 36.1/2 (2010): 168.
---. "Steeling." Poem. 37.2 (2011): 152.
Addison-Smith, Helen. "This Girl." Story. 29.1 (2003): 142-150.
---. "Black Fish." Story. 29.2 (2003): 328-34.
Adler, Louise. See Gunew, Sneja. 7.1.
Albiston, Jordie. "Armpit." Poem. 15.1 (1989): 23.
---. "A Body of Language." Poem. 19.1 (1993): 95-96.
---. From The Hanging of Jean Lee: "Girl Meets Boy", "The University Hotel." Poems. 24.1 (1998): 113-114.
Alexander, Sue. "'Womenwaves': Directions in Film and Video." 4.1 (1978): 113-19.
Alfred, Devika. "If Only in My Mind." Poem. 17.2 (1991): 162.
---. "The Way You Look." Poem. 17.2 (1991): 162.
Alice, Lynne. "Hot Property: Mutants, Metaphors and Radiation." 19.2 (1993): 39-59.
Allen, Davida. “Peta Reading to the Babies.” Painting. 39.1/2 (2013): cover.
Allen, Lorraine. Untitled. Painting. 25.2 (1999): cover.
Allen, Margaret. "The Brothers Up North and the Sisters Down South: The Mackay Family and the Frontier." 27.2 (2000): 7-31.
Allison, Dael. “Glass Woman, Owl House.” Poem. 31.1 (2005): 116-17.
Altman, Cathy. "Supermarket." Poem. 29.2 (2003): 304.
Alvarez, Ivy. "Along the Esplanade." Poem. 23.2 (1997): 38.
Amano, Miyuki. “A Cross Cultural Approach to Jane Austen’s Novels.” 34.2 (2008): 17-31.
Amsberg, Kiki and Aafke Steenhuis. "Interview With Luce Irigaray." 9.1/2 (1983): 192-202.
Andermahr, Sonya. “Mourning, Melancholia and Melodrama in Contemporary Women’s Grief Fiction: Kim Edwards’s The Memory Keeper’s Daughter.” 37.1 (2011): 27-45.
Anderson, Alison. "The Abortion Struggle in Queensland." 6.2 (1980): 7-13.
---. "Cleaning Up the Cosmos: Women Write About Pornography." 8.1 (1982): 97-101.
Anderson, Deb. "Climate Lived and Contested: Narratives of Mallee Women, Drought and Climate Change." 38.1/2 (2013): 24-41.
Anderson, Leslie J. "Twelve Ghosts of the Family." Poem. 38.1/2 (2012): 98-101.
---. "We Caught Small Mouth in the Kawigamug River." Poem. 38.1/2 (2012): 102-103.
Angel, Libby. "Distress Shop." 29.2 (2003): 302.
---. "No Think Tank." Poem. 29.2 (2003): 303.
---. "The White Dress." Poem. 29.2 (2003): 303.
Aoyama, Tomoko. “Jane Austen and Kanai Mieko: Comic Sisterhood.” 34.2 (2008): 4-16.
Apelt, Rachel. "Frontline Female." Photograph of soft sculpture/textile work. 22.1 (1996): cover.
Archer-Lean, Clare. “With Animal: Exceeding the ‘Absent Referent’ Through Maternity.” 42.2 (2016): 23-38.
Armstrong, Justine. “Solid.” Poem. 35.1/2 (2009): 305.
---. “A matter of chance.” Poem. 35.1/2 (2009): 306.
Arrow, Michelle. “Everywhere and Nowhere? Women’s History in Cultural History and Cultural Studies Journals.” 33.2 (2007): 169-179.
Ashley, Melissa. "Her Kind." Story. 24.2 (1998): 153-154.
---. “Elizabeth Gould, Zoological Artist 1840-1848: Unsettling Critical Depictions of John Gould’s ‘Laborious Assistant’ and ‘Devoted Wife’.” 39.1/2 (2013): 101-122.
Ashton, Kalinda. “ ‘There’s No Guarantee That the Future Will Be Worth It’: Government and Class in Amanda Lohrey’s The Reading Group.” 33.1 (2007): 154-170.
---. "Girls." Story. 34.1 (2008): 145-52.
Askew, Karen. "The Low Pink Ceiling: Trade Union Involvement in the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras: A Lesbian Perspective." 26.2 (2000): 65-68.
Astore, Mireille. “The Foreigner I Know.” 31.1 (2005): 104-112.
Atayurt. Zeynep Z. "Bodily Extremes: Female Embodiment in Claude Tardaf's Sweet Death and Jenefer Shute's Life-Size." 37.2 (2011) 89-100.
Attamimi, Mona Zahra. “Her Name.” Poem. 42.1 (2016): 115.
Attfield, Sarah. "Sunset." Poem. 23.2 (1997): 117.
---. "Company." Poem. 26.1 (2000): 55-56.
---. "The Gardener's Arms." Poem. 30.1 (2004): 247-248.
---. “’Worth our Salt’: Australian Working Class Women’s Poetry.” 32.1 (2006): 36-48.
Attwood, Bain. "'. . . In the Name of All My Coloured Brethren and Sisters': A Biography of Bessie Cameron ." 12.1/2 (1986): 5-53.
Austin, Annamarie. "Under the Steam." 3.1 (1977): 72-76.
Austin, Susan. “Driving her home drunk.” Poem. 37.1 (2011): 173.
Austin, Tony. "'Talking About Cruel Things': Girls' Life in the Kahlin Compound…" By Daisy Ruddick as told to Kathy Miles and Tony Austin. 15.1 (1989): 8-14.
Bacchi, Carol. "'Pragmatism' Be Damned: Richard Rorty's Death Wish for Feminism." 18.2 (1992): 97-105.
Bacchus, Ruth. "After the Fairy Tale." Poem. 21.1 (1995): 23-24.
Bach, Evelyn. "Sheik Fantasies: Orientalism and Desire in the Desert Romance." 23.1 (1997): 9-40.
Bagnell, Kate. "Across the Threshold: White Women and Chinese Hawkers in the White Colonial Imaginary." 28.2 (2002): 9-32.
Baguley, Margaret. "The Subversive Hearth: The Installation of the Domiciled Artist." 29.2 (2003): 166-181.
Bailey, Janis. “Mothers-and Others-in Union Protest.” 31.2 (2005): 114-135.
--- , Kaye Broadbent and Paula McDonald. “Focus on Women and Work Editors’ Introduction.” 33.1 (2007): 5-7.
--- , and Elizabeth van Acker. “Institutions and Activism around Women and Work at a Time of Change.” 33.1 (2007): 43-60.
Baird, Barbara. "'The Incompetent, Barbarous Old Lady Round the Corner': The Image of the Backyard Abortionist in Pro-Abortion Politics." 22.1 (1996): 7-26.
Baird, Marian, and Leanne Cutcher. “One for the Father, One for the Mother and One for the Country: An Examination of the Construction of Motherhood Through the Prism of Paid Maternity Leave.” 31.2 (2005): 103-113.
Baker, Gwenda. “‘Only Teachers, Nurses and Wives’: Women on Methodist Missions in Arnhem Land.” 33.1 (2007): 193-214.
Baker, Janet. "Feminescence." Poem. 5.2 (1979): 60-1.
Baker, Pam. "Spells." Story. 21.2 (1995): 44-48.
Bal, Mieke. “Loving Yusuf: A Story of Taboos.” 33.2 (2007): 14-30.
Ballangarry, Beatrice. "Our Story." 21.1 (1995): 146-148.
Baltodano, Commander Monica. Portrait photograph. 9.1/2 (1983): 110.
Barat, Urbashi. "Writing the Shelf: Taslima Nasrin's Autobiography and the Silent Voices of Bengali Feminism." 29.2 (2003): 215-227.
Barber, Connie. "Overweight." Poem. 14.2 (1988): 68.
Barber, Emily and Grant Caldwell. ‘Sexual Shame and Subjectivity in Lorrie Moore’s ‘Two Boys’.” 43.1&2 (2017): 131-147.
Barcelon, Josephine. "A Book of Laughter, Pain and Remembering." Rev. of Ninotchka Rosca, State of War. 15.1 (1989): 102-6.
Barclay, Anne. "Friends and Lovers." Poem. 14.2 (1988): 68.
Barford, Cherie. "A Tribute to Elizabeth Bligh." (From "A Sequence of Poems", and comprising the poems: "Stillbirth," "New Zealand Via the Bounty" and "To Follow or Not." Poems. 20.2 (1994): 36-39.
Barmos, Suzanne. "Skin Deep." Story. 26.1 (2000): 45-49.
Barr, Janice. “Life Expectancy.” Poem. 40.1 (2014). 36-37.
Bartleet, Brydie-Leigh. "Female Conductors: The Incarnation of Power?" 29.2 (2003): 228-234.
---. "'You're a Woman and Our Orchestra Just Won't Have You': The Politics of Otherness in the Conducting Profession." 34.1 (2008): 6-23.
Bartlett, Alison. "Breastfeeding Bodies and Choice in Late Capitalism." 29.2 (2003): 153-165.
Bartlett, Francesca. "Clean White Girls: Assimilation and Women's Work." 25.1 (1999): 10-38.
Bates, Dianne. “Older Now.” Poem. 33.1 (2007): 143.
Bates, Tarsh. “InterUterine: Exploring the Reprotech Body Through an Interspecies Aesthetic of Care.” 36.1/2 (2010): 92-100.
Bateson, Catherine. "To My Father." Poem. 14.1 (1988): 84.
Battista, Jon. "Nga Ahorangi: A Bibliography of Maori Women's Creative Writing Part Two" 23.2 (1997): 160-191.
---. "Nga Ahorangi: A Bibliography of Maori Women's Creative Writing Part One." 23.1 (1997): 143-176.
Bauer, Antoinette. "'Us Creoles': Intersubjectivity, Empire and the Politics of Meaning-Making in Autobiography." 21.1 (1995): 8-20.
Beach, Eric. "There is a Woman Somewhere Under of Here." Poem. 1.1 (1975): 64.
Beattie, Debra. “The Potential for Excess in the Toxic Nature of Gendered Power in the Production of Cinema.” 42.2 (2016): 128-139.
Beckett, Gloria. "The Stolen Generation," "The Dormitory." Paintings. 23.2 (1997): cover.
---. "Commentary on Cover Art: 'Birthing Against Genocide', 'Part 2' (Paintings)." 28.2 (2002): 196-197.
Beckingham, Diane. "Poem". 17.2 (1991): 38.
---. "Down on Her Luck." Poem. 17.2 (1991): 37.
---. "Uncultured Pearls." Poem. 18.1 (1992): 31.
---. "How You'll Find Her." Poem. 18.1 (1992): 30.
Bell, Linda. "Forked Tongue Frescoes." Poem. 29.2 (2003): 355-57.
Bellear, Lisa. "Women's Liberation." Poem. 17.2 (1991): 204.
---. "Chops'n Things." Poem. 17.2 (1991): 204.
---. "Numbers and Crunching." Poem. 18.1 (1992): 31.
---. "Fashion Statement." Poem. 18.1 (1992): 32.
---. "Break the Cycle." Poem. 21.1 (1995): 25.
---. From A Tribute to Sir Ronald Wilson. Poem. 23.2 (1997): 118-119.
Berclouw, Marja. "And Elsewhere." Graphics. 1.2 (1975): Front cover verso, 5, 55, 56.
---. Untitled. (Nude figure). Drawing. 1.1 (1975): 63.
---. "Lilith." Drawing. 2.1 (1976): 81.
---. Untitled. (Nude woman). Drawing. 2.1 (1976): 51.
Bergmann, Laurel. "Where to from Here? Contemporary New Zealand Women's Fiction." 20.2 (1994): 217-225.
Berns, Sandra. “Mothers-in-Law: Lying Down for the Father Again.” 31.2 (2005): 78-89.
Berry, Virginia. "Of Hegelian Bondage. " 26.1 (2000): 161-170.
Bergmann, Laurel. Interview with Rosie Scott. 18.2 (1992): 33-45.
---. Interview with Beryl Fletcher. 20.2 (1994): 70-82.
Berns, Sandra. “Mothers-in-Law: Lying Down for the Father Again.” 31.2 (2005): 78-89.
Bickle, Sharon. "The Fierce Earth: "Michael Fields's 'Pagan Politics.'" 38.1/2 (2012): 78-91.
---. “Living “Willfully”: The Same-sex Marriage Ceremony of “Michael Field” by the Smutt River.” 41.1/2 (2015): 116-128.
Bilney, Caroline. "My Girl Natalie." Poem. 26.1 (2000): 81.
Binns, Vivienne. Orgasm and lots more besides. Painting. 43.1&2. (2017): cover art.
Birskys, Betty. "Toni-Over the Fence." Story. 58-61.
---. "Remember the Pink Elephant." 21.1 (1995): 70-73.
Black, Courtney. “Pleasure at His Majesty’s.” Poem. 33.1 (2007): 144-145.
---. “In Your Lunchbox.” Poem. 33.1 (2007): 145.
Black, Esme. Portrait photographs of Nana and of Esme, Becca and Ellie Black. 2.2 (1976): 99.
Black, Prudence. “Fashion Takes Flight: Amy Johnson, Schiaparelli and Australian Modernism.” 35.1/2 (2009): 57-76.
Blair, Madeline. Portrait photograph. 13.2 (1987/88): 13.
Bleakley, Kathleen. “Islands.” Poem. 34.2 (2008): 80
Blewett, Dorothy. “This Girl Came to Our School.” Story. 42.2 (2016): 62-65.
Bloodworth, Sandra. "Migrant Women Organise: The Kortex Strike of 1981." 9.1/2 (1983): 44-53.
---. "Reply to Meekosha and Pettman." 17.2 (1991): 93-102.
Bobis, Merlinda. "Jar." Story. 21.2 (1995): 123-126.
Boler, Meagan. "Oceanview Budget Lodge, Western Australia." Poem. 24.1 (1998): 45.
Bond, Sue. "Going Back." Story. 24.1 (1998): 115-117.
Bongiorno, Frank. "'Every Woman a Mother': Radical Intellectuals, Sex Reform and the 'Woman Question' in Australia, 1890-1918." 27.1 (2000): 44-64.
Bonner, Frances. "Women and the New German Cinema." 18.2 (1992): 149-156.
---. "From The Female Man to the Virtual Girl: Whatever Happened to Feminist SF?" 22.1 (1996): 104-119.
Bose, Mandakranta. "Taslima Nasrin: Tales of Shame." 21.2 (1995): 9-19.
Bostock, Janice M. "I Feel the Need to Return to Home." Poem. 21.1 (1995): 26.
---. "Empty No Mother." Poem. 21.1 (1995): 26.
---. "Post Christmas Celebration." Poem. 24.1 (1998): 46.
Boult, Jenny. "Mary Nelis." Poem. 5.2 (1979): 61-2.
---. "Belle." Poem. 6.1 (1980): 48.
---. "Homecoming." Poem. 6.1 (1980): 50-1.
---. "My Mother and the Queen." Poem. 6.1 (1980): 49.
---. "Close the Door Softly When You Leave." Poem. 6.2 (1980): 50-1.
---. "Novel." Poem. 7.1 (1981): 37.
---. "The Local on Sunday." Poem. 7.2 (1981): 68.
---. "The Matchmakers." Poem. 7.2 (1981): 66.
---. "The Last Night of the Heatwave." Poem. 9.1/2 (1983): 137-39.
---. "It's the Way." Poem. 10.1 (1984): 66.
---. "Don't Worry." Poem. 10.1 (1984): 67.
---. "How Come? I'm Wondering . . ." Poem. (1986): 12.1/2 (1986): 146.
Bowen, Julie. "Women Artists: Objets d'art?" Rev. of Karen Petersen and J.J. Wilson. Women Artists. 3.2 (1977): 81-84.
---. "Talking With Women Artists: Rosemary MacLennan and Fiona MacDonald." 4.1 (1978): 87-93.
Bowen, Susannah. "Harriet Gets a Haircut." Story. 25.2 (1999): 22-26.
Boyde, Melissa. “The Poet and the Ghosts Are Walking the Streets: Hope Mirrlees – Life and Poetry.” 35.1/2 (2009): 29-41.
Brabazon, Tara. "'Britain's Last Line of Defence': Miss Moneypenny and the Desperations of Filmic Feminism." 24.1 (1998): 93-104.
---. "What Will You Wear to the Revolution? Thatcher's Genderation and the Fashioning of Change." 22.2 (1996): 114-127.
---. "Bette Davis and Her Camellias." Story. 26.2 (2000): 98-112.
Braidotti, Rosi. See Gibbs, Anna. 6.2.
Brazen Hussies and Maryan Street. "Praise Our Leaders." Song. 26.2 (2000): 95-96.
Breeze, Mary-Anne. "Sorrow Stories." Story. 22.1 (1996): 92-97.
Brett, Lily. "Breasts." Poem. 11.2 (1985): 87.
Brewster, Anne. “Interview with Anna Couani.” 31.1 (2005) 31-42.
Bridge, Shona. “The Poet Shrugs.” Poem. 33.2 (2007): 118.
---. "Burning Eyes, Aching Breasts." Poem. 34.1 (2008): 158.
---. “Self Portrait.” Poem. 41.1/2 (2015): 100.
Brimblecombe-Fox, Kathryn. “The Hidden Seen in My Mind’s Eye.” Painting. 34.1 (2008): cover.
---. “Red Rain.” 42.1 (2016): cover.
---. Commentary on Cover. 42.1 (2016): 131-134.
Brisbane Women's Media Group. "Triple Z: 'Maintaining Credibility' or, did Homogeneous Radio Turn Sour?" 3.1 (1977) 108-14.
Brissenden, Venetia. "Winter." Poem. 21.2 (1995): 25-26.
Broadbent, Kaye, Janis Bailey and Paula McDonald. “Focus on Women and Work Editors’ Introduction.” 33.1 (2007): 5-7.
Brock, Sophia. “The Impact of ‘Good Mothering’ Ideology on Identity Perception for Mothers of Children with Disabilities”40.1 (2014): 20-35.
Broker, Helen. "The Owl Man." Story. 34.1 (2008): 63-65.
Brook, Barbara. "Women's Studies in the 90s: What Difference?." 17.1 (1991): 161-168.
Brooks, Anna. "The Cure." Story. 18.1 (1992): 60-63.
---. "A Country Girl." Poem. 18.2 (1992): 85-86.
---. "Rejection." Poem. 20.1 (1994): 158.
---. "Neighbourhood Pulse-Beat." Poem. 23.2 (1997): 37.
Brooks, Barbara. "The Spider House." Story. 8.1 (1982): 89-93.
---. "Journal of a Biography: Writing Eleanor Dark." 25.1 (1999): 81-88.
---. "Waterway: The Multi-layered City". 27.1 (2001): 11-18.
Brooks, Karen. "Men in White." Story. 23.1 (1997): 56-61.
Broughton, Christina. "Circumstantial Ambiguity: Dreaming de Beauvoir." 24.2 (1998): 33-36.
Brown, Diane and Maryanne Lynch. "Creating a Space: Sybylla Feminist Press, 1988-2003." 29.2 (2003): 285-296.
Brown, Pamela J.B. "Inside/Outside." Poem. 3.1 (1977): 53-4.
---. "A Small Story." Story. 9.1/2 (1983): 135-6.
Brown, Anne. "Poem." Poem. 1.1 (1975): 50.
Brown, Beverly and Gillian Whitlock. "Talking About The Well of Loneliness." 10.2 (1984): 7-39.
Browne, Josephine. “‘The Silence’.” Story. 42.2 (2016): 215-220.
Brown, Juliet. "Less." Story. 24.1 (1998): 145-154.
Brown, Kay. "Kay Brown Remembers Jean Devanny." 13.1 (1987): 132-37.
Bruce, Dawn. "Separation." Poem. 22.2 (1996): 103-104.
Bryant, Cathy. "Breasts in the Sauna." 37.2 (2011): 107-109.
Bryant, Cullene. "Unmeeting." Story. 17.2 (1991): 138-144.
Buckley, Jean. "Fragment I: To the Memory of Zelda Fitzgerald." Poem. 2.1 (1976): 96.
Buckley, Suzann. "British Female Emigration and Imperial Development." 3.2 (1977): 26-40.
Bulbeck, Chilla. "Our Sex Divided?: Reflections on the 1981 Census Results." 10.2 (1984): 63-71.
---. "Women of Substance: The Depiction of Women in Australian Monuments." 18.2 (1992): 8-29.
---. "Simone de Beauvoir and Generations of Feminists." 25.2 (1999): 5-21.
---. “Schemes and Dreams: Young Australians Imagine Their Future.” 31.1 (2005): 73-84.
Burarwana, Yumayna. Illustration for "The Ant Woman." Drawing. 13.2 (1987/88): 140.
Burgess, John, Lindy Henderson, and Glenda Strachan. “‘I Just Juggle’: Work and Family Balance in Australian Organisations.” 33.1 (2007): 94-111.
Burgstaller, Eric. See Omelaniuk, Irena. 8.2.
Burke, Colleen. "In My Spare Time." Poem. 5.1 (1979): 49.
---. "Busy as a Beaver." Poem. 5.1 (1979): 50.
---. "One of These Days." Poem. 5.1 (1979): 50.
---. "I Wish - a Female Fantasy." Poem. 14.2 (1988): 52.
---. "Lucy McGuinness." Poem. 14.2 (1988): 52.
---. "Tropical Flowers." Poem. 15.2 (1989): 81.
---. "The Edge of It." Poem. 16.1\2 (1990): 63.
---. "Another Washing Day." Poem. 18.2 (1992): 93.
---. "Autumn Rhythums." Poem. 20.1 (1994): 97.
---. "Black Cockatoos." Poem. 20.1 (1994): 96.
---. "Mudflats at Twilight." Poem. 20.1 (1994): 97.
---. "An Oak Grove." Poem. 22.1 (1996): 60.
Burnett, Linda. "The Departure." Story. 5.2 (1979): 81-5.
Burns, Joanne. "Spundry Songs for a Dying Race of Women." Poem. 1.1 (1975): 62.
---. "Poem For the Street Boys." Poem. 1.2 (1975): 62.
---. "A Kind of Exit/For Virginia Woolf." Poem. 1.2 (1975): 63.
---. "The Flames Will Subvert…" Poem. 2.1 (1976): 75.
---. "Sappho/Poem." Poem. 2.1 (1976): 76.
---. From "Shopping." Poem. 5.1 (1979): 83-6.
---. "Empyrean." Poem. 11.2 (1985): 89.
---. "On a Clear Day." Poem. 11.2 (1985): 88-9.
---. "This Window's on Fire." Story. 15.2 (1989): 23-5.
Burns, Julia. “Fever’s End.” Poem. 40.1 (2014): 142.
Buss Rosemary. "Night Cap." Poem. 13.1 (1987): 69.
Byrne, Paula J. "Mabelled." 22.2 (1996): 87-100.
Cadwallader, Robyn. “Blue.” Poem. 33.2 (2007): 115.
Caine, Barbara. "Woman's 'Natural' State: Marriage and the 19th Century Feminists." 3.1 (1977): 84-102.
Callistemon, Chloe. “How to say Ocean.” Poem. 44.1/2 (2018): 155.
Calvert, Melanie. "Schizophrenia." Story. 23.1 (1997): 112-116.
---. "The Snow Queen Game." Story. 25.2 (1999): 48-53.
Cameron, Lainie. "The Dancer." Poem. 23.1 (1997): 110-111.
Cameron, Naomi. "Ephithalamium for Anais." Poem. 14.1 (1988): 36.
Cameron, Bessy. Portrait photograph. 12.1/2 (1986): 27.
Campbell, Dwayne. "Domestic Violence." Poem. 13.1 (1987): 71-3.
Campbell, Marion May. “Passing.” Poem. 43.1&2 (2017): 113-115.
Cantrell, Kate. “Shopping List.” 40.2 (2014): 151.
Cappiello, Rosa. "From Oh Lucky Country." Fragment of a novel. 10.2 (1984): 53-62.
---. "Follia." Poem. 13.2 (1987/88): 74.
---. "Lunacy." Poem. Trans. Gaetano Rando. 13.2 (1987/88): 75.
Carlyon, Deborah. "Australian Male." 30.1 (2004): 251.
Carmody, Anna. "Chasing Headlines." Story. 14.1 (1988): 78-82.
Carson, Susan. "Surveillance and Slander: Eleanor Dark in the 1940s and 1950s." 27.1 (2001): 32-43.
---. "A Girl's Guide to Modernism's Grammar: Language Politics in Experimental Women's Fiction." 30.1 (2004): 176-183.
---. “Finding Hy-Brazil: Eugenics and Modernism in the Pacific.” 35.1/2 (2009): 124-133.
Caso, Federica. “Occupied Landscapes: Evidence of Drones.” 44.1/2 (2018): 189-191.
Castagna, Felicity. "7:42 PM." Story. 26.2 (2000): 130-134.
---. "Choose Your Own Adventure." Story. 30.1 (2004): 100-02.
---. “Beds.” Story. 33.2 (2007): 107-112.
---. "Breathe." Story. 34.1 (2008): 120-25.
---. “Cowboys.” Story. 37.1 (2011): 86-92.
Castaldi, Lucinda. "Addiction." Poem. 10.2 (1984): 91-2.
---. "Grandmother." Poem. 14.2 (1988): 55.
---. "Obsession." Poem. 14.2 (1988): 54.
Cave, Mitch. “My Night with the Necromancer.” Poem. 44.1/2 (2018): 41-42.
Cernak, Wendy. Untitled. (Woman reclining in lounge). Painting. 2.1 (1976): 6.
---. Untitled. (Seated woman in garden). Painting. 2.1 (1976): 5.
---. Untitled. (Egyptian motifs). Painting. 2.1 (1976): 22.
Cerne, Helen. "Argy Bargy." Story. 24.2 (1998): 149-150.
---. "Rapunzel Rondo." Poem. 27.1 (2001): 78-82.
---. "Homage to Three Painters." Poem. 29.2 (2003): 297-98.
---. "Semaphore." Poem. 29.2 (2003): 298-99.
---. "Villanelle, A Writer's Hell." Poem. 30.2 (2004): 124.
---. "Alice." Poem. 30.2 (2004): 125-126.
---. “The First Seed: Emily Kame Kngwarreye 1910-1996.” Poem. 31.1 (2005): 27.
---. “Questions to Second Person Heterosexual Writing Collaborations.” Poem. 32.1 (2006): 49-53.
---. “Snapshot.” Poem. 33.1 (2007): 247.
---. “Patchwork Quilt.” Poem. 33.2 (2007): 113-114.
---. “Action Painters.” Poem. 33.2 (2007): 114-115.
---. "'A Wider Canvas'." Poem. 34.1 (2008): 47.
---. “Found Subject.” Poem. 35.1/2 (2009): 299.
---. “Louise Bourgeois 1911-.” Poem. 35.1/2 (2009): 300-301.
---. “The Babe is Wise.” Story. 36.1/2 (2010): 218-222.
---. “A Vilanelle for Lina Bryans Australian Artist 1901-2000.” Poem. 37.1 (2011): 183.
---. “Circles." Poem. 37.2 (2011): 141-142.
Chandler, Carol. “Mother.” Story. 36.1/2 (2010): 153-157.
Chapman, Anna. “Uncovering the Normative Family of Parental Leave: Harvester, Law and the Household.” 31.1 (2007): 28-42.
Charman, Janet. "I Never Drive the Causeway without Thinking of the Time." Poem. 20.2 (1994): 40-41.
---. "The Separation." Poem. 20.2 (1994): 41.
Cheng Khoo. "Multivocality, Orientalism and New Age Philosophy in Turtle Beach." 22.2 (1996): 31-48.
Chesser, Lucy. "Australasian Lesbian Movement, 'Claudia's Group' and Lynx: 'Non-Political' Lesbian Organisation in Melbourne, 1969-1980." 22.1 (1996): 69-91.
Chigros-Fraser, Isabelle. “Chengdu Summer.” Poem. 43.1&2 (2017): 108.
Cho, Sue. "Love Is You and Me Against the Words." Poem. 14.1 (1988): 33-5.
Chong, Eileen. “Reclaiming Identity in Rhyll McMaster’s Feather Man.” 34.2 (2008): 127-136.
Cooper, Melinda J. “‘Being Made into a Machine’: An Extract from Eleanor Dark’s Unpublished Novel ‘Pilgrimage’.” 43.1&2 (2017): 95-104.
Christoforatos, Maria. “The Evening Hag.” Poem. 31.1 (2005): 23.
Chrystie, Jennifer. "Flapper." 28.1 (2002): 78.
Chua, Rebekah. "A Drop of Absence." 30.2 (2004): 151-155.
Cho, Natasha. "Secrets of a Fat Lady." Story. 26.1 (2000): 94-96.
Maj, C.J.R. "Old Black Rock." Story. 9.1/2 (1983): 142-49.
Claire, Rachel. “Brides in Black and White.” Poem. 37.1 (2011): 177.
Clare, Jennifer. "Inside Gossip." Story. 21.1 (1995): .
Claremont, Yasuko. “Modernising Japanese Women Through Literary Journals.” 35.1/2 (2009): 42-56.
Clark, Sherryl. "Friends." Poem. 17.2 (1991): 104-105
---. "Hand Swept." Poem. 17.2 (1991): 103.
---. "Lonely/Alone." Poem. 18.1 (1992): 34.
---. "Vapours." Story. 19.1 (1993): 27-35.
---. "Henceforth." Poem. 21.1 (1995): 27-30.
Clarke, Eileen. "The Taniwha's Exile: the Exclusion of Maori Women From Environmental Policy and Decision-making in Aotearoa/New Zealand." 30.1 (2004): 119-140.
Clarke, Julie. "Water and Refuse." 37.2 (2011): 74-79.
Clarke, Peggy. "La Pucelle." Poem. 2.1 (1976): 52-7.
Clarke, Sarah Louise. "Angie." Story. 28.2. (2002): 174-175.
Cleven, Vivienne. "Grain of Dirt." Story. 29.1 (2003): 59-63.
Cliff, Tony. "The Revolutionary Politics of Rosa Luxemburg." 6.2 (1980): 14-22.
Clifton, Alison. “In Response to Murakami Haruki.” 34.2 (2008): 165.
Cohn, Carol. "Winter Love." Poem. 14.1 (1988): 85.
---. "Blind Love." Poem. 19.2 (1993): 88.
---. "Inheritance." Poem. 19.2 (1993): 88.
---. "Ophelia in Paradise." Poem. 21.2 (1995): 26.
Coleman, Michael. See Ferrier, Carole. 3.2.
Coleman, Wanda. "They'll Starve You." Poem. 12.1/2 (1986): 61-3.
---. "Morning." Poem. 12.1/2 (1986): 60.
Collins, Betty. "Pussy Willow." Story. 18.2 (1992): 79-84.
Collins, Anne-Marie. "'Woman or Beast'? Bestiality in Queensland 1870-1949." 17.1 (1991): 36-42.
Collins, Pauline and Anthony Gray. “The Interplay of Workfare-to-Work and WorkChoices.” 33.1 (2007): 126-140.
Coltheart, Lenore. “Citizens of the World: Jessie Street and International Feminism.” 31.1 (2005): 182-194.
Colwill, Robyn. "Eve Plays Her Wilde Card and Makes the Straight Flush." 20.1 (1994): 10-27.
Compton, Jennifer. "Sydney 4am 12th September 1978 Spring." Poem. 18.2 (1992): 92.
---. "Sometimes…" Poem. 19.2 (1993): 61.
Conde, Carole, Catherine McLeod, and Maureen Hynes. "Bread and Roses (a)cross the Pacific: Carole Conde, Catherine McLeod, and Maureen Hynes in Conversation, Toronto, October 1999." 26.2 (2000): 72-77
Conlon, Evelyn. "Escaping the Celtic Tiger, World Music and the Millennium." 26.1 (2000): 57-61.
Connolly, Nora. Drawings. 18.1 (1992): 92-97.
Connor, D. Helene. “The Paradox of Absent Mothers: Women Who are Both Mothers and Public Figures or Activists.” 36.1/2 (2010): 30-36.
Connors, Libby. "Ideologies of Powerlessness: Attitudes to Women and the Working Class in Queensland Schools 1919-39." 11.2(1985): 42-56.
Constable, Julie. "Graffitti." Poem. 23.2 (1997): 120.
Cooper, Léontine. "Only a Woman." 30.2 (2004): 103-113.
Cosgrove, Bryony. “Fragments of a Life in Letters: The Elusive Gwen Harwood.” 40.2 (2014):52-66.
Cosgrove, Shady. "The Golden Courtesan." Poem. 29.2 (2003): 335-346.
---. “Father.” Poem. 32.1 (2006): 132.
Coslovich, Gabriella. “Playing against Type: Approaches to Genre in the Work of Helen Garner and Kate Jennings.” 41.1/2 (2015): 139- 155.
Costi, Angela. "Now and Again they Snatch at Visions …" Poem. 26.2 (2000): 113-115.
---. "The Father, the Daughter and the Holy Cross. " Story. 27.2 (2000): 57-58.
---. “Returning.” Poem 31.1 (2005): 115.
---. "Pausing." Poem. 34.1 (2008): 155-56.
Couani, Anna. “Leaves.” Poem. 44.1/2 (2018): 136-143.
Couch Steffy, Rebecca. “Consuming Figures: Wanda Coleman and the Poetry of Black Rage.” 40.1 (2014): 80-96.
Cousins, Sara. "'Drunken, Selfish Boors'? Images of Masculinity in The Dawn." 25.2 (1999): 85-96.
Crabtree, Claire. "Geraniums Are Brave." Poem. 14.1 (1988): 76.
Cranny-Francis, Anne. "Imaging the Writer: The Visual Semiotics of Book Reviews." 17.2 (1991): 43-59.
Craven, Allison. "Bring a Plate: The Feminist Cultural Studies Conference." 20.1 (1994): 181-191
Crawford, Jen. "Bandages." Story. 22.2 (1996): 79-81.
---. "Woke Up." Poem. 22.1 (1996): 124-125.
Creasy, Frances. "The Dream." Story. 20.1 (1994): 135-138
Cribb, Gulchin. "Willie." Poem. 17.2 (1991): 170.
---. "On Erzurum." Poem. 17.2 (1991): 168-169.
---. "My Madness Poem." Poem. 18.1 (1992): 98.
---. "Saturday Morning at West End." Poem. 18.1 (1992): 99-100.
Crisp, Jane. "'No Message, No Sex, Just Good Fun': Dealing with Gender Representation in Popular Films." 13.1 (1987): 35-50.
---. "Women's Stake in the 'Politics of the Popular.'" 17.2 (1991): 110-126.
Crispin, Judith. “Protected: Snake Dream 1 and Artwork.” Poem. 44.1/2 (2018): 171-174.
Cronin, M. T. C. "Final Lines of a Poem." Poem. 27.1 (2001): 99.
---. "For My Daughters." Poem. 30.1 (2004): 252.
Cross, Zora (subject). Portrait photograph. 16.1\2 (1990): 70.
Croucher, Rosalind. “The Academy as Kitchen- A Subversive Perspective on the (Prehistoric) Paradigm of ‘Women-in-the-Kitchen.” 31.1 (2005): 6-20.
Crowley, Cath. "Two." Story. 28.2 (2002): 145-148.
Cunningham, Stuart. "Bibliography: Sylvia Plath." 1.2 (1975): 95-112.
Curthoys, Ann. "History in a Vacuum." Rev. of Katrina Alford, Production or Reproduction? An Economic History of Women in Australia. 10.1 (1984): 74-81.
---. "The Family and Feminism." Rev. of several books on the topic. 11.1 (1985): 110-17.
---. "Eugenics, Feminism and Birth Control: The Case of Marion Piddington." 15.1 (1989): 73-89.
---. "The Three Body Problem: Feminism and Chaos Theory." 17.1 (1991): 14-21.
Curthoys, Ann and Carole Johnson. "Articulating the Future and the Past: Gender, Race and Globalisation in One Nation's Self-Construction." 24.2 (1998): 97-114.
Cusack, Dymphna. "From An Autobiography That I Shall Never Write." 6.2 (1980): 84-7.
Cusack, Dymphna, Ed by Marilla North. “We Are The Sons.” Poem. 42.1 (2016): 68.
Cuthbert, Catharine. "Lesbia Harford and Marie Pitt: Forgotten Poets." 8.1 (1982): 32-48.
Cuthbert, Denise and Michele Grossman. "Crossing Cultures: An Interview with Helen Gulash." 23.2 (1997): 48-66.
D-Napoleon, Natalie. “Tell A Story.” Poem. 44.1/2 (2018): 144.
---. “Your Mother Says It Was the Books.” Poem. 44.1/2 (2018): 145-146.
D'Urso, Janet. "The Social Construction of Woman: Western Mythic and Religious Stereotypes." 1.1 (1975): 23-30.
Dabscheck, Braham. "'The Typical Mother of the White Race' and the Origins of Female Wage Determination." 12.1/2 (1986): 147-52
Damousi, Joy. "Conference Report: Feminist Biography." 15.1 (1989): 69-72.
Daniel, Lynn. "Lilith." Poem. 21.1 (1995): 31-34.
Daniels, Kay. See Murnane, Mary. 5.1.
---. "Prostitutes as Workers." Rev. of Eileen McLeod, Prostitution Now. 9.1/2 (1983): 172-74.
Darby, Patricia. "This is Not a Throw Away Line." Poem. 26.1 (2000): 80.
Dark, Eleanor. "Balancing the Scales." 27.1 (2001): 65-66.
---. 'A Writer with a Last Story to Write…': From an Unfinished Novel. 27.1 (2001): 67-72.
Das, Devaleena. “I Desire, Therefore I Am: South Asian Feminist Revisionism on Women’s Forbidden Desires.” 42.2 (2016): 102-117.
Das, Devika. "We Who Can't Wait." Poem. 19.2 (1993): 87.
Dasgupta, Sanjukta. "Oh! Incredible India Matilda's Exotic Indian Safari in a Hindustan Contessa." 34.1 (2008): 175-84.
---. Dasgupta, Sanjukta. “Desire and Excess: Patriarchal Control and Resistance in South Asian (Indian) Women’s Writing.” 43.1&2 (2017): 171-183.
Davies, Bronwyn. "Belly of the Beast." Story. 12.1/2 (1986): 76-81.
Davies, Bronwyn et al. "Ruptures in the Skin of Silence: A Collective Biography. Bronwyn Davies, Suzy Dormer, Eileen Honan, Nicky McAllister, Roisin O'Rielly, Alison Walker." 23.1 (1997): 62-79.
Davies, Cristyn and Elena Knox. “Disturbing the Dialectics of the Public Toilet” with “The Water Closet.” 33.2 (2007): 120-134.
Davis, Joan. "'Women's Work' and the Women's Services in the Second World War As Presented in Salt." 18.1 (1992): 64-87.
Dawson-Walker, Simone. "The Witch-Burning." 26.2 (2000): 187.
---. "Aunt Jack." 27.1 (2001): 100.
Day, Marele. "On Writing a Feminist Detective Novel (with an Introduction by Bronwyn Levy)." 15.1 (1989): 42-51.
Dean, Jan. "Fish in an Urban Landscape." Poem. 28.2 (2002): 121.
---. "The Pineapple Princess." Poem. 28.2 (2002): 122-123.
---. "The Glass Menagerie." Poem. 29.2 (2003): 299.
---. "Coastal Drift." Poem. 30.1 (2004): 104.
---. "Drugstore: Circa 1952." Poem. 30.1 (2004): 104-05.
---. "Holiday Position, in Drapery, Circa 1955." Poem. 30.2 (2004): 202-203.
---. “Acrobat.” Poem. 31.1 (2005): 113.
Dean, Michelle. "White Picket Fences." 27.1 (2001): 163-166.
De Clifford, Amanda. “Consumption, Desire and the Feminine Subject.” 35.1/2 (2009): 250-265.
Delamoir, Jeanette. "Marie Bjelke-Peterson's 'Virile Story': Jewelled Nights, Gender Instability, and the Bush." 29.1 (2003): 115-131.
Demeron, Pierre. "Interview With Violette Leduc." Trans. Hazel Rowley. 4.1 (1978): 47-56.
Demianiuk, Lana. "The Good Bird Doesn't Shit in Its Own Nest." Story. 23.2 (1997): 141-147.
---. "Australia." Story. 23.1 (1997): 41-48.
Dempsey, Shelley. "Straw Men." Poem. 8.2 (1982): 57.
---. "On Blonde." Poem. 9.1/2 (1983): 155-56.
Dendy, Jessica. “Wet with fear.” Poem. 36.1/2 (2010): 211.
Devanny, Jean (subject). "The WIR Congress in Berlin…" Photograph. 14.2 (1988): 72.
Portrait photographs. 6.1 (1980): 41.
Devanny, Jean and K.S. Prichard. Portrait photograph. 6.1 (1980): 36.
Dever, Maryanne. "Still Partially Eclipsed." Rev. of Flora Eldershaw, ed., The Peaceful Army. 14.2 (1988): 91-94.
---. "The Case for Flora Eldershaw." 15.2 (1989): 38-48.
---. "'No Time Is Inopportune for Protest': Aspects of the Political Activities of Marjorie Barnard and Flora Eldershaw." 17.2 (1991): 9-21.
---. "The Bonds of Friendship: The Demise of M. Barnard Eldershaw." 30.2 (2004): 129-147.
---. "How Students Characterise the Vocational Gains From Women's Studies (Or, Why We Need Not Be Anxious)." 29.2 (2003): 34-49.
---. “Baby Talk: The Howard Government, Families, and the Politics of Difference.” 31.2 (2005): 45-59.
Dickie, Madelaine. “Cleaning.” Poem. 36.1/2 (2010): 209-211.
Dilworth, Mary. "The Lie." Poem. 15.1 (1989): 26.
Dobkins, Saren. Paintings. 23.1 (1997): 80-81.
Docker, John. "Blanche D'Alpuget's Robert J. Hawke and Winter in Jerusalem." 13.1 (1987): 51-65.
Dolezal, Luna. "Girl." Poem. 28.2 (2002): 155.
---. "Yesterdays." Poem. 29.1 (2003): 66-67.
---. "Eve of The War." Poem. 29.2 (2003): 309.
---. “Elizabeth.” Poem. 40.1 (2014): 166.
Donabauer, Zondra and Margaret Metz. "The Penny Dropped." Story. 27.1 (2001): 169-173.
Douglas, Pamela. “Crying Baby.” Story. 33.2 (2007): 74-75.
---. “Yummy Mummy and the Medicalised Milkmother.” 36.1/2 (2010): 119-136.
Doumos, Matina. ‘Mountain Village in September.” Poem. 43.1&2 (2017)” 109-110.
---. “Peaches.” Poem. 43.1&2 (2017): 110.
---.“Waiting for Anna.” Poem. 43.1&2 (2017): 111-112.
---. “Gourna.” Poem. 44.1/2 (2018): 147.
Dowden, Elese. “Othered Body, Obscene Self(ie): A Sartrean Reading of Kim Kardashian-West.” 43.1&2 (2017): 117-130.
Downing, Jane. “Hidden Treasure.” Story. 37.1 (2011): 160-171.
---. “Dog Breath.” Story. 39.1/2 (2013): 202- 205.
Driscoll, Judy. "Biddy the Baglady in Gumnut Land." Poem. 19.1 (1993): 58-59.
---. "Biddy Takes Pink Gin to the Country Dance." Poem. 19.1 (1993): 60-63.
---. "Donegal" (Part IV of "The Hard Men Drink Orange Juice"). Poem. 19.2 (1993): 101-102.
---. "The Girl Who Drowned Her Dolls Is Offered Silkworms." Poem. 19.1 (1993): 64-69.
---. "All Off to Dublin" (Part I of "The Hard Men Drink Orange Juice"). Poem. 19.2 (1993): 98-100.
Drohan, Luisa. "A Day in the Dreams of Dulcie Downe." Story. 21.2 (1995): 20-22.
Dudek, Debra. “Anamorphisms.” Story. 31.2 (2005): 138-40.
Duffy, Claire. "The Owl." 37.2 (2011): 132-140.
Duncan, Karen. "Journey's End." Story. 20.2 (1994): 66-69.
Duncan, Pearl. “Next Time You Get the Fruit.” 39.1/2 (2013): 72-92.
Duning, Becky. "Being Poor and Female in Colonial Western Australia." 3.2 (1977): 9-16.
---. "'Who Killed Mrs. Ann K--?' Towards an Understanding of Friendlessness in Colonial Western Australia." 4.2 (1978): 26-40.
Dunsford, Cathy. "Manawa Toa: Heart Warrior." Story. 23.2 (1997): 67-75.
---. From Te Haerenga Kainga (Cowrie II) Work in Progress. Story. 21.1 (1995): 124-136.
---. "Paper Nautilus Trilogy." Woodcut. 25.1 (1999): 124.
---. "Turtle Trilogy." Woodcut. 25.1 (1999): 125.
Duthie, Fiona. “Crossing the Boundaries: The Versatility of Women in the Novels of Janette Turner Hospital.” 42.1 (2016): 116-130.
Dzubiel, Kathleen. "Poor Little Rich Girl." Poem. 22.2 (1996): 129.
---. "A Body Divided." Poem. 21.1 (1995): 36.
Eades, Quinn. “Under Grounds.” Poem. 44.1/2 (2018): 35-38.
Earle, Lynda. "Coercion." Poem. 20.2 (1994): 108-115.
---. "Lotus Hook." Poem. 20.2 (1994): 116-121.
Eaton-Stubbings, Joan. "All About Vera." Poem. 15.2 (1989): 35-37.
Eberhardt, Adrienne. "Patchwork." 28.1 (2002): 79-81.
Edgar, Suzanne. "Violet and Rose." Story. 11.2 (1985): 75-8.
Edwards, Hodee. "Motherhood Is Sacred." Poem. 14.2 (1988): 69-71.
Edwards, Louise. "Fourth Women in Asia Conference." 20.1 (1994): 176-180.
Eldershaw, Flora. Portrait photograph. 15.2 (1989): 38.
---. Portrait photograph with Frank Dalby Davison at the Authors' Ball. 15.2 (1989): 41.
Eliades, Patricia. "Anthologising the Minority." 21.1 (1995): 74-97.
Eliot, Margaret. "Waves and Curls." Story. 3.1 (1977): 82-3.
Ellinghaus, Katherine. "Racism in the Never-Never: Disparate Readings of Jeannie Gunn." 23.2 (1997): 76-94.
Ellis, Rodney. "Mission Life," "Helpless," "This Place." Story. 23.1 (1997): 137-139.
Ellwood, Constance. "The Jewelled Castle and the Moat of Flowers." Story. 19.1 (1993): 98-100.
Elton, Jude, Michelle Hogan and Kathie Muir. "Bread and Roses (a)cross the Pacific:
Michelle Hogan, Jude Elton and Kathie Muir in Conversation, Adelaide, February 2000." 26.2 (2000): 77-84.
Elvey, Anne. “Crossing the bay from Rangitoto.” Poem. 35.1/2 (2009): 304.
---. “Spilt milk.” Poem. 35.1/2 (2009): 304.
Elwyn, Meredith. "Black Woman/White Woman." Poem. 17.2 (1991): 165.
Endacott, Sarah Carmela Helen. "Back of the Courthouse Toilet Door." Poem. 21.1 (1995): 35-36.
---. "Collaboration." Poem. 21.2 (1995): 84.
---. "Making the Cordial." Poem. 22.2 (1996): 105-106.
---. "Coming to Byron." Poem. 23.2 (1997): 44-47.
---. "Aborigines Have Different Ideas about Property." Story. 24.2 (1998): 115-120.
---. "Lemons." Story. 25.1 (1999): 145-151.
Ensing, Riemke. "Hecate." Poem. 2.1 (1976): 72-4.
---. "From Picasso: Simply." Poems. 20.2 (1994): 187.
---. "From Picasso: Fish-Hat." Poems. 20.2 (1994): 187.
Espinoza-Vera, Marcia. “Unsubordinated Women: Modernist Fantasies of Liberation in Silvina Ocampo’s Short Stories.” 35.1/2 (2009): 219-227.
Ettler, Justine et al. "The River Ophelia: Four Views. Justine Ettler, Margaret Henderson, Michaela Costigan and Kay Ferres." 21.2 (1995): 61-78.
Evans, Audrey. "Kevy and Me," "The Abortion." Stories. 24.1 (1998): 165-171.
---. "The House." Story. 25.1 (1999): 102-104.
Evans, Isla. "Desperate Lovers and Wanton Women: Press Representations of Domestic Violence." 27.2 (2000): 147-173.
Evans, Judy. ---. "Her Life." Poem. 10.1 (1984): 116-19.
---. "Mollusc." Poem. 14.2 (1988): 53.
Evans, Raymond. "Fifty Dissertations on the Fur Trade." Rev. of Sheila Rowbotham, Hidden From History. 1.1 (1975): 85-89.
---. "'Soiled Doves': Prostitution and Society in Colonial Queensland." 1.2 (1975): 6-24.
---. "'Don't You Remember Black Alice, Sam Holt?' Aboriginal Women in Queensland History." 8.2 (1982): 6-21.
Evans, Ripeka. "The Negation of Powerlessness: Maori Feminism, a Perspective." 20.2 (1994): 53-65.
Everall, Gabriell. From "The Seven Deadly Sins." 37.2 (2011): 128-131.
Fahey, Diane. "The Judgement of Paris." Poem. 16.1\2 (1990): 117.
Fanoy, Jeltje. "The Language of Femininity." Poem. 27.1 (2001): 186.
---. Sculpture "Wonderful." 27.1 (2001): 187.
---. "Cheer-squad News." Poem. 28.2 (2002): 124-125.
Farrell, Michael. “Afterwards.” Poem. 44.1/2 (2018): 43-44.
Featherstone, Johanna. "Review of 'War' by Sarah Kendall." Poem. 27.2 (2000): 113.
Fensham, Rachel. "Modernity and the White Imaginary in Australian Feminist Theatre." 29.1 (2003): 7-18.
Ferres, Kay. "Written on the Body: Jean Devanney, Sexuality and Censorship." 20.1 (1994): 123-134.
---. “’I Must Dree My Weird’: A Colonial Correspondence.” 31.2 (2005): 62-77.
Ferrier, Carole. "'Lives in Conflict': Doris Lessing's Children of Violence Novels." 1.1 (1975): 31-46.
---. "Sexual Politics in Diane Wakoski's Poetry." Rev. of Virtuoso Literature For Two and Four Hands. 1.2 (1975): 89-94.
---. "Notes Towards a Feminist Criticism." 2.1 (1976): 92-96.
---. "The Death of the Family in Some Novels by Women of the Forties and Fifties." 2.2 (1976): 48-51.
---. "Anne Sexton: Demystifier or Mystic?" 4.2 (1978): 65-71.
---. "Jean Devanny's New Zealand Novels." 6.1 (1980): 36-47.
---. "Putting Humpty Together?" Rev. of Sheila Rowbotham, Lynne Segal and Hilary Wainwright, eds., Beyond the Fragments. 6.2 (1980): 113-15.
---. "Writing the History of Women's Writing." 8.1 (1982): 77-81.
---. "Modes of Consumption and Reception." Rev. of Jean Devanny, The Butcher Shop. 9.1/2 (1983): 160-66.
---. "Sugar Heaven and the Reception of Working Class Texts." 11.1 (1985): 19-25.
---. "Interview With Wanda Coleman and Jeanie Bell." 12.1/2 (1986): 64-75.
---. "Jean Devanny: A Bibliography." 13.1 (1987): 138-71.
---. "Teaching Courses in Black Women's Fiction in Australia: Some Observations." 13.2 (1987): 134-39.
---. "Re-Presenting Jean Devanny." A discussion with Cathy Millard. 13.2 (1987): 145-48.
---. "Black Women's Fiction in English: A Bibliography: Part One." 14.1 (1988): 104-11.
---. "Black Women's Prose Fiction in English: A Selective Bibliography." 14.2 (1988): 110-25.
---. "On 'Not Doing Too Much on Black Women Writers'." 14.2 (1988): 107-09.
---. "Interview with Pearlie McNeill." 16.1\2 (1990): 102-110.
---. "Questions of Collaboration: Interview with Jackie Huggins and Isabel Tarrago." 16.1\2 (1990): 140-147.
---. "Resisting Authority." 16.1\2 (1990): 134-139.
---. "Publicising Feminism." 17.1 (1991): 116-123.
---. "Dualities and Differences Revisited: Recent Books on Janet Frame." 20.2 (1994): 251-258.
---. "A 'Red Revolutionist and Ranter': Jean Devanny in the Early 1930s." 24.2 (1998): 121-148.
---. "What Did Beauvoir Mean?" 26.1 (2000): 197-204.
---. "Introduction : Focus on Eleanor Dark." 27.1 (2001): 6-10.
---. "Is Feminism Finished?" 29.2 (2003): 6-22.
---. “Jean Devanny as an Australasian ‘Woman of 1928’.” 35.1/2 (2009): 187-203.
Ferrier, Carole and Michael Coleman. "Janet Frame: A Preliminary Bibliography." 3.2 (1977): 89-106.
Ferriss, Lucy. "My Cat Takes a Bath for Herself." Poem. 2.1 (1976): 59.
Festic, Fatima. "Antigone in (Post-) Modern Palestine." 29.2 (2003): 86-98.
Field, Maddo. "Something Borrowed." Story. 23.2 (1997): 104-108.
Finch, Lyn. "Could 'Winnie the War Winner' Organise Women? Problems of CPA Women During World War II." 10.1 (1984): 7-27.
---. "Seduction and Punishment." 16.1\2 (1990): 8-22.
---. "Sexuality and Regulation." 17.1 (1991): 43-50.
First, Ruth. Portrait photograph. 10.1 (1984): 120.
Fitchett, Sue. "Some Things Endure." Poem. 20.2 (1994): 104-105.
Fitzgerald, Beverley. "Rembrandt's First Wife." Poem. 25.2 (1999): 99.
Flavell, Helen. "Slices of Flats." Poem. 20.1 (1994): 92.
Flavell, H.L. "Letters." Story. 22.1 (1996): 98-101.
Fletcher, Karen. "Globalisation and Criminal Injustice." 28.1 (2002): 132-138.
Flick, Isabel. Portrait photograph. 13.2 (1987/88): 78.
Flood, Anne. "Change is Slow: Indigenous Women and Unions." 26.2 (2000): 87-91.
Forrest, Anne. "What Do Women Want From Union Representation." 26.2 (2000): 47-61.
Fortessue, Robyn. "The Low Pink Ceiling. Mardi Gras: The Biggest Labour Festival of the Year." 26.2 (2000): 62-65.
Fowler, Lesley. "Embers." Poem. 8.1 (1982): 56.
Foxton, Ra. "A Legitimate Marriage?" Rev. of Roberta Hamilton, The Liberation of Women. 4.2 (1978): 72-77.
Frame, Janet (subject). Portrait photograph. 3.2 (1977): 88.
Francis, Claude. "On Simone de Beauvoir." 3.1 (1977): 67-71.
Francis, Mia. “Verification.” Story. 35.1/2 (2009): 317-320.
---. “Homage to Eveline.” Story. 36.1/2 (2010): 197-201.
Frank, Jane. “Night on Prison Island.” Poem. 44.1/2 (2018): 148-149.
---. “Long-haul Flight After a Visit to the Dali Museum.” Poem. 44.1/2 (2018): 149.
Franke, Mary. "Lesbian Movement." Poem. 19.2 (1993): 60.
Franzway, Suzanne. "On Women Joining Unions: Anna Booth, Activism and Altruism." 20.1 (1994): 40-57.
---. "Sisters and Sisters? Labour Movements and Women's Movements in (English) Canada and Australia." 26.2 (2000): 31-46.
Fraser, Suzanne. "'Woman-Made Women': Mobilisations of Nature in Feminist Accounts of Cosmetic Surgery." 27.2 (2000): 115-132.
Freadman, Anne. "Daddy's Books." 26.1 (2000): 118-127.
Fremd, Angelika. "A New Breed." Poem. 12.1/2 (1986): 199.
---. "Sleeping Beauty." Story. 17.2 (1991): 39-42.
Fresta, Maria. "My Italian Husband." Poem. 20.1 (1994): 36.
---. "Making Colours." Poem. 20.1 (1994): 36.
---. "The Third Time." Poem. 21.1 (1995): 102.
Furlong, Stephanie. "Mosaics." Poem. 17.2 (1991): 146
Gager, Ewa. "Polish Poet Wislawa Syzmborska." 23.1 (1997): 140-142.
Gaitskell, Deborah. "Are Servants Ever Sisters?" Rev. of Jacklyn Cock, Maids and Madams. A Study in the Politics of Exploitation. 8.1 (1982): 102-12.
Gale, Sarah. "Blood Plums." Poem. 29.1 (2003): 72-73.
---. "The Caretaker." Poem. 30.2 (2004): 206.
Gall, Rosemary. "Women on the Homefront in World War Two - 1939-1945: A Bibliographic Guide." 12.1/2 (1986): 205-21.
Gallagher, Katherine. “Circus Apprentice.” Poem. 32.1 (2006): 140.
---. “Take-off”. Poem. 35.1/2 (2009): 298.
Gallop, Jane. "'Nurse Freud': Class Struggle in the Family." 8.1 (1982): 26-31.
---. "Why Does Freud Giggle When the Women Leave the Room?" 10.1(1984): 49-53.
Gandolfo, Enza. ---. "A Silent Conversation." Story. 17.2 (1991): 158-161.
---. From "Montage." Story. 20.1 (1994): 156-157.
---. "'A Story Well Told' from Lucia's Story." Story. 24.2 (1998): 85-96.
---. "Inheritance." Story. 25.2 (1999): 80-84.
---. “From Swimming.” Story. 35.1/2 (2009): 309-311.
---. “Aerogram Letters.” Story. 40.1 (2014): 145-154.
Ganguly, Indrani. "Exploring the Differences: Feminist Theory in a Multicultural Society." 21.1 (1995): 37-52.
---. "Can We Be Australian? 'Third World' Women in a 'First World' Society." 23.2 (1997): 13-34.
---. "Fitting In." Poem. 25.1 (1999): 72-73.
---. Untitled. Poem. 25.1 (1999): 72-73.
Ganter, Regina. "Living and Immoral Life: 'Coloured' Women and the Paternalistic State." 24.1 (1998): 13-40.
Garden, Hannah. “Dating, love and relationships in Mamamia.” 44.1/2 (2018): 85-99.
Gardiner, Allan. "Literary Body or Critical Corpse?" 21.2 (1995): 137-141.
Gardner, Angela. “I Return To My Body (I Turn For Home).” Poem. 43.I&2 (2017): 221-22.
---. “Early Lessons in Colonialism.” Poem. 43.1&2 (2017): 223-224.
---. “W Rapt.” Poem. 44.1/2 (2018): 146.
Gardner, Susan. "Dora and Nadja: Two Women in the Early Days of Psychoanalysis and Surrealism." 2.1 (1976): 23-40.
---. "From Bondage Towards Liberation: Notes on Women in China." 3.1 (1977): 16-52.
---. "'The Enemy of Women's Liberation': A Response to Roxane Witke's Comrade Chiang Ch'ing." 4.1 (1978): 25-46.
---. "'No "Story", No Script, Only the Struggle': First and Scott's Olive Schreiner." 7.1 (1981): 40-61.
---. "The Methodology of Feminist Biography." 7.2 (1981): 40-59.
---. "Still Waiting For the Great Feminist Novel: Nadine Gordimer's Burger's Daughter." 8.1 (1982): 61-76.
---. "Add Women and Stir?" Rev. of Dermody et al. eds. Nellie Melba, Ginger Meggs and Friends. 9.1/2 (1983):167-71.
---. "Is Racism 'Sexism Extended?' Feminist Criticism, 'Moral Panics' and The Grass is Singing." 11.1 (1985): 75-97.
---. "'Don't Ask For the True Story': A Memoir of Bessie Head." 12.1/2 (1986): 110-29.
---. "A ''vert to Australianism': Beatrice Grimshaw and the Bicentenary." 13.2 (1987): 31-68.
---. "Tot Siens, Suid Afrika, 1987." Story. 14.1 (1988): 87-103.
---. "Olive Schreiner 'Called Back.'" 17.2 (1991): 127-135.
---. “Subverting the Rhetoric of Assimilation: Ella Cara Deloria (Dakota) in the 1920s.” 39.1/2 (2013): 9-32.
Gardner, Silvana. Four Seasons. Photograph of sculpture. 4.2 (1978): 63.
---. Arizona Totem. Photograph of sculpture. 4.2 (1978): 64.
---. Untitled drawing. 4.2 (1978): 58.
---. "Beehive." Drawing. 4.2 (1978): 59.
---. "The Sink." Drawing. 4.2 (1978): 60.
---. "3rd View." Drawing. 4.2 (1978): 61.
---. "Closet." Drawing. 4.2 (1978): 62.
---. Untitled. (Flautist and birds, Primitive forum). Linocuts. 6.2 (1980): 46, 49.
---. "The Truth About Nature." Poem. 4.2 (1978): 56.
---. "Snake." Photograph of sculpture. 4.2 (1978): 57.
---. Drawings from "Fears." 5.1 (1979): 54-8.
---. Untitled. (Orchids and shells). Drawings. 5.1 (1979): 75, 77, 82.
---. "Tierra Amarilla New Mexico (For Georgia O'Keefe)." Poem. 5.1 (1979): 76.
---. "Lake Hubbard-Dallas." Poem. 5.2 (1979): 59.
---. "Dancing in the Gym." Ink drawings. 6.1 (1980): 86-91.
---. "The Recordist." Poem. 6.2 (1980): 45.
---. "Sleeping North." Poem. 6.2 (1980): 47.
---. "Encounter." Poem. 6.2 (1980): 47.
---. "Children at First Hearing." Poem. 6.2 (1980): 48.
---. "Fishing at the Turning Tide." Poem. 7.1 (1981): 35.
---. "Fox Fur." Poem. 8.1 (1982): 58.
---. "Tina." Linocut. 10.1 (1984): 57.
---. "St. Nicholas of the Oyster." Poem. 18.2 (1992): 91.
---. "Dolphin Call I." Poem. 25.2 (1999): 58.
---. "Water Sex." Poem. 25.2 (1999): 59.
---. "Springtide (for M.A.)." Poem. 25.2 (1999): 60.
---. "A Religious Cockroach." 37.2 (2011): 79-88.
Garis, Jenny de. "Frontier." Poem. 22.1 (1996): 51-52.
Garlick, Barbara. "Dorothy Hewett: 21 May 1923 – 25 August 2002." 28.2 (2002): 191-195.
Gerrish, Carolyn. "The Swing." Poem. 12.1/2 (1986): 203-4.
---. "Notes on Androgyny." Poem. (1986): 12.1/2 (1986): 201-2.
Ghosh, Swati. "The Flying Prostitute: Identity of the (Im)possible Other." 29.2 (2003): 199-214.
Giannini, Anna Maria. "Intimate Visibilities." 30.1 (2004): 184-193.
Gibbons, Maureen. "Pinata." Poem. 27.2 (2000): 112-113.
Gibbs, Anna. "The Doctor." Poem. 6.1 (1980): 51.
---. "White Spaces." Poem. 6.1 (1980): 52.
---. "Three Responses to New French Feminisms." Responses to Elaine Marks and Isabelle de Courtivron, New French Feminisms. 6.2 (1980): 23-45.
Gibian, Jane. "Planted". Poem. 30.1 (2004): 108.
---. "Doorway". Poem. 30.1 (2004): 109.
Giblin, Margot. "Cindy." Story. 7.1 (1981): 106-110.
---. "Tell You a Story." Story. 8.1 (1982): 94-6.
Giblin/Selenna, Pam. "And so Within, Without: Reflections on a Writing Career." 38.1/2 (2012): 114-118.
Gildersleeve, Jessica. “The the Sake of the Children: Class, Anxiety and Childhood in Barbara Noble’s Doreen.” 40.1 (2014): 134-141.
---. “Traumatic Cosmopolitanism: Eleanor Dark and the World at War.” 41.1/2 (2015): 7-17.
Gildfind, Helen. “Notebook.” Poem. 33.2 (2007): 139-140.
---. “On Days Like Today.” Poem. 33.2 (2007): 141-143.
---. "Growing." Poem. 34.1 (2008): 48-49.
---. "Ghazal: Generations." Poem. 34.1 (2008): 49.
---. “Nothing to Fear.” Story. 34.2 (2008): 58-63.
---. “Simple Things.” Poem. 34.2 (2008) 82-82.
---. “Tonight.” Story. 35.1/2 (2009): 307-308.
Gill, Mindy. “Scrubbing Vegetables at the Sink in Shanghai Winter.” Poem. 41.1/2 (2015): 37.
---. “September Cracks Like a Yolk.” Poem. 41.1/2 (2015): 37-38.
---. “Staying in Dadaji’s House on His First Death Anniversary.” Poem. 41.1/2 (2015): 38.
Glover, Marewa. "Turangawaewae." Poem. 20.2 (1994): 105.
---. "Haere Mai Ki Te Kai!" Poem. 20.2 (1994): 104.
---. "Apnoea." Poem. 20.2 (1994): 103.
Godden, Judith. "A New Look at Pioneer Women." 5.2 (1978): 6-21.
Godsil, Sarah. "The Chief." Poem. 27.1 (2001): 78.
Golafshani, Leili. "Self as a 'Migratory Bird': Janet Frame's Towards Another Summer." 34.1 (2008): 104-19.
Golden, Jill. "'Inventing Beatrice': Writing an Auto/biography." 26.2 (2000): 176-185.
Goldson, Annie. "The New Zealand Buddy Movie: Men, Cars and the Rise (and Fall) of the Feminist Thriller." 21.1 (1995): 137-145.
Goodfellow, Geoff. "Remove and Replace." Poem. 13.1 (1987): 68.
---. "Tailor Made." Poem. 13.1 (1987): 66-7.
---. "Which Bank." Poem. 22.2 (1996): 128.
---. "If." Poem. 23.1 (1997): 103.
---. “Poem for Lois.” Poem. 31.2 (2005): 168-69.
Gooneratne, Yasmine. "Asian Culture and Asian Identity." 22.2 (1996): 49-55.
Gordan, Christina. "Writing Space." Story. 23.1 (1997): 125-127.
Gordimer, Nadine. Portrait photograph. By Thomas Victor. 8.1 (1982): 65.
Gordon, Linda. "Race Suicide and the Feminist Response: Part I." 1.2 (1975): 40-53.
---. "Race Suicide and the Feminist Response: Part II." 2.1 (1976): 41-51.
Gordon, Christina. "Inscriptions." Poem. 21.2 (1995): 83.
Gough, Erin. "On the Way to Thursday." 30.2 (2004): 176-177.
Graham, Doris and Cecil. Portrait photograph. 13.2 (1987/88): 88.
Gray, Anthony and Pauline Collins. “The Interplay of Welfare-to-Work and WorkChoices.” 33.1 (2007): 126-140.
Green, Helen. "Song Cycle for Rottnest." Poem. 27.2 (2000): 106-108.
Green, Stephanie. "Sequence." Story. 14.1 (1988): 68-70.
---. "Knitting." Poem. 18.1 (1992): 107.
Green, Paula. "A Wilderness of Spiders." Story. 20.2 (1994): 98-101.
Greenaway, Lisa. "She Assembles Herself, in the Blind Light of Morning." Story. 26.1 (2000): 74-75.
Greene Benjamin, Shanna. “The Uses of Anger: Wanda Coleman and the Poetry of Black Rage.” 40.1 (2014): 58-79.
Greenfield, Cathy and Peter Williams. "Bicentennial Preliminaries: Aboriginal Women, Newspapers and the Politics of Culture." 13.2 (1987): 76-106.
---. "The Uses of Gossip: Women's Writing, Soaps and Everyday Exchange." 17.1 (1991): 124-135.
---. "An Anecdote a Day Keeps Analysis Away." 19.1 (1993): 155-163.
Griffin, Gabriele. "(Other) Feminisms – European Women's Studies." 29.2 (2003): 50-61.
Griffith, Gail. "The Feminist Club Of NSW: 1914-1970: A History of Feminist Politics in Decline." 14.1 (1988): 56-67.
Grimmett, Jenny and Malcolm Thomis. "Rebecca and her Sisters." Rev. of David Williams, The Rebecca Riots. 6.1 (1980): 98-101.
Grimshaw, Patricia. "Reflections on Engels' The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State." 5.1 (1979): 65-74.
Grimshaw, Beatrice (subject). "'Whitehouse,' 'the Irish Grimshaws'' demesne . . ." Painting. 13.2 (1987/88): 33.
Grodal, Hanne Tang and Kirsten Buschk Mellor. "'Femininity As Prison in Post War America': Popular Images of American Women." 6.2 (1980): 52-63.
Gruchy, Jane. "Women and Film: Freud and Marx." 1.1 (1975): 81-84.
Grzesik, Ngama. "Seal's Sonnet." Poem. 29.1 (2003): 70-71.
Guerin, Frances. “Four White Walls.” Story. 44.1/2 (2018): 192-5.
Gunew, Sneja and Louise Adler. "Method and Madness in Female Writing." 7.2 (1981): 20-33.
Gunew, Sneja, Philipa Rothfield and Louise Johnson, "Just One More Way of Talking About Books?" Rev. of K.K. Ruthven, Feminist Literary Studies. 11.2 (1985): 95-102.
Gunew, Sneja and Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak. "Questions of Multi-Culturalism." Discussion. 12.1/2 (1986): 136-42.
Gunew, Sneja. "What Does Woman Mean? Reading, Writing and Reproduction." 9.1/2 (1983): 111-22.
---. "Ania Walwicz: A Non Anglo-Celtic Australian Writer." 13.2 (1987): 69-72.
---.“Excess of Affect: In Translation.” 42.2 (2016) 7-22.
---. "Interview: Maxine Hong Kingston and Sneja Gunew." 16.1\2 (1990): 48-60.
---. "Margins: Acting Like a (Foreign) Woman." 17.1 (1991): 31-35.
Gurtler, Kirsty. “Moving Toward Divine Queerness: Broadening the Trajectory of the Secular Queer Narrative.” 44.1/2 (2018): 100-109.
Gurvich, Rachel. "The Formalities of the Formal." 28.2 (2002): 39-41.
Habib, Madeleine. "My Son Shaving." Poem. 12.1/2 (1986): 59.
---. "Uncle Roger." Poem. 12.1/2 (1986): 58.
---. "Unsent Letter from Linda." Poem. 12.1/2 (1986): 59.
Hagemann, Helen. "Unconscious – V – Consciousness." Poem. 27.1 (2001):97-98.
---. "Broken Sandals." Poem. 28.1 (2002): 86-87.
---. “Becoming woman.” Poem. 31.1 (2005): 118-119.
---. “Portrait of Edith.” Story. 31.2 (2005): 164.
---. “Betty Parker.” Story. 31.2 (2005): 165.
Hagg, Emily. "The Nun's Story." Story. 10.1 (1984): 98-101.
Haley, Eileen. "The Three Wise Kings." Poem. 4.2 (1978): 49-50.
---. "Bent Back." Poem. 4.2 (1978): 50-1.
---. "Empires." Poem. 5.1 (1979): 78-81.
---. "Three Daughters (Part One)." Story. 5.1 (1979): 60-4.
---. "Three Daughters (Part Two)." Story. 5.2 (1979): 34-46.
---. "A Shelter that Didn't Work." Poem. 5.2 (1979): 56-7.
---. "1969." Story. 6.1 (1980): 27-35.
---. "Rolando's Baked Fish." 7.1 (1981): 62-77.
---. "Abortion in Mexico." 7.1 (1981): 78-87.
---. "The Body by the Roadside." Story. 7.2 (1981): 34-9.
---. "To an Ex-Lover." Poem. 8.1 (1982): 53-4.
---. "Nicaragua/Women/Revolution." 9.1/2 (1983): 80-110.
---. "The Tub." Story. 9.1/2 (1983): 157-59.
---. "Motherhood." Story. 10.1 (1984): 63-5.
---. "Myself at Fifty: An Inventory." Poem. 25.1 (1999): 74-77.
---. "Utopia: A Patchwork." Quilt and Cd. 30.2 (2004): Cover.
---. "Celebrating May Day." Poem. 33.1 (2007): 4.
---. “Festival Of The Dreaming.” Poem. 36.1/2 (2010): 164-166.
---. “Sydney Action for Juàrez 2010." Poem. 37.2 (2011): 145-146.
Haylock, Bridget. “ A Fragmented Life: Writing Intergenerational Trauma in Morgan Yasbincek’s liv.” 41.1/2 (2015): 101-115.
Hall, Elizabeth. "Cycle." Poem. 19.1 (1993): 122-123.
Hall, Kate. “Horseflesh.” Story. 37.1 (2011): 93-98.
Hall-Downs, Liz. "Homage to 'Chloe'." Poem. 25.2 (1999): 100.
Hames, Sara. “Write Like You Play.” Story. 34.2 (2008): 144-155.
Hamman, Kathryn. "Grooves on the Flannelette Floor." Poem. 26.2 (2000): 119-120.
---. "Matters of Choice." Poem. 27.2 (2000): 110.
---. "Assessment." Poem. 28.2 (2002): 149.
Hamilton, Paula. "'Inventing the Self': Oral History As Autobiography." 16.1\2 (1990): 128-133.
Hampton, Susan. "Stone Angel." Poem. 4.1 (1978): 81.
---. "Inverell." Poem. 4.1 (1978): 79.
---. "Mary-Ann Clegg." Poem. 7.2 (1981): 88-89.
Hanley, Penelope. “From Forty Shades of Green.” Story. 35.1/2 (2009): 266-272.
Hannaford, Kristen. "Absence." 28.1 (2002): 83.
---. "Skullduggery." Poem. 38.1/2 (2012): 95.
---. "Adaptation." Poem. 38.1/2 (2012): 96.
---. "Winter Dusk, Yeppoon." Poem. 38.1/2 (2012): 97.
Hanson, "Topsy" (Annie). Portrait photograph. 13.2 (1987/88): 12, 20.
Hansord, Katie. “The Literary Dawn: Re-reading Louisa Lawson’s Poetry and Politics.” 39.1/2 (2013): 188- 201.
Hardy, Sara. "Steaming." Poem. 20.1 (1994): 157.
Harford, Lesbia. Portrait photograph. 8.1 (1982): 44.
Harman Qadri, Debbie. Painting. 30.1 (2004): Cover.
Harris, Anita. "Revisiting Bedroom Culture: New Spaces for Young Women's Politics." 27.1 (2001): 128-138.
Harris, Carmel. "The 'Terror of the Law' As Applied to Black Rapists in Colonial Queensland." 8.2 (1982): 22-48.
Harris, Hilary. www.army.gov.au: 'First World' Militaries Imagining 'Third World' Civil Societies. 30.1 (2004): 165-175.
Harris, Rosemary. "Women, Workers, Ladies or Chicks? How the Courier-Mail Sees Women." 10.1 (1984): 28-48.
Harrison, Kathryn. “The River.” 31.2 (2005): 136-37.
Hart, Melissa. "Friday." Story. 17.2 (1991): 156-157.
Hartley, Barbara. “From the Violent to the Comic through the Power of the Text: Nogami Yaeko Reading Jane Austen in Japan.” 34.2 (2008): 32-48.
Hartmann, Isabel. "Four Nights." Poem. 7.2 (1981): 67.
---. "Infusion." Poem. 8.1 (1982): 55.
Haskins, Victoria. "'Lovable Natives and Tribal Sisters': Feminism, Materialism and the Campaign for Aboriginal Citizenship in New South Wales in the Late 1930s." 24.2 (1998): 8-21.
Hatzimanolis, Efi. "Dissonances: Review of Sneja Gunew and Katarina Longley eds., Striking Chords." 18.2 (1992): 138-148.
---. "The Politics of Nostagia: Community and Difference in Migrant Writing." 16.1\2 (1990): 120-127.
Hausler, Rebecca. “Schoolgirls Sex and Excess: Exploring Narratives of Japanese Girlhood and Compensated Dating in Ruth Ozeki’s Novel A Tale for the Time Being.” 43.1&2 (2017): 158-170.
Hawkes, Lesley. "Lady Fingers." Poem. 25.2 (1999): 182-184.
Hawthorne, Susan. "The Depoliticising of Lesbian Culture." 29.2 (2003): 235-247.
---. "A Family Fable." Story. Poem. 30.2 (2004): 127-128.
---. "The Wild Poets Manifesto." 38.1/2 (2012): 42-46.
Haywood, Nicola. "If I Was Good I'd Tell Everyone I Know." Story. 19.1 (2003): 166-173.
---. “They’ll Stone You When You’re Trying to Be So Good.” Story. 35.1/2 (2009): 312-316.
Hegarty, Kathryn. "Cobbling the Self: Interventions in Classed Subject." 34.1 (2008): 126-38.
Henderson, Lindy, John Burgess, and Glenda Strachan. “‘I Just Juggle’: Work and Family Balance in Australian Organisations.” 33.1 (2007): 94-111.
Hergenhan, Laurie. “March of Little Magazines.” Story. 41.1/2 (2015): 171- 175.
Heysen, Nora. “Down and Out in London.” 35.1/2 (2009): Cover (front).
---. “White Cacti.” 35.1/2 (2009): Cover (back).
Hyman, Prue. "Lesbians and Gay Men Flirting Vital Statistics: Same Sex Relationships and NZ Consensus 1971-2001." 29.2 (2003): 248-260.
Hecq, Dominique. "Noisy Blood." Story. 30.1 (2004): 160-164.
Heilbrun, Carolyn G. "Female Sleuths and Others." Rev. of Michele Slung, ed., Crime on Her Mind. 2.2 (1976): 74-79.
Hellyer, Jill. From Letters to Huldah. Story. 22.1 (1996): 158-160.
Hemmes, Rosemary. "Housewives Hold Up Half the System." Poem. 2.2 (1976): 62-3.
Hemming, Elsie. “Notes for Aliens.” Poem. 35.1/2 (2009): 302-303.
---. “Nightmare.” Poem. 35.1/2 (2009): 303-304.
---. "Az's Theory Refuted." Poem. 3.1 (1977): 55-6.
Henderson, Margaret. "New Angels for Storms of Progress? Two Historical Novels of Australian Feminism." 25.1 (1999): 130-144.
---. "The Girl Who Met Simone de Beauvoir in Brisbane, or, Must We Burn Beauvoir?" 26.1 (2000): 113-117.
Henry-Waring, Millsom S. "Moving Beyond Otherness: Exploring the Polyvocal Subjectivities of African Caribbean Women Across the United Kingdom." 30.1 (2004): 31-41.
Herliany, Dorothy Rosa. "Poetry and Indonesian Women." Translated by Harry Aveling. 28.2 (2002): 33-40.
Hewett, Dorothy. "The Golden Oldies." Play. 2.2 (1976): 80-112.
---. "Creating Heroines in Australian Plays." 5.2 (1979): 73-80.
---. "Love and Alice." Poem. 8.2 (1982): 55-6.
---. "Days of Violence, Days of Rages." Poem. 10.2 (1984): 82-3.
---. "Japan." Poem. 11.1 (1985): 26.
---. "'Eat Bread and Salt and Speak the Truth' and 'The Times They Are a'Changing'." 21.2 (1995): 129-136.
---. "Christmas Eve in Queensland." Poem. 25.1 (1999): 165.
---. (Subject). Photograph. 3.1 (1977): 6.
Higgins, Susan. See Sheridan, Susan.
Hile, Fiona. “Memoir.” Poem. 37.1 (2011): 176.
---. “Stripes.” Poem. 37.1 (2011): 177.
Hill, Linda. "Feminism and Unionism in New Zealand." 20.2 (1994): 124-139.
Hillier, Lynne. "'I'm Wasting Away on Unrequited Love': Gendering Same Sex Attracted Young Women's Love, Sex and Desire". 27.1 (2001): 109-118.
Hobson, Samantha. “Bust ‘Im Up Again.” Painting. 33.2 (2007): cover.
Hogan, Michelle with Jude Elton and Kathie Muir. "Bread and Roses (a)cross the Pacific: Michelle Hogan, Jude Elton and Kathie Muir in Conversation", Adelaide, February 2000. 26.2 (2000): 77-84.
Holden, Robert and Ingrid. "Women's Art and Craft Exhibitions in 19th Century Australia." 6.2 (1980): 116-21.
Hollier, Nathan. "The Critical Reception of Bobbin Up." 25.1 (1999): 152-164.
Hollinsworth, David. See Jennings, Karen. 13.2.
Holm, Antoinette. "Over the Edge of the World." 20.2 (1994): 188-192.
Holt, Yvette. “Dream Catcher.” Poem. 33.1 (2007): 251.
Hoorn, Jeanette. “Women and Men and Public Space: Hilda Rix Nicholas and Henri Matisse in Morocco.” 40.2 (2014): 7-23.
---. “Feminising Orientalism: The Art of Hilda Rix Nicholas.” 42.1 (2016): 92-105.
Horacek, Judy. "I Became a Feminist Because . . ." Cartoon. 14.2 (1988): 106.
Hourihan, Margery. "Motherhood." Poem. 4.1 (1978): 75.
Houston, Nancy. See Gibbs, Anna. 6.2.
Howarth, Peter. "Out of Nightmares Into the Sun." Rev. of Kate Jennings, ed., Mother I'm Rooted: An Anthology of Australian Women Poets. 1.2 (1975): 87-88.
Howe, Irene. “The Crow.” Poem. 41.1/2 (2015): 134-135.
---. “The Handcuffs.” Poem. 41.1/2 (2015): 135- 136.
Huggins, Rita. Portrait photograph. 13.2 (1987/88): 13.
Huggins, Jackie. "In My Terms." 17.2 (1991): 171.
---. "Writing My Mother's Life." 17.1 (1991): 88-94.
---. "Black Women and Women's Liberation." 13.1 (1987): 77-82.
---. "'Firing on the Mind': Aboriginal Women Domestic Servants in the Inter-War Years." 13.2 (1987): 5-23.
Hughes, Elizabeth. “When East Meets West.” Story. 30.2 (2004): 148-150.
Hughes, Natalya. Pissing dream. Painting. 34.2 (2008): cover art.
Hughes, Natalya. Animal. Painting. 42.2 (2016): cover art.
Hull, Coral. "Oh Breakdown." Poem. 18.1 (1992): 33.
---. "How Do Detectives Make Love?" Poem. 22.1 (1996): 53-54.
---. "Joeys in a Sack." Poem. 22.2 (1996): 107.
---. "The Noise That the House Made." Poem. 22.1 (1996): 55-57.
---. "My Grandmother's Mouth." Poem. 23.1 (1997): 104-109.
---. "The Healing Powers of Your Average Suburban Lawn." Poem. 24.2 (1998): 70-71.
---. "For the Children of Detroit." Poem. 24.1 (1998): 42-44.
---. "Love Quest." Story. 25.1 (1999): 50-55.
Humphrey, Diane.“Keeping Mum.”Story. 40.1 (2014) 38-44.
Humphrey, Kate. "Moths." Poem. 19.1 (1993): 121.
Hunt, Jane E. “Trafficking Modernities – Gender and Cultural Authority in the Case of the Woman Organist, Lilian Frost.” 37.1 (2011): 99-118.
Hunt, Janet. "Maybe I Broke a Tapu." Poem. 20.2 (1994): 107.
---. "Another Icarus Poem." Poem. 20.2 (1994): 106-107.
Hutchinson, Jan. "Sempre Diretto and the Art of Getting Lost." Story. 24.1 (1998): 47-61.
---. "Reading Blinky Bill, Playing Beatie Bow or Dancing in the Anzac Deli: A Choose Your Own Textual Theory Adventure." 13.1 (1987): 26-32.
---. "Waiting for the Garbos." Story. 13.1 (1987): 21-5.
Hynes, Maureen with Carole Conde and Catherine McLeod. "Bread and Roses (a)cross the Pacific: Carole Conde, Catherine McLeod and Maureen Hynes in Conversation", Toronto, October 1999. 26.2 (2000): 72-77.
Hyman, Prue. "New Zealand Since 1984: Economic Restructuring A Feminist Responses, Activity and Theory." 20.2 (1994): 9-35.
Ifeka, Helena. "The Aloe Vera Farmer." Poem. 19.1 (1993): 94.
Innes, Rosalind. "On Ideology." 1.2 (1975): 72-78.
---. "'What She Needs is a Good Fuck': Rape and Femininity." 2.2 (1976): 23-30.
Innes, Duncan. "Ruth First: Banned, Detained, Exiled, Murdered." Obituary. 120-24.
Ishtar, Zohl dé. "Living on the Ground Research: Steps Towards White Women Researching in Collaboration with Indigenous People." 30.1 (2004): 72-82.
Iwanicki, Dene. "Matrilines." Poem. 23.2 (1997): 39.
Jacob, Kara. "Iconological Observations." Story. 25.1 (1999): 48-49.
Jaivin, Linda. "Why Sex Makes Me Laugh." 20.1 (1994): 63-67.
James, Lin. See Paczuska, Anna. 8.1.
James, Shelley. "Twenty Words a Day." Story. 26.2 (2000): 122-124.
Janaczewska, Noelle. "'Do We Want a Piece of the Cake, or Do We Want to Bake a Whole New One?' Feminist Theatre in Britain." 13.1 (1987): 106-13.
Jardine, Elizabeth. "The Bridesmaids." Poem. 7.1 (1981): 36.
Jarrah, Jo. "Six Cut Symphony." Story. 13.1 (1987): 126-8.
Jeffery, Ella. “‘I Find New Things I’d Forgotten I Needed’: Consumption, Domesticity and Home Renovation.” 42.2 (2016): 85-101.
Jenkins, Cathy. "Kerry Chikarovski and the Press." 26.1 (2000): 82-90.
Jenkins, Mary. “Currawong and Woman.” Poem. 31.2 (2005): 174.
Jennings, Karen and David Hollingsworth. "Shy Maids and Wanton Strumpets." Rev. of Anne Summers, Damned Whores and God's Police. 13.2 (1987): 129-33.
Jennings, Karen. "Black Women and Documentary Film." 13.2 (1987): 113-28.
Jennings, Kate. Poem. 1.1 (1975): 52.
Jessen, Rebecca. “Why Do We Close the Door on Domestic Violence?” Story. 41.1/2 (2015): 98-100.
Jewell, Terri. "It Being Friday 13th Is Irrelevant." Poem. 12.1/2 (1986): 168.
---. "Black Women Poets Speak." Rev. of Barbara Burford et al., A Dangerous Knowing: Four Black Women Poets. 12.1/2(1986): 169-72.
Johnson, Judy. "Beetroot." Poem. 21.2 (1995): 23.
Johnson, Helen. “A Fugitive Moment of Grace: Life, Story, Migration and Vietnamese-Caledonian Women.” 31.1 (2005): 85-103.
Johnson, Louise. See Gunew, Sneja. 11.2.
Johnson, Susan. "Getting Things Done." Story. 11.1 (1985): 65-68.
Johnston, Craig. "A Many Splendoured Thing?" 3.2 (1977): 107-10.
Johnston, Patricia and Leonie Pihama. "The Marginalisation of Maori Women." 20.2 (1994): 83-97.
Jones, Dorothy. "Recording the Gaps." 15.2 (1989): 70-77.
Jones, Elise. "Left to Right." Story. 27.1 (2001): 86-94.
Jones, Jennifer. "The Black Communist: The Contested Memory of Margaret Tucker." 26.2 (2000): 135-145.
Jones, Jill. "Balcony." Poem. 14.2 (1988): 51.
---. "Wall Memory." Poem. 14.2 (1988): 50.
---. “Skin Clothes Nights Days ‘Or what did you do at mardi gras’.” Poem. 44.1/2 (2018): 27-29.
---. “With Blue and Yellow Wings.” Poem. 44.1/2 (2018): 30.
---. “As Long as You Need / Fragments.” Poem. 44.1/2 (2018): 31-32.
---. “Darling Sense.” Poem. 44.1/2 (2018): 33-34.
Jones, Lainie. “Naming the Sisters.” Story. 31.2 (2005): 157-164.
Jones, Sharon L. "Reclaiming a Legacy: Constructions of Race, Class and Gender in Jessie Fauset, Zora Neale Hurston and Dorothy West." 24.1 (1998): 155-164.
Jordan, Deborah. "Towards a Biography of Nettie Palmer." 6.2 (1980): 64-72.
---. "Léontine Cooper and the Queensland Suffrage Movement, 1888-1903." 30.2 (2004): 81-102.
---. "Palmer's Present: Gender and the National Community in 1934." 29.2 (2003): 99-112.
---. “’Elusive as the fires that generate new forms and methods of expression in every age and country’: Nettie Palmer and the Modernist Short Story.” 35.1/2 (2009): 134-149.
Jorgensen, Cheryl. “Interview with Janette Turner Hospital.” 36.1/2 (2010): 186-196.
Jung, Kyungja. "Practicing Feminism in South Korea: The Issue of Sexual Violence and the Women's Movement." 29.2 (2003): 261-284.
Jupp, Cathryn and Emily J Sun. “Notions.” 41.1/2 (2015): Cover.
Kampmark, Binoy. "Islam, Women and Australia's Cultural Discourse of Terror." 29.1 (2003): 86-105.
Kanawa, Kiri Te. Portrait photograph. 13.2 (1987/88): 91.
Kang, Mengni. “A Feminist Revolt From Within: Angela Carter’s Excessiveness in The Infernal Desire Machines of Doctor Hoffman.” 42.2 (2016): 140-158.
Kant, June. “The Leap.” Story. 31.2 (2005): 141-50.
Karpin, Zoe. "Silence(d) is Death." Story. 26.2 (2000): 155-159.
Kavunenko, Nina. "Green." Story. 19.2 (1993): 120-121.
Keane, Jayne Fenton. "Fat." Poem. 21.1 (1995): 100.
Kearney, Julie. ---. "Brisbane Afternoon." Drawing. 7.2 (1981): 69.
---. "Woman Potting"; "Figurehead and Sailor"; "I come From the Salt-Water People." Woodcuts. 19.2 (1993): cover, 95-97.
---. "The Midwife." Woodcut. 21.2 (1995): cover.
---. "The Story of Two Paintings by Gloria Beckett as told to Julie Kearney." 23.2 (1997): 9-12.
---. "The Plural Gaze: Reflections on Contemporary Feminist Curatorial Practice." 23.2 (1997): 152-157.
---. "This Land/Earth/Water/Fire/Air," "Synchronous Fireflies." Colour woodcuts. 24.1 (1998): cover.
---. “Even Paradise Has Serpents.” 34.2 (2008): 49-57.
Keates, Carmen Leigh. “Nicotine Forcefield.” Poem. 35.1/2 (2009): 298.
Keenan, Bróna. Lino prints. 21.1 (1995): cover, 109-110.
Kelada, Odette. “Eve 1954.” Story. 35.1/2 (2009): 273-287.
Kelham, Megg. “Waltz in P-Flat: The Pine Gap Women’s Peace Protest 1983.” 36.1/2 (2010): 171-185.
Keller, Kay Singleton. "Finding Her Own Voice." Painting. 25.1 (1999): cover.
---. "Epiphany." Painting. 25.1 (1999): cover.
Kellett, John. "One-Woman-One-Vote: Annie Lane, 'Lucinda Sharpe' and the Female Franchise in Late Nineteenth Century Queensland." 30.2 (2004): 36-52.
Kelly, Anne. "Lovers." Poem. 37.2 (2011): 150.
Kelley, Caffyn. "Never the Same." Story. 11.1 (1985): 69-74.
Kelly, Carol Lee. "Poem." Poem. 1.2 (1975): 61.
Kelly, Diana. “Workplace Bullying, Women and WorkChoices.” 33.1 (2007): 112-125.
Kelly, Narelle. "Women in Southern Italy." Rev. of Letters From Inside the Italian Communist Party to Louis Althusser. 3.2 (1977): 85-86.
Kelsall, Alana. ---. "Waves of Sleep." Story. 20.1 (1994): 122.
---. "Coming Up for Air." Story. 22.2 (1996): 101-102.
---. "Harbouring Fire." Poem. 24.1 (1998): 82.
Kemp, Jan. "Viste Patrimoine I." Poem. 24.1 (1998): 87.
---. "'Full Fathom Five'." Poem. 24.1 (1998): 88.
---. "Palais Lutétia." Poem. 24.1 (1998): 89.
---. "Viste Patrimoine II." Poem. 24.1 (1998): 87-88.
Kelso, Julie. “Why Should Feminists Read the Bible?” 33.2 (2007): 4-13.
Kennedy, Sally. "'Australian Untouchables': Domestic Servants in W.A., 1920-40." 5.2 (1979): 47-55.
Kenny, Laura. “Plastic Bags.” Poem. 42.2 (2016): 123.
Kerdijk Nicholson, Anna. "From the Kitchen Window." Poem. 29.1 (2003): 65.
Kevin, Catherine. “Assessing the Scene: Journal of Women’s History, Women’s History Review and Genera and History Since 2000.” 33.2 (2007): 151-158.
Kher-Shing Lee. "Sacrificial Rites." Poem. 22.2 (1996): 64.
---. "Chasing Perfection." Poem. 22.2 (1996): 65.
---. "Ovation (for Anyone Who Cares to Listen)." Poem. 23.2 (1997): 35.
---. "The Ice-Cream Van." Poem. 23.1 (1997): 102.
---. "The Language of Silence." Story. 24.1 (1998): 105-108.
Khokar, Misbah. “And Yet Despite What You Knew.” Poem. 34. 2 (2008): 156.
Khoo, Olivia. "Whiteness and the Australian Fiance: Framing the Ornamental Test in Australia." 27.2 (2000): 68-85.
Kidd, Ros. "The Price of Justice." 22.2 (1996): 67-78.
Kilian, Joy. "To Be a Bird." Story. 21.2 (1995): 127-128.
Kilner, Kerry. “‘Unlovely and Unloving’: An Introduction to Dorothy Blewett’s 1949 story ‘This Girl Came to Our School’.” 42.2 (2016): 55-61.
Kilroy, Debbie. "Introduction: Women in Prisons." 28.1 (2002): 116-122.
Kirchner, Maria. "Hopetown." Poem. 23.2 (1997): 109.
Kirkwood, Anne. "Long Slow." Poem. 15.1 (1989): 26.
---. "Northern Nights." Poem. 15.1 (1989): 27.
Kizinska, Rose. "Trilogy of TV." Story. 30.1 (2004): 254-258.
Klangwisan, Yael. “From a Desire Not to Do Violence: Encountering the Song of Songs.” 37.1 (2011): 70-85.
---. “A Tallith of One’s Own (a Meditation on Derrida’s Silkworm).” 39.1/2 (2013):123-125.
---. “The Third Body: Cixous’ Feminine Trinity.” Story. 42.1 (2016): 84- 91.
Klaus, H. Gustav. "Devanny in Germany." 14.2 (1988): 72-78.
Knight, John. "Seen to be Done . . .." Poem. 19.2 (1993): 122-123.
Knox, Elena and Cristyn Davies. “Disturbing the Dialectics of the Public Toilet” with “The Water Closet.” 33.2 (2007): 120-134.
Knox, Nicola. "After Visiting the Folk Museum at Broome." Poem. 26.2 (2000): 189.
---. "Coolgardie Safe." Poem. 27.2 (2000): 111.
---. "Oysters and Pearls at Broome." Poem. 27.1 (2001): 83.
---. "Waterlily Café." Poem. 27.1 (2001): 84.
---. "Bloomsbury Forty Years Ago." Poem. 28.1 (2002): 82.
---. "Visiting My Aunts." Poem. 29.2 (2003): 310-11.
---. “House Sale.” Poem. 31.1 (2005): 114.
---. “ Nagasaki.” Poem. 34.2 (2008): 164.
Knox, Sara. "A Lucky Woman." Poem. 14.1 (1988): 83.
Koa Dunsford, Cathie. “Karanga For a Nuclear Free Pacific.” 34.2 (2008) 64-70.
Konek, Carol Wolfe. "Wichita Under Seige." 19.2 (1993): 107-119.
Kosambi, Meera. "Bandit Queen Through Indian Eyes: The Recreations and Reincarnations of Phoolan Devi." 24.2 (1998): 37-59.
Krahn, Uli. "Fields O' Europe." Poem. 26.1 (2000): 53-54.
---. "From The Ernaeid: A Minor Local Epic in Verse." Poem. 26.2 (2000): 116-118.
Kremmer, Jennifer. "My Favourite Mixmaster." Story. 18.2 (1992): 30-32.
Kretzer, Michelle de. "That Oriental Something." Story. 17.2 (1991): 147-151.
Kruss, Susan. "Granny's Grave." Poem. 26.2 (2000): 186.
---. "Evidence." 27.1 (2001): 98.
---. "Fauchery's Parrots." Poem. 30.2 (2004): 123-124.
Kucharova, Sue. "What's in a Name." Story. 12.1/2 (1986): 177-9.
Kulperger, Shelley. “Loss of Mother/hood: Maternalising Postcolonial Cultural Memory.” 33.1 (2007): 233-242.
La Caze, Marguerite. “Michele Le Doeuff, Feminist Epistemology and the Unthought.” 34.2 (2008): 109-126.
Lahiff, Carmen. “Jiff at Midnight.” Story. 31.1 (2005): 21-23.
Lake, Marilyn. "To Be Denied a Sense of Past Generations." Rev. of Miriam Dixson. The Real Matilda. 2.2 (1976): 68-73.
---. "'Building Themselves Up With Aspros': Pioneer Women Re-Assessed." 7.2 (1981): 7-19.
Laight, S.E. “Eggs.” Poem. 32.1 (2006): 58.
Lambert, Alison. "The Red Furrow." Story. 16.1\2 (1990): 97-101.
---. "Thoughts on a Certain Presence, Through the Medium of a Jellyfish." Poem. 17.2 (1991): 109.
---. "Moth/er." Poem. 18.1 (1992): 106.
---. "Womanifesto." Poem. 18.1 (1992): 105.
---. "Spider Lily." Story. 19.1 (1993): 70-72.
---. "Woman in a Dinghy." Poem. 20.1 (1994): 159.
---. "Composition." Poem. 22.2 (1996): 61.
---. "Letter from Kalimantan." Story. 22.2 (1996): 56-60.
---. "Head Hunter." Poem. 22.2 (1996): 62.
---. "Sometimes a Leafy Waterhole." Poem. 24.1 (1998): 81-82.
---. "The Moon Regrets." Poem. 26.2 (2000): 121.
---. "Water Lily." Poem. 28.1 (2002): 76.
---. "Snake Bird." Poem. 28.1 (2002): 77.
---. "The Woman You Once Knew." Poem. 28.2 (2002): 153-154.
---. "The Waterline." Poem. 29.2 (2003): 315-16.
---. "Yellow Moon." Poem. 30.2 (2004): 122.
---. "Lily." Poem. 34.1 (2008): 154-55.
---. “On Waking.” Poem. 35.1/2 (2009): 296.
---. “A Bowl of Chillies.” 36.1/2 (2010): 206.
---. “The War.” Poem. 37.1 (2011): 184.
---. “Spider Lily.” Poem. 37.1 (2011): 185.
---. “Spider Lily.” 37.1 (2011): cover.
---. “Octopus." Poem. 37.2 (2011): 151.
---. “Peewit.” Poem. 39.1/2 (2013): 174-176.
Lambert, Helen. "All I Ever Wanted of Love." Poem. 29.2 (2003): 308.
Lane, William. "Nature and the Uncanny in Christina Sead's 'The Right Angled Creek.'" 38.1/2 (2012): 52-71.
Lang, Kristen. "Notes on Experiment 3222-8." Poem. 30.1 (2004): 109.
Langenberg, Carolyn van. "Post Partum, KGV." Poem. 1.2 (1975): 55.
---. "Motherhood, a Poem." Poem. 1.2 (1975): 54.
---. "The Beatrice Fable." Story. 2.1 (1976): 77-80.
---. "Letters." Story. 10.1 (1984): 60-2.
---. "Gardening." Poem. 29.2 (2003): 311-13.
Langford, Pearl. Press photograph. 13.2 (1987/88): 87.
Langford Ginibi, Ruby. "Bundjulung Totem." Poem. 17.2 (1991): 36.
---. "Empty Vessel." Poem. 17.2 (1991): 35.
---. "Singing the Land." Poem. 17.2 (1991): 36.
---. Portrait photograph. 13.2 (1987/88): 87.
---. “Ageing Now.” 36.1/2 (2010): 162.
Lappan, R.D. "About Lores." 21.2 (1995): 49-56.
Larner, Bron. "Subversive Surrealism." Rev. of Hayden Herrera Frida: A Biography of Frida Kahlo. 10.2 (1984): 99-104.
Lau, Siew Mei. "The Mirror People." Story. 17.2 (1991): 172-9.
---. From “Journey to the Yellow Castle.” Unpublished novel. 42.2 (2016): 95-104.
Lawrence, Annee. “”A Meaningful Freedom”: Women’s Work and the Promise of Modernity in a Reading of the Letters of Raden Adjeng Kartini (Java) alongside Miles Franklin’s My Brilliant Career (Australia).” 41.1/2 (2015): 18-36.
Lawson, Elizabeth. "Feminist Arks Afloat." Rev. of Judith Rodriguez, ed., Mrs. Noah and the Minoan Queen. 11.2 (1985): 103-12.
Lazaroff, Tamara. "The Qualities of That Love." Excerpt from a comic-strip/novel in progress, Unpacking Boxes. 28.2 (2002): 100-101.
---. “Tomorrow in the Pleasure Gardens.” Story. 32.4 (2008): 142-143.
---. “Girls with stars in their eyes.” Poem. 36.1/2 (2010): 202-203.
---. “Forgetting sometimes.” Poem. 36.1/2 (2010): 204.
---. “Believing again.” Poem. 36.1/2 (2010): 204.
---. “Knowing.” Poem. 36.1/2 (2010): 204.
---. “I Am Natasha." 37.2 (2011): 101-106.
Leane, Jeanine. “On Cannibals.” Poem. 39.1/2 (2013): 171.
---. “Spur of the Moment 2014.” Poem. 39.1/2 (2013): 172.
---. “The Colour of Massacre.” Poem. 42.1 (2016): 113-114.
Leane, Jeanine and Belinda Wheeler. “Gender in Purple Threads: An Interview with Jeanine Leane.” 40.2 (2014): 84-92.
Learmonth, Anne. "Bread and Roses (a)cross the Pacific: Anne Learmonth's Account of Making the NTEU Women's Committee Banner." 26.2 (2000): 85-86.
Lee, D. "Conversation in a Garden." Story. 20.2 (1994): 160-161.
Lee, Christopher. "The Australian Girl Catches the First Feminist Wave." 19.1 (1993): 124-133.
Lee, Janet. “How Miles Franklin “Queered a Queer’s Party.”” 39.1/2 (2013): 64-71.
Lee, Penny. "Waiting Around." Poem. 12.1/2 (1986): 145.
Leggott, Michele. "Opening the Archive: Robin Hyde, Eileen Duggan and the Persistence of Record." 20.2 (1994): 193-216.
Lei, Yi. "From: The Single Woman's Bedroom." Trans. Walter Tonetto and Song Xianlin. Poem. 15.2 (1989): 78-80.
Leishman, Marianna. “In the Mosque.” Poem. 31.2 (2005): 175-77.
Lenore, Miriel. "Who Wins?" Poem. 13.2 (1987/88): 29.
---. "The Old Porsche." Poem. 28.2 (2002): 152.
---. "Art and Life." Poem. 28.2 (2002): 153.
Lennox, Rowena. "QJY 363949." Poem. 25.1 (1999): 109-110.
---. "This Other Eden." Poem. 24.2 (1998): 151-152.
Leonard, Tara. "Night Cats." Poem. 25.1 (1999): 45-46.
---. "Indigo Blue." Poem. 29.1 (2003): 64-65.
Lessing, Doris (subject). Portrait photograph. 1.1 (1975): 40.
Letts, Kristine Traucnieks. "Direction." Poem. 17.2 (1991): 180.
Levy, Bronwen. "(Re)reading (Re)writing (Re)production: Recent Angloamerican Literary Theory." 8.2 (1982): 97-111.
---. "The Victim Fights Back: Women, Politics, Fiction, Crime." Rev. of several contemporary women's novels. 9.1/2 (1983): 175-82.
---. "Sisterhood in Trouble: The Fourth Women and Labour Conference, Brisbane 1984." 10.2 (1984): 105-09.
---. "Women and the Literary Pages: Some Recent Examples." 11.1 (1985): 5-11.
---. Introduction to Thorne, 11.2 (1985): 63-66.
---. "Getting Past Rhetoric." 12.1/2 (1986): 184-91.
---. "Up From Under, or On Not Marrying the Racist Aussie Boss: Strategies for Reading Romantic Fiction." 13.1 (1987): 7-20.
---. "Qualitative Methods? Reading Recent Australian Women's Fiction." 13.2 (1987): 149-57.
---. "Mainstreaming Women Writers." 17.1 (1991): 110-115.
---. "'But Most Certainly I Am Aboriginal'" (Interview with Maureen Watson. 17.2 (1991): 182-193.
---. "Agony and Ecstasy: Feminists Among Feminists". 26.1 (2000): 107-112.
---. "Writing Secrets: Vera's Violin Case." 38.1/2 (2012): 194-206.
Levy, Nadine. "Towards a New Environmental Ethic in Contemporary Feminist Theory." 38.1/2 (2012): 9-23.
Lewis, Julie. "Scrambled Lives." 17.1 (1991): 74-78.
Licari, Rosanna. “The Last Weeks of the War, Italy 1945.” Poem. 34.2 (2008): 77-80.
Lim, Su-Min. “My Adventures in Reproductive Autonomy.” 36.1/2 (2010): 37-41.
Linden, Maya. "Cravings." Story. 26.2 (2000): 122-124.
---. "Malevolent Story." 28.2 (2002): 88.
---. "Sometimes I Have a Craving." 30.2 (2004): 189-198.
Linnell, Sheridan. "In Her Wake." Poem. 26.1 (2000): 52.
Lipovskaya, Olga (subject). Portrait photograph. 15.2 (1989): 62.
Little Nyoongah, Janine. "A Conversation with Mudrooroo." 19.1 (1993): 143-154.
---. "Talking with Ruby Langford Ginibi." 20.1 (1994): 100-121.
---. "The Race for Race: Feminist Scholarship and the Positionality Impasse." 22.2 (1996): 130-139.
---. "The Shock of Body Against Body: History and the Politics of Despair in Theories of Difference." 23.2 (1997): 121-140.
---. "Nothing Like the Real Thing: (Post)colonialism and Travelling." 24.2 (1998): 72-84.
Littlewood. Cover of Salt 7 (12) 14.2.1944. 18.1 (1992): cover.
Livingston, Carole Rose. "Lay." Poem. 11.1 (1985): 64.
Llewellyn, Kate "The Waves." Poem. 10.1 (1984): 58.
---. "The Artist." Poem. 10.1 (1984): 59.
---. "The Harbour." Poem. 10.1 (1984): 59.
---. Poem. 11.2 (1985): 57-9.
---. "Cinderella." Poem. 11.2 (1985): 61-2.
Lloyd, Anne. "A Nice Dress for Ida's Funeral." Poem. 5.1 (1979): 59.
Lo, Miriam Wei Wei. "Don't Call Me Grandma." Poem. 25.2 (1999): 54-55.
---. "Curly Hair." Poem. 25.2 (1999): 55-56..
---. "Albany Bound." Poem. 25.2 (1999): 56-57..
---. "Shaking a Few Tales: The Dialectics of Hybridity and Beth Yahp's The Crocodile Fury." 25.1 (1999): 56-71.
Loewald, Uyen. "The Multicultural Zoo." Poem. 12.1/2 (1986): 55.
---. "Christian Peace." Poem. 12.1/2 (1986): 56-7.
---. "White Mission." Poem. 12.1/2 (1986): 54.
Loftus, Robin. "Haloed Woman." Poem. 28.2 (2002): 150-151.
Logan, Carolyn. “Hand. Drawings. 18.2 (1992): cover.
---. “Rice-Bub and the Dark-Dark." Story. 22.2 (1996): 108-113.
Lohrey, Amanda. "Writing The Morality of Gentleman." 30.1 (2004): 193-200.
Long, Monica. "Silence." Poem. 16.1\2 (1990): 61
---. "My Fridge." Poem. 21.1 (1995): 103-104.
Loughrey, Kerry. "A Group of Crows Is a Murder." Poem. 18.1 (1992): 35-37.
Lovell, Sue. "Janette Turner Hospital's The Last Magician: 'A Feminist's Nightmare?'." 28.2 (2002): 46-63.
Lowe, Beck. "Seeing Solutions Not Problems: Personal Empowerment in the Fight for the Earth." 38.1/2 (2012): 107-113.
Lubitz, Rallou. "In the Forest." Story. 25.1 (1999): 126-129.
Lucas, Rose. "Through the Doorframe." Poem. 37.2 (2011): 149-150.
Lucashenko, Melissa. "Singing the Revolution Blues for Alice." Story. 24.2 (1998): 155-158.
---. From Hard Yards. Story. 25.1 (1999): 39-43.
---. "Too Flash." Story. 27.1 (2001): 182-185.
---. "Many Prisons." 28.1 (2002): 139-144.
Luckman, Susan. "(En)Gendering the Digital Body: Feminism and the Internet." 25.2 (1999): 36-47.
Luxemburg, Rosa. Self-portrait. Painting. 6.2 (1980): 14.
Lydon, Jane. “Women, Colonialism, History: Publishing on Women’s History in Race and Colonial History Journals.” 33.2 (2007): 164-168.
Lynch, Karen. "The Heterosexualisation of Sadism and Masochism." 29.1 (2003): 34-46.
Lyons, Kate. "Malingering." Poem. 13.2 (1987/88): 27-9.
---. “Still Life.” Story. 31.2 (2005): 151-56.
Lyons, Michael and Meg Smith. “WorkChoices and Pay Equity.” 33.1 (2007): 81-93.
Lyssa, Alison. "Prologue." Poem. 3.2 (1977): 80.
---. "We Live in Separate Houses Now." Poem. 5.1 (1979): 51.
---. "Overthrown." Poem. 5.1 (1979): 53.
---. "Woman's Life and Love." Poem. 5.1 (1979): 52.
---. "Grandson." Poem. 6.1 (1980): 81.
---. "A Piece of Oblivion." Poem. 6.1 (1980): 81.
---. "December Winter." Poem. 6.1 (1980): 82.
---. "Her Aloneness." Poem. 19.1 (1993): 93.
Macdonald-Grahame, Carmel and Jane Southwell. "Conference Report [Feminism and Literature]". 16.1\2 (1990): 184-192.
Macdonald, Sean. “Tragic Alliance as (Post)Modernist Reading: ‘Jasmine Tea’ by Zhang Ailing.” 35.1/2 (2009): 171-186.
Mackie, Vera. "Motherhood and Pacifism in Japan, 1900-1937." 14.2 (1988): 28-49.
---. "Writing about Women in Asia." 15.2 (1989): 85-91.
Mackinlay, Elizabeth and Felicity Baker. "Methodological Challenges Amidst Musical Food for the Soul: Reflections on Singing Lullabies as a Mother." 34.1 (2008): 24-44.
Maclean, Julie. “Spiderwoman and Snow White Fight It Out.” Poem. 33.2 (2007): 143-144.
MacLennan, Rosemary. Untitled. (Woman in mining town landscape). Drawing. 2.1 (1976): 21.
---. Untitled. (Three plants). Drawing. 2.1 (1976): 57.
---. Untitled. (Abstract pattern). Drawing. 2.1 (1976): 80.
---. Untitled. (African woman working). Drawing. 2.1 (1976): 111.
---. "I Always Start by Drawing Myself …" Drawing. 4.1 (1978): 86.
Maegraith, Donna. "Birdie." Poem. 5.2 (1979): 58.
Magarey, Susan. "Catherine." Story. 19.2 (2003): 358-62.
---. "Feminism as Cultural Renaissance." 30.1 (2004): 231-246.
---. “Sex After School.” Story. 32.1 (2006): 141-51.
Magarey, Susan and Susan Sheridan. "Women's Studies in Northern Europe." 9.1/2 (1983): 183-91.
Mahadeo, Gemma. “How to Impersonate Christian Bale’s Voice as Batman: Suggestions.” 44.1/2 (2018): 45-46
Maher, Jane-Maree. "The Productivities of Pregnancy: Reviewing Medical Technologies and Feminist Critiques." 27.1 (2001): 135-146.
---. "Rethinking Women's Birth Experience." 29.2 (2003): 140-152.
Maitland, Sara. "For Nita: A Poem Exposing, on Scientific Grounds, a Central Problem in the World View of Mr. Norman Mailer and Other Like-Thinking Persons." Poem. 1.1 (1975): 47.
---. "The Dreams of Papess Joan." Story. 1.2 (1975): 64-7.
---. "Lilith." Story. 2.1 (1976): 81-88.
Mallard, Rose. "Of Ladies Dead." Poem. 21.1 (1995): 101-102.
---. "Hoffman and Lalique." Poem. 23.1 (1997): 53.
Maloney, Karen. "Lady of the Fountain." Story. 17.2 (1991): 197-202.
---. "My Father Is a Bird." Story. 18.1 (1992): 88-91.
---. "Queen of the Jungle: A Tale of Childhood." Story. 18.2 (1992): 94-96.
Maltzahn, Kathleen. "You." Poem. 22.1 (1996): 59.
---. "The Day They Asked Me to Write a Creed." Poem. 22.1 (1996): 58-59.
Mammen, Gita. "Slipping into Slow." Poem. 34.1 (2008): 156-57.
---. ‘Coin Laundry.” Poem. 40.1 (2014): 143.
---. “What a Tangle.” Poem. 40.1 (2014): 144.
Manderson, Lenore. "Self, Couple and Community: Recent Writings on Lesbian Women." 6.1 (1980): 67-79.
Manefield, Jorie. "Tadpoles." Poem. 22.2 (1996): 104.
---. "Overheard On a Suburban Train." Poem. 25.2 (1999): 184.
---. "Someone Who Is Crying." Poem. 25.2 (1999): 185.
---. "Waiting For Gentlemen Callers." Poem. 25.1 (1999): 46.
Mansell, Chris. "Mother Us." Poem. 16.1\2 (1990): 116.
---. "Harriet." Poem. 25.1 (1999): 47.
Marcus, Julie. "Australian Women and Feminist Men." 14.2 (1988): 98-106.
Margarey, Susan. "The Feminist History Group Goes to the Berks." 19.1 (1993): 36-57.
Marrinon, Linda. “How I Hate Sexism.” 40.1 (2014): Cover.
Martin, Frances. "Portrait of a Crazy Artist." Poem. 19.2 (1993): 103-104.
---. "Banksias." Story. 24.1 (1998): 90-92.
---. "Kitchen Feet." Poem. 21.1 (1995): 103.
---. "Almost Black." Story. 27.1 (2001): 73-77.
Martin, Sylvia. "Reading Life Writing: Australian Women's Letters and Diaries." 18.2 (1992): 126-137.
---. “The Unfinished Business of Biography: Mary Fullerton and Mabel Singleton Revisited.” 34.2 (2008): 71-76.
---. "Becoming Violet: Desire in the Love Poetry of Mary Fullerton." 23.2 (1997): 95-103.
---. “Aileen Palmer – Twentieth Century Pilgrim: War, Poetry, Madness and Modernism.” 35.1/2 (2009): 94-17.
---. “Response to Judith Rodriguez’s note on Aileen Palmer’s ‘The Swans / The Wanderer.’” 36.1/2 (2010): 216-217.
---. “From "Caloundra to Barcelona: Aileen Palmer's Sense of Place." 38.1/2 (2012): 131-152.
---. “Love in the Blitz.” 42.1 (2016): 55-64.
Martire, Jodie. "Café Anake." Poem. 37.2 (2011): 142.
---. “Terrarium." Poem. 38.1/2 (2012): 91.
Matthews, Jill Julius. "Simone de Beauvoir's The Third Sex". 26.1 (2000): 139-143.
Matthews, Nicole. "Vampires." Story. 16.1\2 (1990): 111-114.
Margaret and Zondra Donabauer. "The Penny Dropped." Story. 27.1 (2001): 169-173.
Maxwell, Elizabeth Anne. "The Problem of Violence in Sheri S. Tepper's Feminist Utopia, 'The Gate to Women's Country.'" 37.2 (2011): 110-127.
Maxwell, Kate. "Succulence." 28.1 (2002): 84.
---. "Shadows." Poem. 29.1 (2003): 80-81.
Mazlin, Cyrena. “Rose Macaulay’s And No Man’s Wit: The Forgotten Spanish Civil War Novel.” 37.1 (2011): 56-69.
McAllister, Laura. “Dal Dy Dir/ Stand Your Ground: International Lessons on Women’s Equality From a Small Nation.” 32.1 (2006): 107- 22.
McBride, Tracie. “Baptism.” Story. 35.1/2 (2009: 288-295.
McCarthy, Margaret. "Break Up Beach." Story. 19.1 (1993): 134-136.
---. "Aunt Vinnie." Story. 18.2 (1992): 106-111.
McCorry, Paddy. "'More Advanced, Better Prepared?' The Status of Women Enquiry." 1.1 (1975): 53-61.
---. "Praxis, GK = Doing." Poem. 1.1 (1975): 65.
McCotter, Clare. “Seduction and Resistance, Baptism and ‘Glassy Metaphorics’: Beatrice Grimshaw’s Journeys on Papua’s Great Rivers.” 32.1 (2006): 81-97.
---. “Bodies of De/Composition: Leprosy and Tattooing in Beatrice Grimshaw’s Fiction and Travel Writing.” 33.2 (2007): 81-106.
McCreery, Susan. “And it’s cold down here.” Poem. 36.1/2 (2010): 160.
---. “Head of the Table.” Poem. 36.1/2 (2010): 161.
McCulloch, John. "The Struggle for Women's Suffrage in Queensland." 30.2 (2004): 11-35.
---. “Six Queensland Women Parliamentary Pioneers.” 31.1 (2005): 160-181.
---. “Baby-Farming and Benevolence in Brisbane: 1885-1915.” 36.1/2 (2010): 42-56.
McDermott, Cary. "Sentencing." Poem. 24.2 (1998): 152.
McDonald, Anne. "Jonquil Passion." Story. 10.2 (1984): 78-81.
---. "Miss Cuttlefish." Story. 12.1/2 (1986): 192-8.
McDonald, Elly. "Asymmetric." Poem. 10.2 (1984): 85.
McDonald, Paula, Janis Bailey and Kaye Broadbent. “Focus on Women and Work Editors’ Introduction.” 33.1 (2007): 5-7.
---. "Messalina at the Beach House." Poem. 10.2 (1984): 84.
---. "From Me." Poem. 10.2 (1984): 86.
McDonell, Margaret. "Protocols, Political Correctness and Discomfort Zones: Indigenous Life Writing and Non-indigenous Editing." 30.1 (2004): 83-95.
McEvoy, Prulisa. “Hecate at the Winer Solstice.” Poem. 33.1 (2007): 141.
McGrath, Ann. "Aboriginal Women Workers in the Northern Territory, 1911-1939." 4.2 (1978): 5-25.
McGuigan, Lorraine. "Missing the Bus." Poem. 26.2 (2000): 129.
---. "Aunt Maddie." Poem. 27.1 (2001): 84-85.
---. "First Time." Poem. 29.2 (2003): 314.
---. “Bathroom at 4 am.” Poem. 37.1 (2011): 181.
---. “Late Autumn.” Poem. 37.1 (2011): 182.
---. “Bathroom at 4am." Poem. 38.1/2 (2012):230.
---. “Late Autumn." Poem. 38.1/2 (2012): 231.
McGuigan, Susan. “All Hallows Eve.” Poem. 36.1/2 (2010): 166.
---. “Days Later.” Poem. 36.1/2 (2010): 167.
McInherney, Frances. "'Deep Into the Destructive Core': Elizabeth Harrower's The Watch Tower." 9.1/2 (1983): 123-34.
McKay, Belinda. "Writing From the Contact Zone: Fiction by Early Queensland Women." 30.2 (2004): 53-70.
McKay, Jim. "Embodying the New Sporting Woman." 20.1 (1994): 68-83.
McKay, Laura Jean. “Nine Days.” Story. 33.1 (2007): 146-153.
McKernan, Susan. "Feminist Literary Theory and Women's Literary History: Contradictory Projects?." 17.1 (1991): 150-156.
McKinlay, Judith E. “Eve and the Bad Girls Club.” 33.2 (2007): 31-42.
McLaren, Rosie. "The Discourses of Hysteria: Menopause, Art and the Body." 25.2 (1999): 107-129.
McLean, Kirsten. "Living Life in the Double Closet: Bisexual Youth Speak Out". 27.1 (2001): 109-118.
McLeod, Aorewa. "Alternative Eves." 25.2 (1999): 164-179.
McLeod, Catherine with Carole Conde and Maureen Hynes. Bread and Roses (a)cross the Pacific: Carole Conde, Maureen Hynes and Catherine McLeod in Conversation, Toronto, October 1999. 26.2 (2000): 72-77.
McNena, Meg. "Alice Grows Up." 30.1 (2004): 248.
McPherson, Heather. "In the Rotunda." Poem. 20.2 (1994): 51-52.
---. "Up from the Provinces . . .." Poem. 20.2 (1994): 46.
McVey, Judy. "The Right to Life Offensive Since 1969." 9.1/2 (1983): 35-43.
Mears, Yvonne. "Crows." Story. 17.2 (1991): 22-31.
Mears, Gillian. "The Midnight Shift." Story. 11.2 (1985): 33-8.
---. "Looping the Loop." Story. 12.1/2 (1986): 153-7.
---. "Red Lactose Monday." Story. 13.1 (1987): 101-5.
---. "Pipedream." Story. 14.2 (1988): 21-7.
---. "Donor." Story. 15.1 (1989): 28-32.
---. "Drawing". 15.1 (1989): 30.
---. "Jacarandas." Poem. 15.2 (1989): 83.
Mee, Michelle. ---. "The Colonial Yoke." Story. 20.1 (1994): 58-59.
"Frida Kahlo Rode It Out." Poem. 21.2 (1995): 25.
---. Linocuts. 22.1 (1996): 102-103.
---. "The Historian in Poland, 1986." Poem. 23.1 (1997): 49.
---. "Jobs Not Words." Poem. 24.1 (1998): 84.
Meehan, Maurilia. From The Last Clone. Story. 28.1 (2002): 97-104.
---. "The Immense Tea Cosy." Story. 28.2 (2002): 64-81.
---. From The Bad Seed. Story. 30.1 (2004): 113-18.
---. “From Mary Magdalene and All That Stuff.” Poem. 39.1/2 (2013): 177-185.
Meekosha, Helen and Jan Pettman. "Beyond Category Politics." 17.2 (1991): 75-92.
Mehan, Bronwyn. "Friday Night Vigil." Poem. 34.1 (2008): 157-58.
Mei, Lau Siew. "Black Soles, White Light." 37.2 (2011): 70-74.
---. “The New Tenant.” Story. 39.1/2 (2013): 93-100.
---. “The Cat and the Soulmonger.” Story. 40.1 (2014): 40-50.
---. “The Garden.” Story. 40.2 (2014): 99-102.
Mellor, Kirsten Busch. See Grodal, Hanne Tang. 6.2.
---. See Smith, Joan. 11.1.
Merali, Arzu. “’Mad Woman in the Burqua’: Muslim Women as Exemplar Feminists.” 32.1 (2006): 173-86.
Mercer, Gina. "Songs: Sea Moon Waves." Poem. 24.1 (1998): 83-84.
---. “The Daily Coracle.” Poem. 31.1 (2005): 114.
---. “Window-free.” Poem. 31.1 (2005) 115.
---. “The Houses Here.” Poem. 31.2 (2005): 170.
Merewether, Janet. “Maverick Mother – From Social Pariah to Social Progressive.” 36.1/2 (2010): 101-118.
Merlyn, Teri. "Defeating Gravity." Story. 25.1 (1999): 182-185.
Merrifield, Helen. "Jif in the Bath." Poem. 14.2 (1988): 67.
---. "Kitchen Poetic." Play. 14.2 (1988): 66.
---. "To dear Narelle . . ." Poem. 15.2 (1989): 84.
---. "Little Fox." Poem. 16.1\2 (1990): 115-116.
Messer, Jane. "Insomnia and a Few Other Things." Poem. 8.2 (1982): 58.
Meyer, Angela. “Dead Women.” Story. 33.1 (2007): 220-222.
Mezei, Ellen. "Psychiatry." Poem. 25.1 91999): 47.
Mezei, Suzi. "The Wait." Poem 38.1/2 (2012): 228.
---. “Ensemble: Midlife." Poem. 38.1/2 (2012): 229.
Michell, Patricia. "The Whole Thing." Story. 8.1 (1982): 59-60.
Millard, Cathy. See Ferrier, Carole. 13.2.
Miller, Emma. Portrait photograph. 14.2 (1988): 12.
Miller, Dor. "Lay of Sappho." Poem. 6.1 (1980): 83-5.
Miller, Margaret. "Discursive Dangers." 19.1 (1993): 164-173.
"Forms of Resistance: South African Women's Writing During Apartheid." 24.1 (1998): 118-144.
Millett, Kate. "Four views of Maja Reconsidered." Photographs of Sculpture. By Mallory Millett Jones. 3.1 (1977): 57-60.
---. "Three views of Terminal Piece." Photographs of Sculpture. By Mallory Millett Jones. 3.1 (1977): 61-2.
---. "Two views of Fat Lady." Photographs of Sculpture. By Mallory Millett Jones. 3.1 (1977): 63-4.
Mills, Jennifer. “bayram.” Poem. 32.1 (2006): 55.
---. “caracoles.” Poem. 32.1 (2006): 56-57.
Mitchell, Lissa. "The Witch's Daughter." Poem. 24.1 (1998): 111.
---. "This Is Not What I Meant to Say." Poem. 18.2 (1992): 53.
---. "Aurora." Poem. 24.1 (1998): 112.
Mitchell, Lisa. "Locking Up." Poem. 23.2 (1997): 40.
---. "The 'C' Word." Poem. 24.2 (1998): 67.
---. "To Whom it May Concern." Poem. 26.1 (2000): 54.
Mitchell, Lorna. "Hitching." Story. 8.2 (1982): 84-92.
Mitchell, Marea. "Ambitious Women and Strange Monsters: Simone de Beauvoir and Germaine Greer." 26.1 (2000): 98-106.
Mitchell, Pat. "Traffic Lights." Poem. 6.2 (1980): 51.
Mitra, Bansari. “Postcolonial Recollections of a Colonial Encounter: Eliade’s Bengal Nights and Devi’s It Does Not Die.” 43.1&2 (2017): 184-96.
Mittal, Pooja. “Pale Green.” 31.2 (2005): 166.
---. “Drought Relief.” 31.2 (2005): 167.
Molloy, Louise. "Busking." Poem. 29.2 (2003): 314.
Monteath, Peter and Dieter Freundlieb. "An Interview with Karin Struck in Australia." 15.1 (1989): 107-12.
Moore, Amber. “Lady Macbeth in AA.” Poem. 43.1&2 (2017): 227.
---. “The river of names.” Poem. 43.1&2 (2017): 228.
Moore, Clive. "'Feloniously, Wickedly and Against the Order of Nature': A Research Agenda for Gay Studies in Queensland." 20.1 (1994): 139-150.
Moore, Jenifer. "The Dress." Story. 24.2 (1998): 27-32.
Moore, Nicole. "The Burdens Twain or Not Forgetting Yourself: The Writing of Betty Roland's Life." 18.1 (1992): 6-26
---. "'Me Operation': Abortion and Class in Australian Women's Novels, 1920s-1950." 22.1 (1996): 27-46.
---. "The Rational Natural: Conflicts of the Modern in Eleanor Dark." 27.1 (2001): 19-31.
---. “Placing Sociality, Intimacy, Authority: Dorothy Hewett in the Biographical Frame.” 40.2 (2014): 35-51.
Moore, Vicki. "Santa Monica." Poem. 25.2 (1999): 61.
---. "Sleeping Beauty - Ode Noir." Poem. 25.2 (1999): 62.
---. "East End Sanguine." Poem. 25.2 (1999): 62.
---. “Fear of Flight.” Story. 40.1 (2014): 51-55.
Moreton-Robinson, Aileen. "Researching Whiteness: Some Reflections from an Indigenous Woman's Standpoint." 29.2 (2003): 72-84.
Morgan-Shae, Ashlley. "Metcard Is Coming." Poem. 23.2 (1997): 42-43.
---. "Eggirl." Etching. 24.2 (1998): 63.
---. "Egg Stories." Story. 24.2 (1998): 60-63.
---. "Metcard Is Here." Poem. 25.1 (1999): 105-106.
---. "1982." Story. 26.1 (2000): 39-44.
---. "Ben." Story. 26.2 (2000): 171-175.
---. "Bone Home." Poem. 28.1 (2002): 75-76.
---. "Genes." Poem. 29.1 (2003): 76-77.
---. "Like a Rose…." Poem. 29.1 (2003): 77-79.
---. "Live Raw Rats." Poem. 29.2 (2003): 305-06.
---. "Dreaming of Pineapples." Poem. 29.2 (2003): 307-08.
---. "Nana's House." Poem. 30.1 (2004): 110-12.
---. "Seam Stressing." Poem. 30.1 (2004): 112.
---. "Single Cell." Poem. 30.2 (2004): 203-205.
---. “Type-Writers.” Poem. 31.2 (2005): 172-73.
---. “Emergence.” 32.1 (2006): 138.
---. “Scarlet Fever.” 32.1 (2006): 138-39.
---. “Delight.” Cover Art. 32.1 (2006).
---. “Leaving Romance.” Poem. 33.1 (2007): 142.
---. “The Separate Prison, Port Arthur.” Poem. 33.1 (2007): 143.
---. “Blue.” Poem. 33.2 (2007): 145-146.
---. "Green." Poem. 34.1 (2008): 44.
---. "Yellow." Poem. 34.1 (2008): 45-46.
---. “Green Garden Hose.” Poem. 36.1/2 (2010): 212.
---. “Waist.” Poem. 42.2 (2016): 121-22.
---. “Wind flower.” Poem. 42.2 (2016): 122.
Moriarty, Amanda. "Maybe Medusa." Poem. 27.1 (2001): 96.
Morris, Kate. "Hanging Out the Washing." Poem. 19.2 (1993): 85-87.
---. "I Am a Woman Who Fills Her Days Like Balloons." Story. 21.1 (1995): 65.
Morris, Meaghan. "Aspects of French Feminist Literary Criticism." 5.2 (1979): 63-72.
Morris, Patricia. "Threesome." Story. 5.2 (1979): 86-90.
Morris, Robyn. "Reading Photographically: Translating Whiteness through the Eye of the Empire." 27.2 (2001): 86-96.
Morris-Suzuki, Tessa. "EQU." Poem. 12.1/2 (1986): 200.
Mortimer, Lorraine. "Adventures of the Mind and Living Warmth: A New Encounter with Beauvoir." 26.1 (2000): 185-196.
Morwood, Carolyn. ---. "Sisters." Poem. 18.1 (1992): 101-102.
---. "A Cabbage Garden." Poem. 19.2 (1993): 105-106.
---. "Wheelflower." Poem. 20.1 (1994): 9.
---. "A Reverence for Tilt." Poem. 22.1 (1996): 120.
---. "An Old Bee Farm." Poem. 23.2 (1997): 36.
Mrozik, Jean L. "Celluloid War." Story. 25.2 (1999): 130-134.
---. "Edelweiss." Story. 27.2 (2001): 50-53.
Mtenje, Asante Lucy. “‘Bad Girls Get Raped, Good Girls Go to Heaven’: Sexuality and Respectability in Sefi Atta’s Everything Good Will Come.” 42.2 (2016): 66-84.
Mudrooroo. “Night.” Poem. 36.1/2 (2010): 169-170.
---. “How I Tried To Change My Name.” Story. 42.1 (2016): 49-54.
Muir, Kathie. "Tough Choices: Mass Media Accounts of Women Union Leaders." 26.2 (2000): 10-30.
---. With Jude Elton and Michelle Hogan. "Bread and Roses (a)cross the Pacific: Michelle Hogan, Jude Elton and Kathie Muir in Conversation, Adelaide, February 2000." 26.2 (2000): 77-85.
---. With Anne Flood. "Change is Slow: Indigenous Women and Unions." 26.2 (2000): 87-91.
Mulcahy, Cathy. "Bicentennial Blue." Poem. 13.2 (1987/88): 24-6.
---. "Work in Progress." Poem. 14.1 (1988): 86.
---. "The Woman on the Tele." Story. 17.2 (1991): 151-153.
Mullenneaux, Lisa. “Sylvia Plath’s Disquieting Muses.” 44.1/2 (2018): 122-135.
Muller, Vivienne. "Lost Children and Imaginary Mothers in Sonya Hartnett's Of a Boy." 34.1 (2008): 159-74.
Munro, Craig. "Australia First, Women Last: Pro-Fascism and Anti-Feminism in the 1930s." 9.1/2 (1983): 25-34.
Munro, Rachael. "Time." Poem. 30.2 (2004): 122.
Murdolo, Adele. "Keeping 'Our' Women Safe: Containing Australian Fear and Danger through Immigration Dentention." 28.1 (2002): 123-131.
Murnane, Mary and Kay Daniels. "Prostitutes as 'Purveyors of Disease': Venereal Disease Legislation in Tasmania, 1896- 1954." 5.1 (1979): 5-21.
Murphy, Ffion. "In the Lion Cage." Story. 27.1 (2001): 101-106.
---. “In Memoriam: Women, War and Communal Lament.” 40.2 (2014): 103-122.
Murphy, Kylie. "'I'm Sorry – I'm Not Really Sorry': Courtney Love and Notions of Authenticity." 27.1 (2001): 139-162.
Murphy, Liz. "The Main Road to Purple." Poem. 20.1 (1994): 39.
Murray, Catriona. "Gallen Head." Story. 30.1 (2004): 42-46.
Murray, K.D. "The Gift – On Learning How to be a Girl." Poem. 26.1 (2000): 78.
Murray, Simone. "One is Not Born, but Becomes, a Bestseller: Publishing Politics of The Second Sex." 26.1 (2000): 144-160.
Murray, Simone. Roscoe, J., Morris, S., Lumby, C. "Women in/and Media Today." 28.2 (2002): 125-144.
Murray, Suellen. "'Keeping Their Secret Safe': Menstrual Etiquette in Australia 1900-1960." 24.1 (1998): 62-80.
Musgrove, Brian. "La Flaneuse: Beauvoir and Class. " 26.1 (2000): 133-138.
Musumeci, Fotina. “Angeliki.” Story. 41.1/2 (2015): 176- 179.
Muta, Orie. "Aspects of Love in Contemporary Novels by Japanese Women." 16.1\2 (1990): 151-163.
Mutunzhima, Liala. "Who is She?" Drawing. 2.1 (1976): 27.
---. Untitled. "Symbolic Portrait of Nadja and Breton." Drawing. 2.1 (1976): 27.
---. "Nadja." Drawing. 2.1 (1976): 40.
---. "A Brand New Sydney Opera House." Story. 20.1 (1994): 161-163.
---. "Honor Lelepa's Secret." Poem. 20.1 (1994): 160.
Myers, Melanie. “The Women Who Loved Those Yanks: The Facts and Fictions of Maureen C. Meadows and her ‘Narration of that Desire.’” 40.2 (2014): 123-139.
Naisbitt, Susan. "First Night at the Graveyard Shifter's." Poem. 25.1 (1999): 44.
---. "To Our Hometown." Poem. 25.1 (1999): 45.
---. "Slippery Sanity." Poem. 26.2 (2000): 188.
Negrin, Llewellyn. "A Cheap Shot at Frocks? A Reply to Tara Brabazon." 23.1 (1997): 117-124.
Neill, Linda. "Jenifer Lopez's Bottom and the Mysterious Laughter." Story. 25.2 (1999): 101-106.
---. "The Saddest Man in the World." Story. 27.1 (2001): 174-181.
Nelson, Anitra. “Servant of the Revolution: The Creative Art of Serving History and the Imagination.” 36.1/2 (2010): 137-152.
Nelson, Lorraine. "A Traveller." Poem. 17.2 (1991): 203.
Nelson, Penelope. "Fingertips." Story. 13.1 (1987): 33-4.
Nesaule, Agate. "What Happened to Aspazija? In Search of Feminism in Latvia." 18.2 (1992): 112-125.
Nestle, Joan. “Reflections on Legacies and Solidarities from the Perspective of a 50s Fem: Fragments of Stories, Encounters, Perils and Cries of Possibilities.” 44.1/2 (2018): 17-26.
Newman, Joan. "Constructing the Self: Mollie Skinner." 17.1 (1991): 79-87.
Newman, Sally. "Body of Evidence: Aileen Palmer's Textual Lives. " 26.1 (2000): 10-38.
---. “Flirting with the Past: A Survey of Current Work in the History of Sexuality.” 33.2 (2007): 159-163.
Newo, Marny. "Casuarina - Political Conniver?" Poem. 21.1 (1995): 104.
Ngitji Ngitji (Mona Tur). "Wail On, Wailing Spirit." Story. 18.2 (1992): 46-50.
Nicaragua (subject). "Nicaraguan women, unomasuno." Photograph. 9.1/2 (1983): 80.
Nicholson, Anna Kerdijk. "Shoalhaven Heads." Poem. 26.1 (2000): 78-79.
Nola, Nina. "Migrant Women's Writing in New Zealand: Amelia Batistich's Three-Dimensional World." 20.2 (1994): 140-159.
North, Helen. "Farewelling Penni, Rude Dog and the Van." Poem. 24.1 (1998): 110.
North, Marilla. "Dymphna Cusack: Beautiful Exile." 25.2 (1999): 135-155.
---. "Blue Mountain Journey 2003: For Dorothy Hewett 1923-28 August 2002." 30.1 (2004): 249-250.
---. “The Mulberry Tree.” Poem. 33.2 (2007): 119.
---. “Laying the Foundations of a Writer’s Life: Dymphna Cusack (1902-81).” 39.1/2 (2013): 33-63.
North, Marilla and Vera Deacon. "Vera Deacon: A Pen Portrait Part 1: 1926-1946." 38.1/2 (2012): 158-193.
Novak, Jiri Tibor. Print. 21.2 (1995): 85.
Nugent, Ann. "Lots of Love.' Story. 27.2 (2001): 54-56.
---. "Angel on the Water." Story. 28.2 (2002): 41-45.
---. "A Consequence of Words." Story. 30.1 (2004): 201-205.
---. “Nellie Alma Martel and the Women’s Social and Political Union, 1905-09.” 31.1 (2005):142-159.
Nurses' Strike, 1985 (subject). "Nurses March Through the Centre of Melbourne." Photograph. 13.1 (1987): 86.
Nurses' Strike, 1985 (subject). Photographs of mass meetings. 13.1 (1987): 89, 99.
Nye, Adele, Lorina Barker and Jennifer Charteris. “Matrilineal Narratives: Learning from Voices and Objects.” 41.1/2 (2015): 180-190.
O'Conor, Claire. "Hedda Gabbler was bored . . ." Poem. 2.2 (1976): 64.
O'Duffy, Molly. "The Irish Women's Movement and the National Question." Rev. of Scarlet Woman June, 1980. 7.1 (1981): 116-19.
O'Flynn, Mark. From Eleanor and Eve. Story. 28.1 (2002): 105-115.
O'Lincoln, Tom. "Women and the Communist Party of Australia, 1946-1968." 6.1 (1980): 53-66.
---. "What's Wrong With 'Disarmament Feminism'?" Rev. of Over Our Dead Bodies, and Brian Easlea, Fathering the Unthinkable.10.1 (1984): 86-97.
---. "Studies in Scarlet." Rev. of Oriel Gray, Exit Left, and Audrey Blake, A Proletarian Life. 11.2 (1985): 91-4.
---. with Liz Ross, "Interview with Olga Lipovskaya." 15.2 (1989): 62-9.
"Contradictory Contestations." 19.2 (1993): 156-162.
---. Interview with Ruth Indiah Rahayu and Nugroho Katjasungkana. 23.1 (1997): 128-136.
O'Neill, Kate. "Missing Maggie Wood." Poem. 17.2 (1991): 195.
---. "Miss Cox and Me." Story. 18.1 (1992): 108-112.
---. "Dear Miss Dix." Poem. 19.1 (1993): 97.
---. "Star Crossed Lovers." Poem. 19.1 (1993): 96.
O'Neill, P.J. "Bodies Collide." Story. 8.2 (1982): 93-6.
O’Reilly, Andrea. “Outlaw(ing) Motherhood: A Theory and Politic of Maternal Empowerment for the Twenty-first Century.” 36.1/2 (2010): 17-29.
O'Reilly, Shelly. "The Company of Loveless." Story. 21.1 (1995): 21-22.
Oertel, Val. "Rapunzel." Poem. 20.1 (1994): 37-38.
---. "The Shelf." Poem. 20.1 (1994): 38.
Oldfield, Audrey. “Putting the Queensland Woman Suffrage Movement Into Its Wider Context.” 31.1 (2005): 133-141.
Omelaniuk, Irena and Eric Burgstaller. "From Agit-Prop to Cultural Export: A Report on the West German Women's Cinema." 8.2 (1982): 59-83.
Orlowska-Westwood, Barbara. "To My Son." Poem. 28.2 (2002): 118-119.
Ouyang Yu. "Interview with Yu." Poem. 20.1 (1994): 33-35.
---. "At the Anti-Racism Conference." Poem. 21.1 (1995): 105-107.
---. "Them/Us." Poem. 21.1 (1995): 107.
---. "Here and There." Poem. 22.2 (1996): 63-64.
---. "There Won't be a Revolution." Poem. 26.1 (2000): 81.
---. “Oil.” Poem. 33.1 (2007): 244.
Owen, Christine. "Night – A Rough Hammock." Poem. 30.2 (2004): 205-206.
---. “Larger Than Life.” Story. 31.1 (2005): 124.
Pace, Helen. "'All the Nice Girls . . . ' A Case Study in the Social Control of Women, Melbourne 1942." 18.1 (1992): 38-59.
Packham, Jane. "At the Beach." Poem. 17.2 (1991): 166.
Paczuska, Anna. "From Love Poems for Bad Men." Poem. 18.1 (1992): 92-96.
---. "Women's Right to Work in the U.K." 7.1 (1981): 111-15.
Paczuska, Anna and Lin James. "Against the Great and Strong Men of the World." Rev. of Sarah Boston, Women Workers and the Trade Unions, and Anna Pollert Girls, Wives, Factory Lives. 8.1 (1982): 82-8.
Paddle, Sara. "Ideology and Culture: Towards Feminist Cultural History." 17.1 (1991): 7-13.
Page, Susan. "A New-Fashioned Bedtime Story." Poem. 11.2 (1985): 60.
---. "A Modern Dream." Poem. 11.2 (1985): 59.
Paice, Christine. "Annoyance in Broome." Poem. 26.2 (2000): 188.
---. "Basement Lilly." Poem. 27.1 (2001): 114.
---. "Armed." Poem. 28.2 (2002): 151-152.
---. "The Inside." Poem. 29.1 (2003): 71.
Pallotta-Chiarolli, Maria. "Long Black Hair: I Remember." Story. 21.2 (1995): 79-82.
---. "Drying Up." Poem. 17.2 (1991): 167.
Palmer, Aileen. “Ambulance Station.” Story. 42.1 (2016): 65-67.
Palmer, Camilla. “Girl’s Own Adventure.” Story. 40.2 (2014): 93-98.
---. “Zadie Smith’s “White Knuckle Ride”: From “Black Woman Writer” to “Acclaimed Novelist and Critic”.” 41.1/2 (2015): 156- 165.
Palmer, Nettie. Portrait photograph. 6.2 (1980): 64.
Pallotta-Chiarolli, Maria. "After Midnight, a Morning." Story. 34.1 (2008): 52-54.
Pao-chung and Li Tse-hao. Chairman Mao and Comrade Yang Kai-hui. Painting. 4.1 (1978): 41.
Parratt, Anne. "Plethora." Poem. 6.1 (1980): 80.
Pascoe, Jacqueline. From "Last Train for the Coast." 38.1/2 (2012): 119-130.
Pastor, Helena. “The Flour Shed.” Story. 33.1 (2007): 171-173.
---. “The Flood.” Story. 33.2 (2007): 76-80.
---. “The SMS Queen of Bali.” Story. 34.2 (2008): 100-108.
Pate, Kim. "The Risky Business of Risk Assessment." 28.1 (2002): 166-190.
Patterson, Carole. "Killing the Drake." Story. 6.2 (1980): 73-83.
---. "Aurora Australis." Story. 10.1 (1984): 107-14.
---. "Framed." Story. 15.1 (1989): 52-3.
Patterson, Lesley, and Celia Briar. “Lone Mothers in Liberal Welfare States: Thirty Years of Change and Continuity.” 31.1 (2005) 46-59.
Paxton, Nancy L. “Modernist Takes on Film in Jean Devanny’s First Novels about Australia.” 35.1/2 (2009): 150-170.
Pearce, Margaret. "Bibliography: Women in India." 1.1 (1975):90-95.
Pearce, Sharyn. "'The Best Career Is Matrimony': First-Wave Journalism and the Australian Girl." 18.2 (1992): 64-78.
Peck, Nancy. "Getting Off on Rape." 1.2 (1975): 35-39.
Peckenpaugh, Angela. "Poem of Flight and Possession." Poem. 3.1 (1977): 65-6.
Peetz, David. “Collateral Damage: Women and the WorkChoices Battlefield.” 33.1 (2007): 61-80.
Peiris, T.M. "Ophelia: A Theory." Story. 22.2 (1996): 140-143.
---. "Grandma, 1919-1993." Poem. 25.2 (1999): 180-182.
Pelan, Rebecca. "Irish Women's Writing: Some Thoughts on Its Critical Condition." 19.2 (1993): 149-155.
---. "'It's What Happens After You Are Born That Knocks It Out of You' Evelyn Conlon Interviewed by Rebecca Pelan." 21.1 (1995): 111-123.
---. Interview with Evelyn Conlon. 26.1 (2000): 62-73.
---. "Undisciplined Women: A View of Women's Studies and Institutional Structures in Ireland." 29.2 (2003): 23-33.
---. “Practicing Disobedience: Feminist Politics in the Academy." 38.1/2 (2012): 210-222.
Pennhaligon, Kelly. "Kite Flying." Poem. 13.1 (1987): 70.
Pepworth, Barbara. "A Day in the Life." Poem. 23.1 (1997): 99-101.
Pereira, Cathy. "Strip Searching as Sexual Assault. " 27.2 (2001): 187-196.
Periera, Malin. “A Seat at the Front of the Bus of American Poetry: Wanda Coleman’s “Retro Rogue Anthology” in Mercurochrome” 40.1 (2014): 97-115.
Pereira, Margaret. "Women and Drugs: Destruction by Incarceration." 28.2 (2002): 154-162.
Perera, Suvendrini. "Theories of Periphery, Politics of Place? Locating the Caribbean Fictions of Paule Marshall and Michelle Cliff." 17.2 (1991): 60-69.
---. "Draidian Curls." Story. 25.1 (1999): 111-123.
Perincioli, Cristina (subject). "The Power of Men. Still Photograph from the Movie." 8.2 (1982): 73.
Perkins, Elizabeth. "A Life of Its Own: A Deconstructive Reading of Astley's A Kindness Cup." 11.1 (1985): 11-18.
Perry, Susan. "Joyburst." Poem. 21.2 (1995): 27.
Peters-Little, Frances. "Yet Another End of Another Aboriginal Filmmaker's Journey." 28.1 (2002): 42-56.
Petrie, Andrea. "Family Day-Care Schemes: Entrapment, Empowerment or Liberation for Women?" 17.1 (1991): 61-66.
Philadelphoff-Puren, Nina. "The Right Language for Rape." 29.1 (2003): 47-58.
Phillip, Joan. "The Phoenix and the Dragon." Poem. 22.1 (1996): 61-62.
Pihama, Leonie. "Are Films Dangerous? A Maori Woman's Perspective on The Piano." 20.2 (1994): 239-42.
Pilgrim, Kelly. "Marie." Portrait photograph. 8.1 (1982): 32.
---. "Cows in My Street." Poem. 24.2 (1998): 25.
---. "Tidal Heat." Poem. 24.2 (1998): 26.
---. "The Centre." Poem. 24.2 (1998): 26.
---. "Meditation for the Unenlightened." Poem. 29.1 (2003): 67-69.
---. “Now you’re here.” Poem. 35.1/2 (2009): 301.
Pillai, Shanthini. "In Gendered Chambers: The Figure of the Indian Immigrant Woman of Colonial Malaya." 30.1 (2004): 141-59.
---. “Occidental Echos: Beth Yahp’s Ambivalen Malaya.” 33.1 (2007): 174-189.
Pinder, Valda. "Kristeva and an Archaeology of Sources and Translation." 28.2 (2002): 102-116.
Pini, Barbara. “Women and Franchise in Agricultural Organisations: A Case Study of the Australian Sugar Industry.” 32.1 (2006): 123-131.
Place, Fiona. “Bearing Witness; One Mother to An-Other.” 37.1 (2011): 46-55.
Poland, Louise. "Out of Type: Bessie Mitchell (Guthrie) and Viking Press (1939-44)." 29.1 (2003): 19-33.
---. "The Devil and the Angel? Australia's Feminist Presses and the Multinational Agenda." 29.2 (2003): 123-139.
Pomfret, Mary. “La Tristesse.” Story. 32.1 (2006): 187-93.
---. “Not All Legacies Are an Act of Genorosity.” 40.2 (2014): 150-151.
Porter, Marie. “Focusing on Mothering: Introduction.” 36.1/2 (2010): 5-16.
Porter, Pip. "Dorothy Hewett: An Interview." 3.1 (1977): 6-15.
Potiki, Roma. "Shaking the Tree." Poem. 21.1 (1995): 57.
---. "Papatuanuku." Poem. 21.1 (1995): 56.
Power, Margaret. "The Makings of a Woman's Occupation." 1.2 (1975):25-34.
Prater, Lenise. “Monstrous Fantasies: Reinforcing Rape Culture in Fiona McIntosh’s Fantasy Novels.” 39.1/2 (2013): 148-167.
Preston, Margaret. "Wheelflower." Woodcut. 20.1 (1994): cover.
Prestwich, Freda. "Conversation Piece." Poem. 10.2 (1984): 87.
Prichard, Katherine Susannah. Portrait photograph. 4.1 (1978): 6.
Priest, Ann-Marie. “Baby and Demon: Woman and the Artist in the Poetry of Gwen Harwood.” 40.2 (2014): 67-83.
Priestley, Dinah. "Looking at Women: Theorising Class and Gender." Rev. of R.W. Connell, Which Way is Up? Essays on Class and Gender, Margrit Eichler, The Double Standard: A Feminist Critique of Feminist Social Science, and Ann Game and Rosemary Pringle, Gender at Work. 10.2 (1984): 93-98.
Probyn, Fiona and Margaret Somerville. "Towards 'a Postcolonial Practice of Writing'." 30.1 (2004): 56-71.
Prokhovnik, Kathy. "The House of Your Dreams." Story. 95-7
Prosser, Rosslyn. "Going to China." Story. 15.2 (1989): 49-50.
Prowse, Nycole. “‘Out of Control’: Excess, Desire and Agency in Female Drug Writing.” 42.2 (2016): 39-54.
Pulham, Marguerite. "In the Garden." Poem. 17.2 (1991): 181.
Pullbrook, Ross. Photographic image from A Country Practice. 13.1 (1987): Front cover design.
Pulverenti, Jan. "Cover: Nicaraguan poster." 9.1/2 (1983): cover design.
Pyke, Susan. “Riflebutt Road.” Poem. 31.2 (2005): 170-71.
Qadri, Debbie Harman. "Spitfire." Oil on collage. 24.2 (1998): cover.
---. Cartoons: "Killing the Angel in the House." 24.2 (1998): throughout.
---. "Woman in a Lampshade." Oil on paper. 24.2 (1998): cover.
---. Cartoons: "Budgeting". 28.1 (2002): 6-7.
---. Cartoons: “Turning Over New Leaves.” 31.1 (2005): 43-45.
Quigley, Rachael. "A Ravel of Skin." Story. 19.2 (2003): 347-54.
Quinlan, Juliet. "Out West." Story. 11.1 (1985): 35-8.
Radajewska, Rebecca. "A Woman Imprisoned." Rev. of Ruth First, 117 Days. 14.2 (1988): 82-84.
Radcliffe, Rachel. "Ballad of the Zillmere Matron." Poem. 11.2 (1985): 90.
Radcliffe, Peg. "Too Late?" Poem. 12.1/2 (1986): 109.
---. "In 1966 - Michael." Poem. 12.1/2 (1986): 108-9.
Raddeker, Hélène Bowen. "Pie in the Pure Land: A Meeting in the 'Sweet Bye and Bye'." Play. 21.2 (1995): 85-22.
Raffaele, Julie. “Fractured.” Poem. 32.1 (2006): 53.
---. “Dive.” Poem. 32.1 (2006): 54.
Strike, Queensland, 1948 (subject). "Women March in Support…" Photograph. 10.1 (1984): 18.
Ramadge-Ross, Barbara. "Now You Have Touched the Women." Rev. of Beata Lipman, We Make Freedom: Women in South Africa. 11.1 (1985): 98-101.
Ramsay, Raylene. "Hybridity in the Representations of the Female Body in the New Literatures of Kanaky/New Caledonia." 30.2 (2004): 178-188.
Ranald, Pat. "Jessie Street: An Adequate Assessment?" 5.2 (1979):91-96.
Randall, D'Arcy. "Keri Hulme's The Bone People and the Literary Lottery." 14.1 (1988): 71-75.
Ransirini, Shamara. “Body, Violence and Space: Anne Devlin’s “Naming the Names.” 41.1/2 (2015): 39-56.
---. “Excessive Becomings: Rethinking Women and Militancy.” 43.1&2 (2017): 20-42.
Re, Loretta. "Of All Sad Words." Story. 11.2 (1985): 79-86.
Readdy, Kay. “Breaking Loose.” Story. 33.2 (2007): 147-150.
---. “The Rock Hopper." Story. 38.1/2 (2012): 47-51.
Redfern, Megan. "To My Grandmother." Poem. 10.1 (1984): 102-3.
---. "A Girl's Own Adventure." Poem. 11.1 (1985): 118-19.
Reed, Liz. "White Girl 'Gone Off with the Blacks'." 28.1 (2002): 9-22.
Reedman, Maree. “The Painting.” Story. 42.1 (2016): 106-108.
---. “Girl in Blue.” Poem. 42.2 (2016): 119-120.
---. “The Gold Watch.” Poem. 42.2 (2016): 120.
---. “Jailbirds.” Poem. 44.1/2 (2018): 150-151.
Reekie, Gail. "'With Ready Hands and New Brooms': The Suffrage Struggle in W.A." 7.1 (1981): 24-35.
---. "Naming Queensland Women's History: A Bibliographic Essay." 15.2 (1989): 92-110.
Reeves, Lyn. "Barefoot Day." Poem. 24.2 (1998): 68.
---. "Snap-shot." Poem. 24.2 (1998): 69.
---. Untitled poem. 25.2 (1999): 98.
---. "Fisherwoman." Poem. 27.1 (2001): 82.
---. "What was the Question?" Poem. 27.1 (2001): 83.
---. “Archaeology of a House.” Poem. 32.1 (2006): 134-37.
Regehr, Kyeren. "The Removal of Beautiful Things." Poem. 37.2 (2011): 147.
---. “Expert Advice." Poem. 37.2 (2011): 147.
---. “Mis-conception.” 40.2 (2014): 152.
---. “Prayer to the Madonna of Childbirth.” 40.2 (2014): 153.
Reid, Margaret. "Caste-ing the Vote: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voting Rights in Queensland." 30.2 (2004): 71-80.
Reismann, Renate. See Rowley, Hazel. 7.1.
Reiter, D.P. "Birthing." Poem. 14.1 (1988): 55.
Rendle-Short, Francesca. “Beastly and Beautiful: My Mother Reads Lolita.” 36.1/2 (2010): 57-65.
Renew, Sandra. “High Point of the Season.” 44.1/2 (2018): 195.
Reynolds, Margaret. "Changing Feminisms – A Personal View." 30.1 (2004): 206-211.
Richardson, Rachel. "Bathroom Poem." Poem. 18.1 (1992): 27.
---. "Another Shitty Day." Poem. 18.1 (1992): 28-30.
Richardson, Susan. "Pottery Competition." Poem. 23.1 (1997): 50-51.
Riddett, Lyn. "'Watch the White Women Fade': Aboriginal and White Women in the Northern Territory 1870-1940." 19.1 (1993): 23-92.
---. "Sisters, Wives and Mothers: Settler Women as Healers and Preservers of Health in the N.T. During the 1930s." 15.2 (1989): 7-22.
Rijswijk, Philomena van. "The Girl of the Limberlost." Poem. 25.2 (1999): 97-98.
---. Forget-me-not." Poem. 25.1 (1999): 166-167.
---. "Butterfly Flesh." Poem. 25.1 (1999): 167-168.
---. "No Engels at My Table." Poem. 26.2 (2000): 127.
---. "Indian Summer." Poem. 26.2 (2000): 128-129.
---. "Clockwork Birds." Poem. 27.1 (2001): 95.
---. "What the Survivors Said." Poem. 28.2 (2002): 117-118.
---. "Sleight of Hand." Poem. 30.1 (2004): 105.
---. "My Beautiful White-Washed Skin." Poem. 30.1 (2004): 106.
---. "Blue Lake Beans and Others." Poem. 33.2 (2007): 135-37.
---. "The Frogs Sang Me Back." Poem. 33.2 (2007): 138-39.
---. “Wandering Womb.” Poem. 36.1/2 (2010): 163.
---. “My Longing is a Camp Dog.” Poem. 37.1 (2011): 174.
---. “The Cull.” Poem. 37.1 (2011): 175.
Rivière, Dominique. "Adventures of a Black Girl in Search of Herself: Some Thoughts on Canadian Feminism." 30.1 (2004): 222-230.
Robertson, Boni, Catherine Demosthenous, and Hellene Demosthenous. “Stories from the Aboriginal Women of the Yarning Circle: When Cultures Collide.” 31.2 (2005): 34-44.
Robertson, Rachel “Misfitting Mothers: Feminism, Disability and Mothering”40.1 (2014): 7-19.
Robertson, Toni. No. 2 of 6 in series "Royal Nuclear Show." Poster. 17.2 (1991): cover.
Robertson, Jo. "Making Sense." 18.1 (1992): 117-130.
Robinson, Gwen. "Aborigines and White Popular Culture in the 1930s in Queensland." 15.1 (1989): 54-63.
Roche, Christine. Cartoon. 17.1 (1991): cover.
Rodd, Leila. "Coloured Cutouts." Story. 4.1 (1978): 67-74.
---. "Dutch Interlude." Story. 6.1 (1980): 92-7.
Rodger, Ellen. "In Here." Story. 19.1 (1993): 116-119.
---. "Lovely Low Television Sounds." Story. 19.2 (1993): 62-64.
---. "The Blue Bowl." Poem. 24.2 (1998): 64.
---. "True Happiness." Story. 25.1 (1999): 78-80.
---. "Am I Doing the Right Thing?" Story. 27.2 (2001): 32-37.
Rodriguez, Judith. "Buses Pass Here Daily." Woodcut. 2.2 (1976): 5.
---. "A Close." Poem. 3.1 (1977): 66.
---. Untitled. (Japanese lovers). Woodcut. 3.2 (1977): 8.
---. "In the Carport." Poem. 4.1 (1978): 80-1.
---. "Hand Circle." Woodcut. 5.2 (1979): 80.
---. “A Note on Aileen Palmer’s ‘The Swan/The Wanderer’.” 36.1/2 (2010): 214-215.
---. "Three at One Book," "The Cow Goes Up," "The Burning Globo" and "The Piano Lesson." Woodcuts. 5.2 (1979): 5, 31-3.
---. Untitled. (Hecate in a striped T-shirt). Woodcut. 11.1 (1985): Front cover design, part of that used initially for Hecate's Daughters (1978) and repeated on many subsequent issues of Hecate.
Roe, Jill. "Forcing the Issue: Miles Franklin and Australian Identity." 17.1 (1991): 67-73.
Rogers, Andrea. "A Storm is Brewing." Poem. 21.2 (1995): 28.
---. “Summer’s End.” Poem. 32.1 (2006): 133.
Rojter, Angela. “The Smile.” Story. 31.1 (2005) 71-72.
Rolley, Anne-Maree. "Old Graves." Poem. 23.2 (1997): 117.
---. "Night Comes." Poem. 23.2 (1997): 114-116.
Ross, Kaz. “China and Women’s Liberation: Re-Assessing the Relationship Through Population Policies.” 36.1/2 (2010): 66-91.
Ross, Liz. "Feminism and the Class Struggle." Rev. of Jane Slaughter and Robert Kern, eds., European Women on the Left, Elizabeth Sarah, Reassessments of 'First Wave' Feminism, and Tony Cliff, Class Struggle and Women's Liberation. 11.1 (1985): 102-09.
---. "Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves . . . And Us." 13.1 (1987): 83-99.
---.See also, O'Lincoln, Tom. 15.2.
Rosser, Lillian. "How We Got the Duck." Poem. 1.2 (1975): 68-71.
---. "The Horse Called Pig." Story. 2.1 (1976): 60-70.
---. "Eve's Apple." Story. 2.2 (1976): 65-7.
---. "On the Barron." Story. 3.1 (1977): 77-81.
---. "Me Mate Daph." Story. 3.2 (1977): 57-61.
---. "The Poet." Story. 4.1 (1978): 76-8.
---. "The Road." Story. 4.2 (1978): 52-4.
---. "Marigold." Story. 5.1 (1979): 31-4.
---. "The Cardboard House." Story. 7.1 (1981): 38-9.
---. "What's a Nice Girl?" Story. 8.1 (1982): 49-52.
Rothfield, Philipa. See Gunew, Sneja. 11.2.
Routley, Jane. "My Day Off." Story. 16.1\2 (1990): 164-166.
Rowen, Dylan. “‘I am no longer a fiction but a real human being’: The Modernist Queer Body in Patrick White’s The Twyborn Affair (1979).” 44.1/2 (2018): 59-75.
Rowlands, Shane. "De-Scribing Sexualities: Recent Lesbian Cultural Production." 18.1 (1992): 131-141.
--. "Bed-time Stories." Poem. 18.2 (1992): 54-55.
---. "Smutting with Summer." Poem. 18.2 (1992): 56-57.
---. "Re/membering." Poem. 20.1 (1994): 94-95.
Rowlands, Graham. "Marvel." Poem. 1.1 (1975): 51.
Rowley, Hazel and Renate Reismann. "Interview with Simone de Beauvoir." 7.2 (1981): 90-96.
Ruckert. M. "Our Pizza of the Day Has Bio-Topping." Poem. 30.1 (2004): 107.
Ruddick, Daisy. "'Talking About Cruel Things': Girls' Life in the Kahlin Compound…." By Daisy Ruddick as told to Kathy Miles and Tony Austin. 15.1 (1989): 14-21.
Rule, Belinda. “Mum 2.” Poem. 37.1 (2011): 179-180.
Russell, Penny. "On Reading the Diary of Jane, Lady Franklin 1791-1875." Poem. 24.1 (1998): 85-86.
Russell, Jane. "Women and Reason." 14.1 (1988): 40-50.
Rusticelli, Condell. “Straight.” Poem. 43. 1&2 (2017): 226.
---. “Probable Bird.” Poem. 44.1/2 (2018): 151.
Ruthven, K.K. "On Feminist Criticism as a Rhetoric." 12.1/2 (1986): 180-83.
Rutter, Cheryl. "A Necessary Murder." Story. 20.1 (1994): 151-155.
Ryan, Juliana. "The Last Guitar." Story. 22.1 (1996): 64-68.
Ryan, Lyndall. "Writing a Short Feminist History of Australia: Structure and Methodology." 17.1 (1991): 22-30.
Ryan- Bryant, Jennifer.“Biography of Wanda Coleman.” 40.1 (2014): 56-57.
---. “Saying Goodbye: Elegiac Subjectivity in Wanda Coleman’s The World Falls Away” 40.1 (2014): 116-132.
Sabbioni, Jennifer. "I Hate Working for White People." 19.2 (1993): 7-29.
Sacre, Elizabeth. "Alice." Poem. 4.1 (1978): 82-6.
Saliba, Sue. "Boxed Emotion." Poem. 21.2 (1995): 60.
---. “Ena’s Heart Made a Sound That No One Heard.” Poem. 32.1 (2006): 194-96.
Sambamoorthy, Ahila. "Rubber Tapper." Poem. 29.1 (2003): 69.
---. "Temple at Bangalore." Poem. 29.1 (2003): 69-70.
---. "Temple of the Goddess." Poem. 29.1 (2003): 70.
Sander, Helen. Photograph of Helen Sander in her film Redupers. 8.2 (1982): 64.
Sanz, Ynes. "Dog Walking." Poem. 38.1/2 (2012): 93-94.
Saravanamuttu, Dipti. "Fragments." Poem. 29.1 (2003): 74.
Sarkozi, Julie. "So, She Came Here." Poem. 16.1/2 (1990): 61-62.
---. Untitled. Poem. 16.1\2 (1990): 64.
Satkunananthan, Anita Harris. "Textual Transgressions and Consuming the Self in the Fiction of Helen Oyeyemi and Chimamanda Ngozi." 37.2 (2011): 41-70.
Saunders, Jen. "Anaemia." Poem. 25.1 (1999): 110.
Saunders, Julia. "A Writer's Friends and Associates: Notes from Correspondence in the Zora Cross Papers." 16.1/2 (1990): 90-96.
Saunders, Kay and Carmel Shute. "Walloping Matilda." Rev. of Anne Summers. Damned Whores and God's Police. 2.1 (1976): 97-99.
---. "Pros and Cons." Rev. of Prostitution in Australia. 3.1 (1977): 104-07.
Saunders, Kay and Helen Taylor. "'To Combat the Plague': The Construction of Moral Alarm and State Intervention in Queensland During World War II." 14.1 (1988): 5-30.
Saunders, Kay. "Passion and Panic in the Tropics." Rev. of Amiriah Inglis. Not a White Woman Safe. 2.1 (1976): 100-103.
---. "'The Old Order of Things': Women and Anthropology Reconsidered." 10.1 (1984): 68-73.
---. "A Vision of Hope." Rev. of Beverley Bryan, Stella Dadzie and Suzanne Scafe, The Heart of the Race, and Caryl Phillips, The Final Passage. 12.1/2 (1986): 173-76.
---. "An Interview With Elizabeth Clark." 13.1 (1987): 114-22.
---. "North American Women and the Second World War: Transformation or Consolidation?" 15.1 (1989): 90-2.
---. "Recent Women's Studies Scholarship I: History." 16.1/2 (1990): 171-183.
---. "All the Women Were White? Some Thoughts on Analysing Class, Race and Gender in Australian History." 17.1 (1991): 157-160.
Savage, Teresa. "'Been Workin', Been Workin': Labour and the Lesbian Librarian." 23.1 (1997): 82-98.
Sayer, Susan. "From Lesbian Nation to Queer Nation. Bonnie Zimmerman Interviewed by Susan Sayer." 21.2 (1995): 29-43.
Scanlon, Tony. "'Pure and Clean and True to Christ': Black Women and White Missionaries in the North." 12.1/2 (1986): 82-105.
Scarlett, Gilli. "Sylvia Plath Committed Suicide." Poem. 14.1 (1988): 77.
Schaare, Pym. “Opera.” Poem. 44.1/2 (2018): 152-3.
---. “Drawing the Dark.” Poem. 44.1/2 (2018): 154.
Schaffer, Kay. "Critical Dilemmas: Looking For Katherine Susannah Prichard." 10.2 (1984): 45-52.
---. "Stripping the Bed Bare . . . Again." Story. 13.2 (1987/88): 158-60.
---. "A Country Practice: Motherhood, Surrogacy and the Price of Love." 19.2 (1993): 128-139.
---. "The Eliza Fraser Story and Constructions of Gender, Race and Class in Australian Culture." 17.1 (1991): 136-149.
---. Women and the Republic: Dancing To a Different Tune." 25.1 (1999): 94-101.
Schindler, Pam. “Wading the Seagrass.” Poem. 36.1/2 (2010): 208.
---. “Flame-tree." Poem. 38.1/2 (2012): 91.
---. “Painting the Noosa.” Poem. 43.1&2 (2017): 224.
---. “If They Came.” Poem. 43.1&2 (2017): 225.
Scholes, Nicola. “Steve Irwin: Death of a Hero I and II.” Poems. 33.1 (2007): 245-246.
---. “A Doll’s House.” Poem. 33.2 (2007): 116-118.
---. "Flat Lemonade." Poem. 34.1 (2008): 46.
---. “Boomerang.” Poem. 34.2 (2008): 157-158.
Schooling, Queensland (subject). Original caption: "Domestic Science Classes Were Fun." Photograph from Quest. 11.2 (1985): 42.
Schreiner, Olive. Portrait photograph. 7.2 (1981): 40.
Portrait photograph. 7.1 (1981): 44.
Schulz, Joan. "Will the Perfect Reader Please Stand Up?" 3.2 (1977): 17-25.
Schwartzman, Carol. “Courting Blakness: Recalibrating Knowledge in the Sandstone University.” 39.1/2 (2013): 2016-216.
Scott, Bonnie Kime. “Introduction.” 35.1/2 (2009): 5-9.
---. “First Drafts for Transnational Women’s Writing: A Revisiting of the Modernisms of Woolf, West, Fauset and Dark.” 35.1/2 (2009): 10-28
Scott, Joanne and Raymond Evans. "The Moulding of Menials: The Making of the Aboriginal Female Domestic Servant in Queensland During the Early Twentieth Century." 22.1 (1996): 159-157.
Scuffins, Kerry. "The Penthouse Pictures." Story. 7.2 (1981): 60-5.
---. "Here Today." Poem. 8.1 (1982): 57.
---. "The Lesbian-Feminist Barbecue." Story. 8.2 (1982): 49-54
---. "Intrusions." Poem. 9.1/2 (1983): 150-55.
---. "Babies." Poem. 10.1 (1984): 104.
---. "Another Good Woman." Poem. 10.1 (1984): 103.
---. "It Was Raining Anyway." Poem. 12.1/2 (1986): 143-4.
Scutt, Cecily. "Spider's People." Story. 20.1 (1994): 84-91.
Scutt, Jocelynne. "Sexism and Psychology: An Analysis of the 'Scientific' Basis of the Corroboration Rule in Rape." 5.1 (1979): 5.1 (1979): 35-48.
---. "The Alcoholic Imperative: The Sexist Rationalisation of Rape and Domestic Violence." 7.1 (1981): 88-105.
Sebastian, Lel. "Haring's Sebastian." Poem. 34.1 (2008): 152.
---. "Osthorst's Sebastian." Poem. 34.1 (2008): 152.
---. "Sailboats." Poem. 34.1 (2008): 153.
Selby, Wendy. "Reply to Paula Hamilton." 17.2 (1991): 136-137.
Semeniuk, Andrea.[Andrea Sherwood] "Cancer 1." Poem. 34.1 (2008): 50.
---. "Cancer 2." Poem. 34.1 (2008): 50.
Sexton, Rae. "Visit to West Terrace Cemetery." Poem. 16.1/2 (1990): 118.
---. "Three Little Pieces." Story. 20.1 (1994): 174-175.
---. "Connie, Walking in the Adelaide Arcade." Poem. 24.2 (1998): 22.
---. "The Fernery." Poem. 24.2 (1998): 23.
---. "Her Majesty's Subject." Poem. 24.2 (1998): 24.
Shakely, Lauren. "Letter to Yehudi Menuhin." Poem. 2.1 (1976): 89-90.
---. "Living Among Reptiles." Poem. 2.1 (1976): 88.
Sharkey, Michael. "Zora Cross's Entry into Australian Literature." 16.1/2 (1990): 65-89.
Sharpe, Wendy. “Self-Portrait (After Courbet with Model and Child Self).” 36.1/2 (2010): cover artist.
Shaw, Edwina. "Slut." Story. 34.1 (2008): 66-71.
Shaw, Mari Anna. "Bread and Roses." Rev of Edna Ryan and Anne Conlan, Gentle Invaders: Australian Women at Work 1788-1974, Beverley Kingston, My Wife, My Daughter and Poor Mary Ann, and Ann Curthoys, Susan Eade and Peter Spearritt, eds., Women at Work. 2.1 (1976): 104-111.
Sheridan, Susan. "The Suffragettes in Fiction." 2.2 (1976): 31-47.
---. "Caught in Crossfire." Rev. of Jennifer Compton, Crossfire. 4.1 (1978): 109-12.
---. "Pandora's Box of Books." 15.1 (1989): 98-101.
---. "Australian Feminist Literary History: Around 1981." 19.1 (1993): 101-115.
---. “When Was Modernism? The Cold War Silence of Christina Stead.” 35.1/2 (2009): 204-218.
---. “Feminist Fables and Alexis Wright’s Art of the Fabulous in The Swan Book.” 43.1&2 (2017): 197-214.
Sheridan, Susan and Paula Furby. "An Artist in the WAAF: Elsa Russell's War." 28.2 (2002): 156-173.
Sherwood, Andrea. "Mother." Poem. 15.2 (1989): 82.
---. "Unemployed." Poem. 16.1\2 (1990): 117.
---. "The Deal." Poem. 17.2 (1991): 108.
---. "In Code." Poem. 17.2 (1991): 106.
---. "In Public." Poem. 17.2 (1991): 107.
---. "On the Other Side." Poem. 18.2 (1992): 89.
---. "The Witch." Poem. 19.1 (1993): 120-121.
---. "Home-life." Poem. 18.2 (1992): 90.
---. "Mirror Mirror." Poem. 26.1 (2000): 76.
---. "Mother/Daughter." Poem. 26.1 (2000): 76.
---. "Three Sisters." Poem. 26.1 (2000): 77.
---. "Untitled." Poem. 28.1 (2002): 85.
---. "Family Portrait." Poem. 29.1 (2003): 79.
---. "East of Seville: Sunways." Poem. 29.1 (2003): 80.
Shete, Michelle. “Wild Daughters.” Poem. 41.1/2 (2015): 134.
Shiraz, Myrna. "Upholstered Green Wall Sculpture." Photograph of Sculpture. Photographer unattributed. 3.1 (1977): 103.
Shoemaker, Adam. "Hard Dreams and Indigenous Worlds in Australia's North." 34.1 (2008): 55-62.
Shurlee, Swain, Ellen Warne, and Patricia Grimshaw. “Constructing the Working Mother: Australian Perspectives, 1920 to 1970.” 31.2 (2005): 21-33.
Shute, Carmel. "Heroines and Heroes: Sexual Mythology in Australia, 1914-1918." 1.1 (1975): 6-22.
---. "'Blood Votes' and the 'Bestial Boche': A Case Study in Propaganda." 2.2 (1976): 6-22.
---. "From Balaclavas to Bayonets: Women's Voluntary War Work, 1939-41." 6.1 (1980): 5-26.
Siddell, Sylvia. Drawings. 20.2 (1994): 122-123.
Siemienowicz, Miranda. "Dress Circle." Story. 34.1 (2008): 139-44.
Sieverding, Jutta. "Night Driving." Poem. 10.1 (1984): 115.
Signorini, Annette. "A Good Italian Boy." Story. 29.1 (2003): 82-85.
Singh Chanda, Geetanjali. "(Other) Feminisms – (Other) Values." 29.2 (2003): 62-71.
Singh, Lesley. "Stony Worlds." 28.1 (2002): 72-74.
Sim, Lorraine. “No ‘Ordinary Day’: The Hours, Virginia Woolf and Everyday Life.” 31.1 (2005): 60-70.
---. “Stained Dress.” Poem. 31.2 (2005): 171.
Simić, Olivera. “From: Surviving Peace: A Political Memoir.” 39.1/2 (2013): 126-147.
Simic, Zora. “A New Age?: Australian Feminism and the 1940’s.” 32.1 (2006): 152-72.
Simons, Moya. "The Yellowing." Story. 19.2 (1993): 91-94.
Simpkin, Gay. "Women for Aotearoa: Feminism and Maori Sovereignty." 20.2 (1994): 226-238.
Simmons, Dorothy. “Water and Bridges.” Story. 40.1 (2014): 155-163.
Singh, Lesley. "Story Bridge Story." Story. 19.2 (1993): 30-38.
Skelton, Jane. "Beer Guts and High Round Bellies." Story. 11.1 (1985): 121-25.
---. "Wild Cattle." Story. 14.1 (1988): 37-39.
---. "Earth Eaters." Story. 29.1 (2003): 106-114.
---. “Looking After Cecily.” Story. 31.1 (2005): 120-24.
Smallacombe, Sonia. "Speaking Positions on Indigenous Violence." 30.1 (2004): 47-55.
Smith, Angela. “Motherlode.” Poem. 36.1/2 (2010): 213.
---. “Fading.” Poem. 213. 36.1/2 (2010): 213.
---. “Holy anorexia.” Poem. 37.1 (2011): 178.
---. “The art of losing.” Poem. 37.1 (2011): 178.
Smith, Ali. "Rosalee." Poem. 21.2 (1995): 57.
---. "Waking in the Night." Poem. 21.2 (1995): 57.
Smith, Erica. "Marriage." Story. 13.2 (1987/88): 30.
Smith, Joan and Kirsten Mellor. "Reproducing the Sexual Division of Labour." 11.1 (1985): 39-56.
Smith, Linda Tuhiwai. "In Search of a Language and a Shareable Imaginative World: E Kore Taku Moe E Riro I A Koe." 20.2 (1994): 162-174.
Smith, Lou. “Home.” Poem. 42.1 (2016): 108.
---. “After The Downpour.” Poem. 42.1 (2016): 108.
---. “Belgrave Rd.” Poem. 42.1 (2016): 109.
Smith, Meg and Michael Lyons. “WorkChoices and Pay Equity.” 33.1 (2007): 81-93.
Smith, Patricia Juliana. “’Everything to Dread from the Disposessed’: Changing Scenes and the End of the Modernist Heroine in Elizabeth Bowen’s Eva Trout.” 35.1/2 (2009): 228-249.
---. “Auto-da-Fay: Fay Weldon’s Cosmopolitan Feminism in Her Autobiographical Writings.” 40.2 (2014): 123-139.
Smith, Sari. “Shoes that Light Up: Women’s Memoirs of Illness and Disablilty.” 31.1 (2005): 125-32.
Smyth, Ailbhe. "Contemporary French Feminism: Bibliography." 9.1/2 (1983): 203-36.
Sobott, Gaele. "Gesceap." 38.1/2 (2012): 153-157.
Somerville, Margaret. "Life History Writing: The Relationship Between Talk and Text." 17.1 (1991): 95-109.
Sometimes, Alicia. "The Questions." Poem. 28.2 (2002): 124.
---. "Caroline Herschel and the Stamp of Near Fame." Poem. 28.2 (2002): 123.
Sonneborn, Carrie-Louise. "Idle Promises." Poem. 18.1 (1992): 103-104.
Spark, Ceridwen. "Gender and Radiance. " 27.2 (2001): 38-49.
Sparrow, Jeff. “’Signed Up In a Rebel Band’: Lesbia Harford Re-Viewed.” 32.1 (2006): 8-35.
Spearritt, Katie. "The Market for Marriage in Colonial Queensland." 16.1\2 (1990): 23-42.
Speck, Catherine. “Contesting Modernism. Flowers, Portraits, Gum Trees: My Father and Me.” 35.1/2 (2009): 108-123.
Speedy, Allana. Portrait photograph. 13.2 (1987/88): 80.
Speers, Edith. "The Colour of My Van." Poem. 20.1 (1994): 61.
Spencer, Beth. "The Secret Love Affair." Poem. 10.1 (1984): 105-6.
---. "For Anita." Poem. 10.2 (1984): 88-9.
Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty and Sneja Gunew. "Questions of Multiculturalism." Discussion. 12.1/2: 136-142.
Stanford, Susan. "Suffragette." Poem. 30.2 (2004): 114-121.
Stasko, Nicolette. "Lumeah Street." Poem. 13.1 (1987): 74-5.
---. “Dear Gwen”. Poem. 40.1 (2014): 164.
---. “Dear Rosemary.” Poem. 40.1 (2014): 165.
Steenhuis, Aafke. See Amsberg, Kiki. 9.1/2.
Steffensen, Jyanni. "Things Change...And About Time Too: A Critical Review of Women's Erotic Writing." 15.2 (1989): 26-33.
Stein, Clarissa. "Making Sense of Foreign Words." Poem. 20.1 (1994): 62.
---. "Necessary Surgery." Poem. 21.1 (1995): 108.
Stenson, Jocelyn. "Sixteen." Poem. 12.1/2 (1986): 166-7.
Stephens, Elizabeth. "Sea Change." Poem. 26.1 (2000): 51.
Stephenson, Peta. Finding Common Ground: Indigenous and Asian Diasporic Cultural Production in Australia. 27.2 (2001): 59-67.
Stevens, Lara. “‘Mother? Nature?’: Germaine Greer, Contemporary Feminisms and New Materialisms.” 44.1/2 (2018): 156-170.
Stewart, Heather. "Feminism and Male Chauvinism in the Writings of Christina Stead (1902-1983)." 29.2 (2003): 113-122.
Stone, Janey. "Bibliography: Women, Work and Struggle." 4.2 (1978): 78-96.
---. "Women's Liberation: Reforms or Revolution?" 5.1 (1979): 22-30.
---. "Women, Work and Struggle: A Bibliography, Part II." 6.2 (1980): 122-28.
---. "Bibliography: Women, Work and Struggle (Update)." 7.1 (1981): 120-28.
---. "Brazen Hussies and God's Police: Feminist Historiography and the Depression." 8.1 (1982): 6-25.
---. "Women's Struggles in the Third World." Rev. of Miranda Davies, Third World: Second Sex: Women's Struggles and National Liberation. 10.1 (1984): 82-85.
---. "'Iron Ladies': Women in the 1984-5 British Miners' Strike." 11.2 (1985): 7-32.
---. "Response to Julie Marcus." 15.1 (1989): 64-8.
Storz, Moni Lai. From Notes to My Sisters. Story. 16.1\2 (1990): 43-47.
---. "The Search for Xiao Li's Head: A Magical tale of Female Re-memberment." Story. 22.1 (1996): 47-50.
---. "The Young Poetess." Story. 18.2 (1992): 58-63.
Strachan, Glenda, John Burgess and Lindy Henderson. “‘I Just Juggle’: Work and Family Balance in Australian Organisations.” 33.1 (2007): 94-111.
Street, Jessie. Portrait drawing. 5.2 (1979): 90.
Street, Maryan. "Songs of Sexual Politics from Across the Sea. " 26.2 (2000): 94-96.
Stricker, Anneliese. "Tide Turn." Poem. 21.2 (1995): 24.
Studdert, Fiona. "Separatism on the Dole." Poem. 14.1 (1988): 54.
Sturm, J.C. "Under Threat." Poem. 20.2 (1994): 185.
---. "Splitting the Stone." Poem. 20.2 (1994): 183-184.
---. "To an Old Flame." Poem. 20.2 (1994): 186.
---. "Spring Song." Poem. 21.1 (1995): 55-56.
Sullivan, Barbara. "Women and the Current Queensland State Government." 19.2 (1993): 8-26.
Sullivan, Martin. "Hetty Ross Formerly Hetty Weitzel." 22.1 (1996): 127-138.
Sullivan, Yvonne. "Peahen Displaying." Poem. 1.1 (1975): 50.
---. "Suburban Neurosis." Poem. 2.1 (1976): 70.
Summers, Anne. "The Unwritten History of Adela Pankhurst Walsh." 4.2 (1978): 41-48.
Summy, Hilary. “Margaret Thorp and the Anti-Conscription Campaign in Brisbane 1915-1917.” 32.1 (2006): 59-76.
Sumner, Kate. "Seed." Story. 25.1 (1999): 89-93.
Sunderland, Jane. "'Sin Begins With a Woman': An Account of Some Aspects of Sexism at the University of Papua New Guinea." 3.2 (1977): 62-76.
---. "'Lines Driven Deep': Radical Departures, or the Same Old Story For Prichard's Women?" 4.1 (1978): 6-24.
---. "Australian Feminist Periodicals in the Seventies." 5.2 (1978): 22-30.
---. "A Form of Resistance: The Problematic Protagonist in the Novels of Kylie Tennant." 5.1 (1979): 87-100.
---. "The Feminism of Eleanor Marx." 9.1/2 (1983): 84-79.
Sunitha. "Reminiscence." Story. 13.2 (1987/88): 107-112.
Surrey, Amanda. “My France.” Story. 42.2 (2016): 124-27.
Susadalgo. "Grandma's Tale." Story. 21.1 (1995): 98-99.
---. "My (Re)birth." Poem. 21.1 (1995): 99.
Sussex, Lucy. "Cherchez la Femme: Finding Mrs Fortune." 14.2 (1988): 56-65.
---. "Speculating Women." 15.1 (1989): 93-7.
---. “The Night Witches.” Story. 40.2 (2014): 24-34.
Sweeney, Bronwyn. "Beth's Story." Story. 12.1/2 (1986): 130-5.
Sydney Art Society (subject). "The Antique Class . . ." Etching. 6.2 (1980): 119.
Sykes, Patricia. "Daughters of the Sea." Poem. 21.2 (1995): 58-59.
---. "Fishing the Sea." Poem. 23.2 (1997): 110-111.
--- "The Hand-Me-Down Secrets of a Red Skirt." Poem. 23.2 (1997): 112-113.
Sykes, Roberta. "Cycle." Poem. 14.1 (1988): 31-2.
---. "Racism/Many Faces." Poem. 14.1 (1988): 32.
---. "Nite-and-Day Lounge." Story. 15.1 (1989): 33-41.
---. "Blacks in the Public Sphere." 17.1 (1991): 51-53.
---. "Identities: Who Am I?." 17.2 (1991): 32-34.
Synge, Lesley. “A Woman’s Place.” Poem. 41.1/2 (2015): 137-138. See also Lesley Wenck.
---. “Ructions and Resilience: A Family Crisis and the Meteor Park Orphanage, 1916.” 44.1/2 (2018): 175-188.
---. “Chinese Puzzle in Seven Pieces.” Story. 42.1 (2016): 31-48.
Syson, Ian. "In Search of Betty Collins." 15.2 (1989): 51-57.
---. "It's My Party and I'll Cry If I Want To: Recent Autobiographical Writings of Australian Women Communists." 22.2 (1996): 144-153.
---. "'The Problem Was Finding the Time': Working Class Women's Writing in Australasia." 19.2 (1993): 65-84.
Tacon, Shana. "Waves from the Oceanic Floor: Women Writing the Sea." 26.2 (2000): 160-170.
Tait, Lilian (LiLian). "And She Was Right." Poem. 10.2 (1984): 40-1.
---. "Hi Ho Hilda." Poem. 10.2 (1984): 42.
---. "Another Lost Customer." Poem. 10.2 (1984): 41.
---. "Letter From My Mother." Poem. 10.2 (1984): 43.
---. "To Ring the Police." Poem. 10.2 (1984): 44.
---. "Biker's Wedding." Poem. 11.1 (1985): 57-60.
---. "Vanguard." Poem. 11.1 (1985): 61.
---. "Certain Progress." Poem. 11.1 (1985): 62-3. Missing verse printed on an erratum sheet in 11.2 (1985).
---. "Some Days…" Poem. 15.1 (1989): 25.
---. "You Can't Fool Me Again." Poem. 15.1 (1989): 25.
---. "Mainline." Poem. 15.1 (1989): 24.
---. "Fountains Weren't Meant to be Predictable." Poem. 16.1\2 (1990): 119.
---. "Believe Me." Poem. 17.2 (1991): 154.
---. "Hard Week Ahead." Poem. 17.2 (1991): 154.
---. "There Is Always One Who Is Different." Poem. 16.1\2 (1990): 119.
---. "Corn Gone." Poem. 23.2 (1997): 41.
Tait, Trudi. "Not 'Glamorous War Work'." 18.1 (1992): 113-116.
Takolander, Maria. “Ghost Story.” Poem 33.1 (2007): 243.
---. “To the Grave.” Story. 36.1/2 (2010): 223-227.
---. “The Old World." Poem. 38.1/2 (2012): 92.
Tamisari, Franca. "When is Aboriginal Aboriginal Too Much? (Not a Hump but a Historical Speed Bump)." 30.1 (2004): 96-99.
Tanner, Claire. "Modernity's 'New Women': Visual Culture and Gender." 37.2 (2011): 4-41.
Taylor, Anthea. "What's New About 'the New Femininity'? Feminism, Femininity and the Discourse of the New." 29.2 (2003): 182-198.
Taylor, Helen. See Saunders, Kay. 14.1
Taylor, Megan Mooney. “Considering the Triangular Masculine Controlling Gaze: Gendered Authorial Intent in Norman Lindsay’s The Cousin from Fiji and Dust or Polish?” 44.1/2 (2018): 76-84.
Tennant, Kylie (subject). Portrait photograph. 5.1 (1979): 91.
Temperton, Barbara. “Bianca.” Poem. 37.1 (2011): 172.
Te Waru Rewiri. "Whenua/Wahine/Whenua." Painting. 20.2 (1994): cover.
---. Marine. Etchings. 22.2 (1996): cover, 10. 66.
Thatcher, Kerry. "Dialogue for Breakfast." Story. 13.1 (1987): 100.
Theocharous, Tessa. "The Surrogates." Poem. 26.1 (2000): 50.
Thibodeaux, Sandra. "I'm Not Your Wet Dream Baby." Poem. 23.1 (1997): 52.
---. "Remnants." Poem. 30.1 (2004): 253.
Third, Amanda. "Nuclear Terrorists: Patty Hearst and the Terrorist Family." 28.2 (2002): 82-99.
Thomis, Malcolm. See Grimmett, Jenny. 6.1.
Thompson, Jaqueline. "The Letter." Poem. 17.2 (1991): 163.
Thompson, Cathy. Drawings. 23.2 (1997): 148-151.
Thorndyke, Julie. “A Sailor’s Wish.” 36.1/2 (2010): 205-206.
---. “Christmas Cantata 2009.” 36.1/2 (2010): 207.
Thorne, Alison. "Politics, Paedophilia and Free Speech: The Witch Hunt Continues." 11.2 (1985): 63-74.
Thornton, Merle. "Consciousness Raising, the Unconscious and Juliet Mitchell." 1.2 (1975): 79-86.
---. "Scenes from a Life in Feminism." 25.2 (1999): 27-35.
---. "Elephant Rock." Story. 29.2 (2003): 317-27.
Thorpe, Billy. Untitled. (Woman and children). Drawing. 2.1 (1976): 14.
Throssell, Karen. "Source of Life Not for Sale..." Poem. 38.1/2 (2012): 104.
---. “The Colour of Money." Poem. 38.1/2 (2012): 105-106.
Thurloe, Helen. "Living Laundry." Poem. 37.2 (2011): 148.
Tidswell, Toni. “A Clever Queen Learns the Wisdom of God: The Queen of Sheba in the Hebrew Scriptures and the Qur’an.” 33.2 (2007): 43-55.
Tiffin, Helen. "The Creole Skeleton in the English Closet." Rev. of Louis James, Jean Rhys. 5.2 (1979): 97-102.
Tipple, Barbara. "Creativity - A Personal Question." Poem. 14.1 (1988): 51-4.
Toffoletti, Kim. "Media Implosion: Posthuman Bodies at the Interface." 29.1 (2003): 151-165.
Tompkins, Joanne. "What We Want and What We Get: Renée's Jeannie Once." 20.2 (1994): 243-250.
Toone, Kate. “Come Back for Us: A Critical Reflection on the Shared History of Queers and Sex Workers and Our Need for Solidarity.” 44.1/2 (2018): 110-121.
Townsley, Gillian. “Wittig’s Lesbian and the Corinthian Men: Problematising Categories of Sex in Cor 11.2-16.” 33.2 (2007): 56-73.
Tracy, Lorna. "Wool." Story. 1.1 (1975): 67-80.
Tracy, Marion. “Womb.” Poem. 34.2 (2008): 158.
---. “Doll.” Poem. 34.2 (2008): 159-160.
Trayhurn, Samantha. “Particular Bodies: Exploring a Corporeal Writing.” 43.1&2 (2017): 10-19.
Trenfield, Karen. "On the Role of Biology in Feminist Ideology." 3.2 (1977): 41-56.
---. "Feminist Science Fiction: Reality or Fantasy: A Review of Some Recent Science Fiction by Women." 4.1 (1978): 99-108.
---. "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Scientist: Woman and Science Today." 21.1 (1995): 149-172.
Truslove, Mark. "U." Poem. 20.1 (1994): 93.
Tseen-Ling Khoo. "Who Are We Talking About? Asian-Australian Women Writers: An Overview." 22.2 (1996): 11-30.
Tucker, Shirley. "Jury Service." 23.2 (1997): 158-159.
Turner Hospital, Janette. "Credit Repair." 28.1 (2002): 57-71.
---. “Mishka.” Story. 32.1 (2006): 98-106.
---. "On the Czech-Slovak Border." 38.1/2 (2012): 207-9.
---. “About That Flag.” Story. 41.1/2 (2015): 166- 70.
Turner, Kaitlain. "Swansea Female Torso." Picture: Indian Ink, black biro, silver pentel. 30.1 (2004): 103.
Ulman, Abigail E. “The Birth of Shame.” Poem. 33.1 (2007): 248-250.
Utting, Susie. “Stillborn.” Poem. 36.1/2 (2010): 158.
---. “Swings & Slides.” Poem. 36.1/2 (2010): 159.
Unknown. "Demonstration in International Women's Year 1975." Photograph. 16.1\2 (1990): cover.
Van Acker, Liz. “The Howard Government’s Budgets: Stay-at-Home Mothers Good- Single Mothers Bad.” 31.2 (2005): 90-102.
---, and Janis Bailey. “Institutions and Activism around Women and Work at a Time of Change.” 33.1 (2007): 43-60.
Van Rijswijk, Philomena. “Blue Lake Beans and Others.” Poem. 33.2 (2007): 135-137.
---. “The Frogs Sang Me Back.” Poem. 33.2 (2007): 138-139.
Vaux, Janet. "Women Workers and Trade Unions in 19th Century Britain." 4.1 (1978): 57-66.
Venzo, Paul. “Ghost Town Travels: Homo-recollections in a Post-gay Era.” 44.1/2 (2018): 47-58.
Vickose, Rhonda. "Today." Poem. 22.2 (1996): 102.
Vickery, Ann. “An Uncanny Vernacular: Comparing the Radical Modernisms of Lorine Niedecker and Lesbia Harford.” 35.1/2 (2009): 77-93.
Vishedyke, Manja. "Cummer Waltzing." Story. 10.2 (1984): 72-7.
Vose, Julia. "Dilation." Poem. 2.1 (1976): 71.
Wakeling, Donna. "Two Feminist Vegetarian Dykes." Poem. 24.2 (1998): 150.
Wakoski, Diane. "Recognizing That My Wrists Always Have Salmon Leaping For Spring in Them." Poem. 1.1 (1975): 48-9.
---. "How Do You Tell a Story." Poem. 1.2 (1975): 57-60.
---. "Rapunzel and the Coyote." Poem. 2.1 (1976): 58-9.
Walker, Faith. "I Grieve for Audrey June." 22.2 (1996): 82-86.
Walker, Joyce. Portrait photograph. 13.2 (1987/88): 13.
Walker, Kath. "Dead Wood." Poem. 9.1/2 (1983): 140.
---. "Black Commandments." Poem. 9.1/2 (1983): 141.
Walker, Lisa. "The Krill Issue." Story. 38.1/2 (2012): 72-77.
Waller, Louise. “Cleaning house on a day off instead of writing.” Poem. 32.1 (2006): 140.
Walsh, Gabrielle. From “Running As Fast As I Can.” Unpublished memoir. 42.2 (2016): 148-57.
Walsh, Mary. "Beauvoir, Feminisms and Ambiguities." 26.1 (2000): 171-184.
Walsh, Pete. “Mimetic Desire and Abjection: The Social Construction of Woman in Winterson’s The Passion and McBride’s A Girl is a Half-Formed Thing.” 43.1&2 (2017): 78-94.
Walter, Leslie. "Why All the Stuff?" Poem. 23.1 (1997): 54-55.
---. "Wanted." Poem. 24.2 (1998): 65-66.
---. "Stepmothers and Stepdaughters." Poem. 26.2 (2000): 189.
Walwicz, Ania. "Girls." Poem. 10.1 (1984): 54.
---. "Lala." Poem. 10.1 (1984): 55.
---. "Boon Heart." Poem. 10.1 (1984): 56.
---. "Night." Poem. 12.1/2 (1986): 107.
---. "Fat." Poem. 12.1/2 (1986): 106.
---. "Translate." Poem. 13.2 (1987/88): 73.
Wander, Waif (Mary Fortune). Photograph including Wander's husband, Percy Brett. 14.2 (1988): 65.
Wandor, Michelene. "Whores d'Oeuvres." Play. 6.2 (1980): 88-112.
Ward, Mary. "The Gums of Namatjira." Poem. 20.1 (1994): 60.
Ward, Margaret. "'The Boldest and Most Unmanageable Revolutionaries': Anna Parnell and the Ladies' Land League."7.2 (1981): 70-87.
Waters, Kim. "Nude Standing (Self-Portrait)." Story. 27.1 (2001): 133-134.
---. "Valse Frontenac". Story. 28.1 (2002): 89-96.
Watson, Chris. "To Sit Down and Write that Book." Interview with Jackie Huggins. 26.2 (2000): 146-154.
Watson, Christine. Interview: Ruby Langford Ginibi and Penny van Toorn. 25.2 (1999): 156-163.
---. Interview: Nugi Garimari/Doris Pilkington. 28.1 (2002): 23-38.
---. "Autobiographical Writing as Healing Process: Interview with Alice Masak French." 25.1 (1999): 169-181.
Watson, Chris and Paul McDermmott. "Gunana Is the Land of My Dreams That's Rich in Culture With Its Background." Interview with Labumore Elsie Roughsey. 24.2 (1998): 159-172.
Watson, Gail. "Closet Verse." Poem. 20.1 (1994): 99.
---. "Leaving Home." Poem. 20.1 (1994): 98-99.
Watson, Irene. Portrait photograph. 13.2 (1987/88): 84.
Watson, Paul J. "Letter. Response to Gillian Whitlock." 22.2 (1996): 154-155.
Webb, Caroline. "Forming Feminism: Structure and Ideology in Charades and 'The Djinn in Nightingale's Eye'." 29.1 (2003): 132-141.
Webb, Jen. "Virginia Wolfe." Poem. 21.1 (1995): 34.
Webb, Rosemary. “Addressing Work: Industrial Women and Organising in the Interwar Years.” 31.1 (2007): 8-27.
Webber, Katherine and Helen Johnson. “Women, Peace Building and Political Inclusion: A Case Study from Solomon Islands.” 34.2 (2008): 83-99.
Webley, Irene. "'Women Who Want to be Women' in Australian Politics in the 1980s." 9.1/2 (1983): 7-24.
Wedding group, Queensland, 1910-20 (subject). Photograph. 16.1\2 (1990): 36.
Weeks, Patricia. "'Getting Taken Seriously by the Guys:' Women Training for Non-Traditional Occupations." 17.1 (1991): 54-60.
Weinstock, Jane. See Gibbs, Anna. 6.2.
Welch, Sarah St Vincent. "Communion." Story. 22.1 (1996): 126.
Wells, Julie. "Points of Departure." Rev. of Jean Devanny, Point of Departure. 13.1 (1987): 129-31.
Wels, Barbara. "She Just Can't Talk." Story. 16.1\2 (1990): 148-150.
Wenck, Lesley. "Alexandra Kollontai: Liberation and Revolution." 4.1 (1978): 94-8. See also Lesley Synge.
Werth, Shalene. “Survival of the Male Breadwinner.” 37.1 (2011): 145-156.
Weste, Linda. "Don't let them teach you . . ." Poem. 15.2 (1989): 34.
White, Helen. "Women in the Theatre in Aotearoa." 12.1/2 (1986): 158-65.
White, Jessica. "Efflorescence: the Letters of Georgiana Molloy." 28.2 (2002): 176-190.
---. “Medium/Machine: The Writing of Rosa Praed and Nancy Harward.” 42.1 (2016): 69- 83.
White, Rae. “destination. journey.” Poem. 44.1/2 (2018): 39.
---. “gut punch.” Poem. 44.1/2 (2018): 40.
---. “poach breach.” Poem. 44.1/2 (2018): 40.
Whitlock, Gillian. "Doris Lessing: A Selective Bibliography." 6.1 (1980): 102-10.
---. "The River Ophelia: Trawling the Net." 22.1 (1996): 161-164.
---. "My Mother's Mouth." 26.1 (2000): 128-132.
Wiggington, Tracey. "A Perspective on Long-Term Imprisonment." 28.1 (2002): 163-165.
Wilkins, Carole. "Housewife." Poem. 10.2 (1984): 90.
---. "City of Soap." Poem. 10.2 (1984): 89.
---. "Young Mothers." Poem. 11.1 (1985): 120.
Willetts, Kathy. "In Search of the Authentic Voice." 16.1\2 (1990): 167-170.
Williams, Barbara. "The Emma Miller Award for Women Unionists." 26.2 (2000): 92-93.
Williams, Claire. "Working Class Women in an Australian Mining Town." 2.1 (1976): 7-20.
Williams, Helen. "RSI." Poem. 22.1 (1996): 63.
---. "Walking Wombs." Poem. 25.1 (1999): 106-108.
Williams, Peter. See Greenfield, Cathy. 13.2.
Williamson, Caroline. "Australian Rules." Poem. 17.2 (1991): 194.
Wilson, Amanda. "Requiem." Poem. 18.2 (1992): 52-53.
---. "Coldness." Poem. 18.2 (1992): 51.
Wilson, Andrina. "Battered." Poem. 30.1 (2004): 250-251.
Wilson, Elizabeth. "Feminism Today." 30.1 (2004): 212-221
Wilson, Janet. "The Maori at War and Strategic Survival: Tu by Patricia Grace." 34.1 (2008): 89-103.
Wilson, Jennifer. "In My Father's House." Story. 13.1 (1987): 123-5.
Windred, Jo. "Stretched Elastic and Story Time." Story. 21.1 (1995): 53-54.
Winter, Alix. "Writing and Skin." 27.1 (2001): 174-86.
Wisker, Gina. "Negotiating Passages: Asian and Black Women's Writing in Britain." 30.1 (2004): 10-30.
---. “Places, People and Time Passing: Virginia Woolf’s Haunted Houses.” 37.1 (2011): 4-26.
---. “’I Am Not That Girl”: Disturbance, Creativity, Play, Echoes, Liminality, Self-Reflection and Stream of Consciousness in Eimear McBride’s A Girl Is a Half-formed Thing.” 41.1/2 (2015): 57-78.
---.“Angela Carter’s Revelations and Revaluations of Dark Desires: Unwinding the Winding Sheets of Constraining Myths and Horror.” 43.1&2 (2017): 43-61.
Wongar, B. "The Ant-Woman." Story. 13.2 (1987/88): 141-4.
Wood, Briar. "Force Landings." Poem. 20.2 (1994): 42-44.
---. "Finding the Words." Poem. 20.2 (1994): 45.
---. "Between the Roses and the Taupata: J.C. Sturm Interviewed by Briar Wood." 20.2 (1994): 175-182.
---. "'I Need No Definition': Roma Potiki Interviewed by Briar Wood." 21.1 (1995): 58-63.
---. "Freedom and Responsibility: Narrating Maori Women's Lives in Patricia Grace's Cousins." 34.1 (2008): 72-88.
Wood, Marianne. "Brae City." Story. 20.1 (1994): 28.
---. "The Room." Story. 20.1 (1994): 29-32.
Woodhouse, Jena (Jennifer). "Heritage." Poem. 13.1 (1987): 76.
---. "Mahmoul." Poem. 14.2 (1988): 51.
---. "Living Too Close to the Bone." Rev. of Chrystos, Not Vanishing, Wanda Coleman, Heavy Daughter Blues, and Bobbi Sykes Love Poems and Other Revolutionary Actions. 14.2 (1988): 85-90.
---. "Women Walk Home: Cyprus 19.3.89." 19.1 (1993): 137-42.
---. "Winter Village." Poem. 22.1 (1996): 123-4.
---. "Monemvasia." Poem. 22.1 (1996): 122.
---. "Hometown Freeway Blues." Poem. 22.1 (1996): 121.
---. From Waiting for Thanatos: "Like a Heron, Fishing," "Cicadas," "Like the First Morning." Poems. 24.1 (1998): 109-110.
---. "In Old Baghdad, Sheherazade…" Poem. 30.2 (2004): 199.
---. "Sheherazade in Cyberspace." Poem. 30.2 (2004): 199-200.
---. "Footprints." Poem. 30.2 (2004): 200-01.
---. “Dream Journal.” Poem. 31.1 (2005): 28-9.
---. “Mount Belles.” Poem. 31.1 (2005): 29-30.
---. “Poinciana.” Poem. 31.2 (2005): 167-8.
---. “Voices in the Wind.” Story. 32.1 (2006): 77-80.
---. "Little Bird." Story. 33.1 (2007): 190-92.
---. "A Room at the Signora's." Poem. 34.1 (2008): 51.
---. “’Touch me not’.” Story. 34.2 (2008): 137-141.
---. “Praise Be.” Story. 37.1 (2011): 157-59.
---. “Spitfire Girls." Poem. 37.2 (2011): 143-4.
---. “Night Nurse." Poem. 37.2 (2011): 144.
---. “My daughter’s feet.” Poem. 39.1/2 (2013): 173-4.
---. “Moscow Quintet.” Poem. 42.1 (2016): 110-13.
Woodward, Nancy Hatch. "Bibliography: Women Writers of Malaysia and Singapore. Part I: Poetry in English." 19.2 (1993): 140-48.
---. "Bibliography: Women Writers of Malaysia and Singapore. Part II: Fiction in English." 20.1 (1994): 164-173.
Wright, Alexis. “Interview with Kerry O’Brien for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation ‘7.30 Report’ programme televised on 21 June 2007.” 33.1 (2007): 215-219.
Wright, Sue. "The True Life of Baxter de Wall." Story. 17.2 (1991): 70-4.
Wright, Belinda. "Linthorpe St." Poem. 27.1 (2001): 167.
---. "Letter to a Live Poet." Poem. 27.1 (2001): 168.
Wyld, Frances. “In the Land of Mer.” Story. 41.1/2 (2015): 129- 133.
Yahp, Beth. "Talking Story." Story. 14.2 (1988): 79-81.
Yanoshi Azmi. "Catharsis." Poem. 3.2 (1977): 77-9.
Yaping, Tang. "Mother and Daughter." Poem. 21.1 (1995): 67.
Yates, Gloria. "Cat War." Poem. 18.2 (1992): 88-89.
---. "An Outrage." Poem. 18.2 (1992): 87.
---. "Forget Forgot Forgetting Forgotten." Poem. 19.2 (1993): 124-7.
---. "Mothers' Day." Poem. 21.1 (1995): 30.
Ye, Xie. "I Finally Turn Round." Poem. 21.1 (1995): 66.
Yee, Grace. “Speaking as a Settler Chinese Woman in Aotearoa New Zealand: An “Utterly Charming Picture of Oriental Womanhood.” 42.1 (2016): 7-30.
Yeo, Eileen Janes. “Constructing and Contesting Motherhood, 1750-1950.” 31.2 (2005): 4-20.
Young, Cathy, "Sleazy Jobs: Alternative work – 1990s, South Australia." Poem. 28.2 (2002): 119-20.
---. "Beat the Rugs on Saturday: Migrant Life – 1970s, Melbourne." Poem. 28.2 (2002): 121-22.
---. "So What Was it Like (In The Hom Institutional Labour – pre 1980s, South Australia." Poem. 29.1 (2003): 75-6.
---. "The Yugoslav Women and Their Pickled Herrings: Rubber Company – 1971, Melbourne." Poem. 29.2 (2003): 300-01.
---. "The Birdcage." Poem. 29.2 (2003): 302.
---. “Anomie.” Poem. 34.2 (2008): 161-64.
Young, Pam. "The Hatpin - A Weapon: Women and the 1912 Brisbane General Strike." 14.2 (1988): 6-20.
Yuanfang, Shen. "Sexuality in East-West Encounters: Shanghai Baby and Mistaken Love." 27.2 (2001): 97-105.
Yuille, Belinda. "Aurore Dupin . . ." Poem. 2.1 (1976): 91.
Yun, Hing Ai. “Mothers’ Money in Singapore.” 37.1 (2011): 119-44.
Zajdow, Grazyna. "Learning To Live Without It: Women, Biography and Methadone." 25.2 (1999): 63-79.
Zanardo, Margaret. “The Garden.” Poem. 43.1&2 (2017): 116.
Zavaglia, Liliana. "The Light Keeper." 38.1/2 (2012): 223-27.
Zetkin, Klara. Portrait photograph. 7.1 (1981): 10.
Zetlin, Di. "Klara Zetkin - Inadequate Feminist?" 7.1 (1981): 5-23.
Zobl, Elke. "Persephone is Pissed! Grrrl Zine Reading, Making, and Distributing Across the Globe." 30.2 (2004): 156-75.